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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by RedGander

  1. Best solution would be to not unban the X-rayers on a map start but instead leave it a week before unbanning them, allows more legit playres to get diamonds first.


    I like this a lot. I think this is more discouraging because you miss the funnest part of a faction wars map.

    Yeah that's a really smart solution.

  2. While the server seems to be in the "time to change things so that players actually like it" mode, I think that most of us would appreciate a timed teleport for /f home. It's stupid when someone's getting raided, and they instantly f home  when they get low on health. Some people that I've seen even have macros to just push a button to go home while hitting me at the same time, not even having to type the command.


    I know a long teleport time is boring, but even a short three second teleport would make pvp a lot more interesting.

  3. Good luck Kodauer, this is the first admin app I have actually wished good luck.


    I've seen his world edit and building skills in action so I can vouch for that, along with his general maturity.

  4. Seems it's possible to put a custom limit on the enchantment level, already found a plugin for it.

    Let's try this next map:

    Max (normal / fire / projectile) protection lvl: 2

    Max sharpness lvl: 4

    Max bow power lvl: 3

    After checking the values on the Minecraft wiki, this seems reasonable. It evens out the PvP playing field but still allows some upgrading.

    I'll also looking at nerfing the instant damage potion to compensate somewhat.

    Thank goodness :D Looking forward to the change.

  5. Potions are fine, maybe add a timer between the pots thrown, but by no means should any potions be removed. The brewing stand area map was a complete fail, that should never happen again. Higher enchants such as sharp IV/V and prot III/IV removed would mean a lot more skill and strategy involved in pvp, making it a lot more fun. Making nether warts only grow in the nether would be gay, it would just mean xrayers just destroy your wart farms.


    And White, protection armor does protect against instant damage potions.

  6. I don't see how you guys enjoy Protection IV fights. I think ultimately that's what put me off Minecraft PvP. All tactics and teamwork went out the window only to be replaced by 10 minutes of left clicking and potion spamming. 


    I hate fights like that, it's not even skill anymore. I wish there were only very small enchants. The reason why the enchanting tower map failed was because it was only done halfway, which is NOT a good idea.

  7. why do we need changes in in the voting system?


    Headcrusher I thought this was glaringly obvious but ok. Almost no one votes right now because they have to vote on five different sites, all for very low rewards, and they have to find the voting links on the forum page instead of being able to do a command in game to be able to click links.

  8. I think the problem is that everyone does not have a lot of diamond , so people are scared to pvp when they might lose all the diamond they have in a fight.


    I know that in 1.2.5, everyone had boatloads of duped diamond (not saying I approve of this particular way), and people fought all the time because they knew they had backup supply.




    Please don't just say something like "Oh if you want diamonds just go mine some." Mining a full suit of diamonds takes a while, and a lot of people just get tempted to xray and then get banned forever - I know that they are temp bans now, but they are long enough that most new players will just leave the server if faced with that. The majority of players are too lazy or don't have sufficient time to mine many ores, and thus many players hide from a fight simply because they don't have diamonds to spare. Sometimes this map I just go out with no armor and a stone sword outside a base to troll, and then it's sad when they see my name tag and don't come out even if they have diamond gear.

  9. The new plugin helps, but the fact is that we still need more changes, especially with the GC shop and the voting system.


    Currently, no one votes, and nothing is being done to ameliorate that situation. The server is just losing players and not gaining any.

  10. Headcrusher if you would stop being blind and look at the cases, some of the bans are very questionable.


    It's not always clear cut who is a hacker and who isn't. I admire your loyalty to Mathijs, but you're puttting aside logic.

  11. .
    Lol maybe I will if you stop hiding even though when it's 5 v 1 AND you have better gear :P

    But you have ProtIV and half of my members dont have anything and i have iron armor only


    Wow really? I hardly play at all any more I haven't grinded any exp at all this map. I have like projectile protection, fire protection, and plain armor that i got from killing you with IRON armor.

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