noahchris Posted June 10, 2012 Posted June 10, 2012 (edited) Before the new anti-cheat plugin you could open 2 minecrafts and relog to spawn but since you cant anymore we need a /spawn command maby with a 20 seconds waiting time because of teleporting to spawn in the middle of a fight would be... pvpspawnreloggingcommandabuse Edited June 10, 2012 by noahchris stardude9 and D_Nalor 2
Baron Baconeer Posted June 10, 2012 Posted June 10, 2012 This is all fun and games, except for the fact that whatever whoever decides to vote for, it does not matter the slightest. L4D is not a democracy, and while you can suggest stuff, Clavus is the one making the decision and not the community.
Mathijs1996 Posted June 10, 2012 Posted June 10, 2012 Na, 20 secs a bit much.Just go live closer to a teleporter. Awesomeo said that he will ad more teleporters so Mrturbotrio 1
awesomeo_5000 Posted June 10, 2012 Posted June 10, 2012 The teleporters are mainly there to help people spread out. If after the first week people aren't spreading out I can see if we can change the end location of the teleporter to a different biome.That said, we're trialling large biomes next map. So things might be totally different if there are fewer oceans to cross.
Whimplash Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 (edited) I'll thoroughly explain the issue I personally have with a teleport command of any form. Please note, this is only my opinion and I am unaware of who supports my vision.Point 1. A command like that allows one-way teleportation from any random location directly to safety. Namely the safe-zone of the spawn-area.Point 2. A teleporter which is located in a safe-zone is a two-way operation. If you build close to it to use its functionality, you can be affected by it too.Now imagine the following, likely to happen, hypothetical situation: There is a faction and you are mobilizing a team to raid it.Situation 1 (using the /spawn command): Your team has to walk all the way to their base, giving them plenty of time to spot your movement on the Dynmap (unless you have cloak, they'd spot you visually) before you reach their base. After a short skirmish they panic mode and type /spawn. Now they are safe inside a safe-zone where they can't be harmed. Kind of sucks for the raiding party don't ya think?Situation 2 (using teleporters): Your team can either walk to your base OR USE the teleporter which WOULD have been their escape route. This way you dont even need to use the dynmap cloak in order to pull off an ambush. In order to escape now, they either have to abandon their base (but your raiding party is inbetween their base and the safe-zone, so that is easy-prey for you) or fight they can fight you, which is exactly what you want!Now think the request for the /spawn-command through again and let me know any valid arguments.Being too lazy to walk to spawn is not a valid argument.Edit: fixed typo where said "your" when should have been "their". Edited June 12, 2012 by Whimplash stardude9, Corby, Mr. Darkness and 2 others 5
jellyfish999111 Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 no /spawn is one of the things that makes this server great it encourages pvp when people travel between locations and ensures there are bases nearer to spawn aswell as just as far as you can possibly walk, that way more bases spread across the map = better raids and makes you actually have to plan with allies ect not just go im under attack and they go /spawn and theres 20 people there so much better without cmds like /spawn and definatley better with no tp
awesomeo_5000 Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 I like that you're more active on the forums Whimplash, you are full of wisdom Mr. Darkness 1
syncr0 Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 Situation 1 (using the /spawn command): Your team has to walk all the way to your base, giving them plenty of time to spot your movement on the Dynmap (unless you have cloak, they'd spot you visually) before you reach their base. After a short skirmish they panic mode and type /spawn. Now they are safe inside a safe-zone where they can't be harmed. Kind of sucks for the raiding party don't ya think?^This Quoted for truth
Guest Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 One thing we should try for a little bit is turning off certain features. One example is ender pearls. They are fun and all, but they have made the game worse. You used to be able to have an open base, but now, you have to be able to hide away from attackers by covering a roof. If anyone remembers what the server used to be like when people didn't hide away in their base, then you'd remember how everything changed when pearls were brought into the game. I think removing ender pearls would really get PVP a whole new level. I want to go back to the time where you would raid peoples bases with TNT and stuff. Not just go around teleporting and chopping heads off. Another thing I think should be turned off is enchanting. Back in the old days, PVP used to be about teamwork and strategy, and don't forget pure skill, but now, it's just how good your enchantments are. The same goes with potions. Removing these features would make people less afraid to fight. No one wants to loose their Highly enchanted sword, so people would rather hide, than fight.I think that removing these features would make the server more fun, and enjoyable. Faction wars should be more about sieging and defending bases, and that is definitely not happening on the server.
awesomeo_5000 Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 Jeb is reworking enchants. If we can prevent duping, just getting enough bookcases to use high level enchants will be more difficult. Whilst I would also prefer if we removed armour and weapon enchants, I think it's understandable to leave the combat vanilla. The issues we experience are not limited to this server and Jeb know's about the issues with PvP.
steve2003 Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 One thing we should try for a little bit is turning off certain features. One example is ender pearls. They are fun and all, but they have made the game worse. You used to be able to have an open base, but now, you have to be able to hide away from attackers by covering a roof. If anyone remembers what the server used to be like when people didn't hide away in their base, then you'd remember how everything changed when pearls were brought into the game. I think removing ender pearls would really get PVP a whole new level. I want to go back to the time where you would raid peoples bases with TNT and stuff. Not just go around teleporting and chopping heads off. Another thing I think should be turned off is enchanting. Back in the old days, PVP used to be about teamwork and strategy, and don't forget pure skill, but now, it's just how good your enchantments are. The same goes with potions. Removing these features would make people less afraid to fight. No one wants to loose their Highly enchanted sword, so people would rather hide, than fight.I think that removing these features would make the server more fun, and enjoyable. Faction wars should be more about sieging and defending bases, and that is definitely not happening on the server.I completely agree with this. The reason my faction went to Peacefull. Is the extreme amount of pearls available on the server. If you can't build an amazingly awesome and enormous base that protects you and your faction from PVP what's the point of playing. My faction does not plan on playing on the server when it is updated i unless the pearls are removed. Or at least the ability to have an unlimited supply of pearls.
syncr0 Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Enderpearls are actually not that easy to get, unless your faction has the end + end grinder. There arent that many enderman around a map + they dont always drop an enderpearl.The only reason we have this 'enderpearl problem', 'high enchantments', etc. is because a lot of people have tons of those because of the dupe glitch problem there was in the past.Same goes with diamonds. There's too many of them on the map. It's like every faction I raid has at least 1 stack of dia blocks... And as awesomeo_5000 said: Enchanting is being rebalanced so everyone will be able to enchant more easilyIn 1.3 you get enchantment from mining ores, smelting ores, etc. So exp grinding from spawners will be redundant.
Arild_ Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 One thing we should try for a little bit is turning off certain features. One example is ender pearls. They are fun and all, but they have made the game worse. You used to be able to have an open base, but now, you have to be able to hide away from attackers by covering a roof. If anyone remembers what the server used to be like when people didn't hide away in their base, then you'd remember how everything changed when pearls were brought into the game. I think removing ender pearls would really get PVP a whole new level. I want to go back to the time where you would raid peoples bases with TNT and stuff. Not just go around teleporting and chopping heads off. Another thing I think should be turned off is enchanting. Back in the old days, PVP used to be about teamwork and strategy, and don't forget pure skill, but now, it's just how good your enchantments are. The same goes with potions. Removing these features would make people less afraid to fight. No one wants to loose their Highly enchanted sword, so people would rather hide, than fight.I think that removing these features would make the server more fun, and enjoyable. Faction wars should be more about sieging and defending bases, and that is definitely not happening on the server.I agree about the potions. I use them all the time while fighting, like strenght and speed before a fight, plus healing and poison while fighting. From my own experience, a lot of people I fight don't have any of these, giving the few people that actually have nether warts a huge advantage. If you for instance use speed II potion in the end of a fight, those 40% extra movement speed makes it literary impossible for people to flee or chase you down, just like throwing an ender pearl into the distance when losing a fight. If you on the other hand use poison and the enemy doesn't, you can pretty much kill anyone almost without even using your own sword. As so few people I've fought use potions, and since they are so easy to mass produce when you got the nether warts, I think turning them off or at least trying to reduce their effectiveness would help balance the PvP to some degree due to their power.
hulpje Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 (edited) Enderpearls are actually not that easy to get, unless your faction has the end + end grinder. There arent that many enderman around a map + they dont always drop an enderpearl.since exp seems easier to get in 1.3 people get looting swords and can farm pearls quiet fast in the end. (If they have a portal)also pearls can still be (easymode) duped(created) but I guess only admins & few people know how. (lets keep it that way) Edited June 13, 2012 by hulpje
awesomeo_5000 Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Before the new anti-cheat plugin you could open 2 minecrafts and relog to spawn but since you cant anymore we need a /spawn command maby with a 20 seconds waiting time because of teleporting to spawn in the middle of a fight would be... pvpspawnreloggingcommandabuseI just reread this and suddenly realised why so many people are asking me for /spawn. There was never meant to be a way to fast travel to spawn. You all were glitching, and I told you before at some point it would be patched. Well, it has. And just become you became accustomed to it doesn't mean the server should unbalance its combat, you guys do that more than enough yourselves by duping.
Sacrevy Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Most of the servers have the ability to use /spawn, and if you exit the spawn, there's no way back.(as mathijs already said)
oogappeltje Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 (edited) One thing we should try for a little bit is turning off certain features. One example is ender pearls. They are fun and all, but they have made the game worse. You used to be able to have an open base, but now, you have to be able to hide away from attackers by covering a roof. If anyone remembers what the server used to be like when people didn't hide away in their base, then you'd remember how everything changed when pearls were brought into the game. I think removing ender pearls would really get PVP a whole new level. I want to go back to the time where you would raid peoples bases with TNT and stuff. Not just go around teleporting and chopping heads off. Another thing I think should be turned off is enchanting. Back in the old days, PVP used to be about teamwork and strategy, and don't forget pure skill, but now, it's just how good your enchantments are. The same goes with potions. Removing these features would make people less afraid to fight. No one wants to loose their Highly enchanted sword, so people would rather hide, than fight.I think that removing these features would make the server more fun, and enjoyable. Faction wars should be more about sieging and defending bases, and that is definitely not happening on the server.I agree about the potions. I use them all the time while fighting, like strenght and speed before a fight, plus healing and poison while fighting. From my own experience, a lot of people I fight don't have any of these, giving the few people that actually have nether warts a huge advantage. If you for instance use speed II potion in the end of a fight, those 40% extra movement speed makes it literary impossible for people to flee or chase you down, just like throwing an ender pearl into the distance when losing a fight. If you on the other hand use poison and the enemy doesn't, you can pretty much kill anyone almost without even using your own sword. As so few people I've fought use potions, and since they are so easy to mass produce when you got the nether warts, I think turning them off or at least trying to reduce their effectiveness would help balance the PvP to some degree due to their power.You can buy nether wart in the green coin store and then you can farm it. Is it so hard for people to just trade it for some diamonds Edited June 13, 2012 by oogappeltje
steve2003 Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Enderpearls are actually not that easy to get, unless your faction has the end + end grinder. There arent that many enderman around a map + they dont always drop an enderpearl.since exp seems easier to get in 1.3 people get looting swords and can farm pearls quiet fast in the end. (If they have a portal)also pearls can still be (easymode) duped(created) but I guess only admins & few people know how. (lets keep it that way)I think more than just a few know about the unlimited supply of pearls. Every old abandoned base I have cleaned has had a chest full of pearls what does that say if that's what's been left behind
Corby Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 I'll thoroughly explain the issue I personally have with a teleport command of any form. Please note, this is only my opinion and I am unaware of who supports my vision.Point 1. A command like that allows one-way teleportation from any random location directly to safety. Namely the safe-zone of the spawn-area.Point 2. A teleporter which is located in a safe-zone is a two-way operation. If you build close to it to use its functionality, you can be affected by it too.Now imagine the following, likely to happen, hypothetical situation: There is a faction and you are mobilizing a team to raid it.Situation 1 (using the /spawn command): Your team has to walk all the way to their base, giving them plenty of time to spot your movement on the Dynmap (unless you have cloak, they'd spot you visually) before you reach their base. After a short skirmish they panic mode and type /spawn. Now they are safe inside a safe-zone where they can't be harmed. Kind of sucks for the raiding party don't ya think?Situation 2 (using teleporters): Your team can either walk to your base OR USE the teleporter which WOULD have been their escape route. This way you dont even need to use the dynmap cloak in order to pull off an ambush. In order to escape now, they either have to abandon their base (but your raiding party is inbetween their base and the safe-zone, so that is easy-prey for you) or fight they can fight you, which is exactly what you want!Now think the request for the /spawn-command through again and let me know any valid arguments.Being too lazy to walk to spawn is not a valid argument.Edit: fixed typo where said "your" when should have been "their".This ^ Pretty much sums up where all the server admins are standing on this issue I think.
hulpje Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 (edited) I think more than just a few know about the unlimited supply of pearls. Every old abandoned base I have cleaned has had a chest full of pearls what does that say if that's what's been left behindThis is more likely the fault of the end spawner, not necessarily because they used the bug.Whenever anyone could enter the end they had access to the mob spawner where a full inventory of enderpearls didn't take much longer then 2minutes to get. And people with unlimited supply pearls just going to raid with 5 stacks in there bags and if they die other factions get lot of pearls that way. Edited June 14, 2012 by hulpje
jellyfish999111 Posted June 15, 2012 Posted June 15, 2012 well iv got a bit to say about al lthis- so il ljust satrt with the potions / enchants potions and enchants arent that hard to get, all it does is reward the player for playing longer or working harder, potions arent that hard to get all you have to do is as was just said trade a few diamonds for some warts, so thats hardly a problem, as for the enchants its only duping that is wrong spawners arent that hard to find and its not that hard to sit infront of one and kill mobs that spawn, if someone wants to put in the effort to get up that xp they should get to keep it, its basically rewarding them for playing long times on the server. as for pearls if the said infini pearls can be fixed there wont be a problem, WE COME HERE TO PLAY MINECRAFT not some game with everything about it removed...
awesomeo_5000 Posted June 15, 2012 Posted June 15, 2012 What has some of us complaining is that we played this server before the adventure update. Minecraft used to be a pretty casual game, you could play when you wanted then come back after a week and still be on a level playing field with others.The shift to the current system means there's a direct link between time played and effectivity at raiding. It's the same reason some people don't like things like certain mmorpgs where literally only the people that play for 18 hours a day rule the server.It's different, but as you said. People come to play Minecraft. I think it will get better when the enchant system is reworked with 1.3. As long as we can keep on top of duping we should be okay.
Clavus Posted June 15, 2012 Posted June 15, 2012 Wonder if the enchant system will get much better. Minecraft just isn't a good game for combat. The enchantment and potion system just make an inherently broken system even worse.
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