Chaimanner Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 I have a few ideas for next map to make the game either more fun, more difficult or more dangerous.First off, REMOVE ENCHANTING COMPLETELY. The enchanting system has been "improved" to a point where everyone has at least one enchantment. That's because mining ores get you XP, the enchanting level has been reduced from 50 to 30, which is actually good, and almost all LVL 30 enchantments get you 2 enchantments on your tool. So, it should be made that you cannot enchant no matter what, yet leave brewing stands and furnaces accessible to everyone.Second, there should be a lot of villages, although you can trade emeralds for stuff. This could make the game even more cool, to find generated structures rather than faction's bases. They can even be used as them.Third, there could be ranking. You can rank up depending on how many kills you get, what you kill others with, what kind of armor and weapons your enemy had (the weaker the weapon and the better the enemy's armor the better for ranking up), if you killed players of higher ranks who have almost never died, etc, with all this contributing to earning the next rank. This can earn you better items in the GC shop, maybe even GC every 15 ranks. This can also allow you to join more powerful factions.You can also rank up by completing hard challenges that are once-a-map kind.Fourth, to make the game harder yet more fun, there should be Sky Lands. Gaps between Floating islands, falling into the void if you miss (believe me, I found lots of holes to the void this map), ledges of suspense, andore mining more difficult than before.These are my ideas. LEt me know if anyone likes them. Quote
Sacrevy Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 (edited) No potions. No enchanting.Minecraft was once fun to play when it required skill instead of enchantments and potions. Edited July 17, 2012 by Sacrevy EmRA, stardude9 and Mr. Darkness 3 Quote
awesomeo_5000 Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 My view on it is just to remove the higher protection and sharpness enchants, I doubt they will be nerfed as it serves a genuine purpose for single player end game. That way people still have stuff to work towards in terms of using their xp (going to be able to get it via smelting, making xp much more abundant) Not sure what you're suggesting, generating more structures or?Ranks would just create a bigger gap between the players that are on 18/7 compared to those that come on for an hour or so. In my opinion that is a bad thing, and a step in the wrong direction.Not my cup of tea, the voids shouldn't be there and I expect it's something to do with the terrain generation. Quote
Dr.Minky Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 (edited) My suggestion would be two things1) Buff enchantments for weapons (I see no reason to buff enchantments for tools)2) Disable the end (Just ends up with 1 OP faction with everything having stupid enchantments, it has no purpose and is not needed)Oh and update the server message more often - Apparently it still says there's a map reset in April or something stupid like that Edited July 17, 2012 by Dr.Minky Quote
Clavus Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 I kind of like the current system. Enchanting is limited right now since there are no bookcases around the table. There is a lot of fighting for territory, which I'll try to expand on. Not sure what to do with the furnaces... people are complaining but it drives them out of their bases, and I like that. Once Minecraft 1.3 is released I'm going for a large biome map first.Oh and update the server message more often - Apparently it still says there's a map reset in April or something stupid like thatCocks. Fixed now. Quote
Dr.Minky Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 Oh and update the server message more often - Apparently it still says there's a map reset in April or something stupid like thatCocks. Fixed now.Conversation with my friendLouis can you restart ProdiGuild please?No. The maps resetting in 2 weeks anywayIs it? On the rules is said AprilWhy the hell would it reset in AprilThats in like9 months...Also, if you're keeping the new faction wars model then peaceful factions would need changing a bit to incorporated the furnaces working properly, they can't really go out and use it the same way other factions do because they can't defend themselves Quote
moonenboy Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 No potions. No enchanting.Minecraft was once fun to play when it required skill instead of enchantments and potions.True Quote
marcus6x6 Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 my opinion would be this..keep the enchants and potions.. but if your changing anything, limit them like awesomeo said.theres no fun killing people with plain dia armor. there would be no fun loot. i love to get a good enchanted sword or armor when killing also still dont like the thing were you cant place enchantment tables, furnaces or brew stand. sure it was fun for a week, but in the end i realised its much more fun the orginal way. Before you do anything try how the enchant system work in 1.3 it seems pretty fair.if your removing enchants, damage potions must be removed asvell since they only require 2 to kill some1 with plain dia armor.the last map were the best faction wars i have ever plaid. and i wish it would be kept that way. Quote
RedGander Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 my opinion would be this..keep the enchants and potions.. but if your changing anything, limit them like awesomeo said.theres no fun killing people with plain dia armor. there would be no fun loot. i love to get a good enchanted sword or armor when killing also still dont like the thing were you cant place enchantment tables, furnaces or brew stand. sure it was fun for a week, but in the end i realised its much more fun the orginal way. Before you do anything try how the enchant system work in 1.3 it seems pretty fair.if your removing enchants, damage potions must be removed asvell since they only require 2 to kill some1 with plain dia armor.the last map were the best faction wars i have ever plaid. and i wish it would be kept that way. I agree. Quote
oogappeltje Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 (edited) Maybe you should change the biome, cause this jungle is annoying like shit. Edited July 17, 2012 by oogappeltje Quote
Frizzy Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 (edited) I kind of like the current system. Enchanting is limited right now since there are no bookcases around the table. There is a lot of fighting for territory, which I'll try to expand on. Not sure what to do with the furnaces... people are complaining but it drives them out of their bases, and I like that. Once Minecraft 1.3 is released I'm going for a large biome map first.Oh and update the server message more often - Apparently it still says there's a map reset in April or something stupid like thatCocks. Fixed now.I love the current faction wars, but I feel it may get stale.The potion pillar and magic island I really like. But I think you should make it easier to ambush there. As it is now, it's hard to hide on the island without being spotted before you can jump them. They'll often just make a break for it when they see you.As for furnaces, I don't like the current system. Not because it's bad so much as it screws over other factions. If you hold onto a furnace with walls for, say, a few days. Then no one can take it from you. As it is now, my faction has one of, if not the, hardest to raid furnaces. I have completely walled off the area and will soon be placing water along it for added protection. There is a safe path from our faction base to the furnace, and it is the only way there. If someone does manage to get through, the furnace itself is incredibly easy to defend with a regular bow, let alone a bow with knockback, as the path to it is thin and high up. After other factions realize they can do this, all 16 furnaces will be controlled 100% by faction "superpowers" and will never move from that space. It will then become a vie between only those super powers. And that's assuming each power only has 1 furnace, which they most likely will not.I'm glad you'll be using the default MC world generation in the next map, the underground for this generator is extremely dull.If possible I'd disable dungeons. In fact, I'd disable structures altogether. That way there's--No strongholds/end. Less crazy XP and enderpearl farming as well as only 3 factions having control of this.-No villages. You can now use emerald models as GC.-No dungeons. No safe and reliable XP farming.Maybe you should change the biome, cause this jungle is annoying like shit."Guerrilla Faction Wars". The title means, essentially, small factions waging miniature wars against each other. Most guerrilla groups will hide in areas of thick vegetation for better cover and resources. It makes perfect sense.That and how Clavus said he used a world generator for this map just so it was something small and unique while we wait for 1.3.And how he said he'd be using the default MC world generator, but with the large biomes setting enabled instead. Edited July 17, 2012 by Frizzy Quote
jellyfish999111 Posted July 21, 2012 Posted July 21, 2012 (edited) .... wht is it with all of you... i dont know about anyone else but i came here to play minecraft not some game with half of its functions missing... the end is good, it creates an objective for the major powers to fight over, and lets minor factions raise to power if they manage to claim it. its just an element of the faction WARS . enchnts nd potions are fun... it means you can play to get a bit better and there neither that hard to get or that hard to kill someone using them. structures are good things they givesomethign fun in the first few days of the map as a mad rush for them to gin the valuable loot, and safety of the building.sure maybe you could slightly limit some effects like make harming on 1 not 2 and sharpness up to 3 but that takes away from the game. they way i see it a order of players is good, it means that they new players have to work their way to the top before they cn take on the major powers with their enchants, and really it doesnt take that long to level up your xp... theres one reason i play on this server... its beacuse theres no bullshit about it its just plain simple pvp minecraft, no mcmmo, no level ranking to give players an extra edge besides that which is provided by the game its just minecraft with factions, and there really arent alot of them... besides enchanting takes time to get bookshelves ecspecially now since you need leather and we all know everyone kills all the animals in the first 5 minutes of a game so dont kill off all the things that make minecraft minecraft because thats that game i bought and thats the game i intend to play. thankyou. ps not being able to place furnaces is scaring away new players...edit: almost forgot dungeons are good theyre a fun experiance while your mining. Edited July 21, 2012 by jellyfish999111 marcus6x6 1 Quote
Frizzy Posted July 21, 2012 Posted July 21, 2012 .... wht is it with all of you... i dont know about anyone else but i came here to play minecraft not some game with half of its functions missing... the end is good, it creates an objective for the major powers to fight over, and lets minor factions raise to power if they manage to claim it. its just an element of the faction WARS . enchnts nd potions are fun... it means you can play to get a bit better and there neither that hard to get or that hard to kill someone using them. structures are good things they givesomethign fun in the first few days of the map as a mad rush for them to gin the valuable loot, and safety of the building.sure maybe you could slightly limit some effects like make harming on 1 not 2 and sharpness up to 3 but that takes away from the game. they way i see it a order of players is good, it means that they new players have to work their way to the top before they cn take on the major powers with their enchants, and really it doesnt take that long to level up your xp... theres one reason i play on this server... its beacuse theres no bullshit about it its just plain simple pvp minecraft, no mcmmo, no level ranking to give players an extra edge besides that which is provided by the game its just minecraft with factions, and there really arent alot of them... besides enchanting takes time to get bookshelves ecspecially now since you need leather and we all know everyone kills all the animals in the first 5 minutes of a game so dont kill off all the things that make minecraft minecraft because thats that game i bought and thats the game i intend to play. thankyou. ps not being able to place furnaces is scaring away new players...edit: almost forgot dungeons are good theyre a fun experiance while your mining.You're really not considering balance here at all, and many of your scenarios are close to impossible.A new faction wil never manage to claim the end, as it lacks to power to fight the factions wandering about in fully enchanted diamond armour and weapons. If anything it will just get claimed by the faction they;re trying to take the end from. The end gives those that control it such an obscene amount of power that it's completely unfair.Next off, enchantments ruin skill. There's no two ways about it. No matter how good you are, if they have better equipment then you're going to lose. Look at bows, for example. They become useless against diamond armour and even more useless as that person gains enchantments. A maximum power bow vs maximum protection diamond will actually do less than if it were a normal bow vs normal diamond.A problem with minecraft, in my opinion, is how weak bows become. Bows require quite a bit of skill to use, but are nowhere near as effective as running up and jumping while mindlessly hacking away at enemies. But I digress.Enchanting will be as easy as ever. Sure, it'll take a tiny bit longer to get cows. But that'll just further increase the gap between older and newer factions. And, in fact, with the lowered enchanting maximum level it will be even easier to get those high level enchantments once you have the book. So this new server will become a race to see who makes a table first, because of how much more easily you come by levels.As entertaining as dungeons are, they are exremely bad for balance. The moment you find a skeleton dungeon all your efforts will immediately be focused on claiming it for an XP/arrow/bow farm. Once structures like this start getting set up, newer factions fall very far behind.And by playing faction wars you're not playing minecraft. Faction wars has an entirely different feel to minecraft. If I wanted to minecraft vanilla, I'd play minecraft vanilla. What I want is a warring world where landscapes are torn to pieces by war. Empires rising and falling. Large scale battles behind fought in no-mans land to see who can assimilate who.But from what I see, there's still a few changes that need to be made for that to happen. Quote
xDerpina Posted July 21, 2012 Posted July 21, 2012 I have a few ideas for next map to make the game either more fun, more difficult or more dangerous.First off, REMOVE ENCHANTING COMPLETELY. The enchanting system has been "improved" to a point where everyone has at least one enchantment. That's because mining ores get you XP, the enchanting level has been reduced from 50 to 30, which is actually good, and almost all LVL 30 enchantments get you 2 enchantments on your tool. So, it should be made that you cannot enchant no matter what, yet leave brewing stands and furnaces accessible to everyone.Second, there should be a lot of villages, although you can trade emeralds for stuff. This could make the game even more cool, to find generated structures rather than faction's bases. They can even be used as them.Third, there could be ranking. You can rank up depending on how many kills you get, what you kill others with, what kind of armor and weapons your enemy had (the weaker the weapon and the better the enemy's armor the better for ranking up), if you killed players of higher ranks who have almost never died, etc, with all this contributing to earning the next rank. This can earn you better items in the GC shop, maybe even GC every 15 ranks. This can also allow you to join more powerful factions.You can also rank up by completing hard challenges that are once-a-map kind.Fourth, to make the game harder yet more fun, there should be Sky Lands. Gaps between Floating islands, falling into the void if you miss (believe me, I found lots of holes to the void this map), ledges of suspense, andore mining more difficult than before.These are my ideas. LEt me know if anyone likes them.i agree this, but i dont like the large biomes maps Quote
jellyfish999111 Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 .... wht is it with all of you... i dont know about anyone else but i came here to play minecraft not some game with half of its functions missing... the end is good, it creates an objective for the major powers to fight over, and lets minor factions raise to power if they manage to claim it. its just an element of the faction WARS . enchnts nd potions are fun... it means you can play to get a bit better and there neither that hard to get or that hard to kill someone using them. structures are good things they givesomethign fun in the first few days of the map as a mad rush for them to gin the valuable loot, and safety of the building.sure maybe you could slightly limit some effects like make harming on 1 not 2 and sharpness up to 3 but that takes away from the game. they way i see it a order of players is good, it means that they new players have to work their way to the top before they cn take on the major powers with their enchants, and really it doesnt take that long to level up your xp... theres one reason i play on this server... its beacuse theres no bullshit about it its just plain simple pvp minecraft, no mcmmo, no level ranking to give players an extra edge besides that which is provided by the game its just minecraft with factions, and there really arent alot of them... besides enchanting takes time to get bookshelves ecspecially now since you need leather and we all know everyone kills all the animals in the first 5 minutes of a game so dont kill off all the things that make minecraft minecraft because thats that game i bought and thats the game i intend to play. thankyou. ps not being able to place furnaces is scaring away new players...edit: almost forgot dungeons are good theyre a fun experiance while your mining.You're really not considering balance here at all, and many of your scenarios are close to impossible.A new faction wil never manage to claim the end, as it lacks to power to fight the factions wandering about in fully enchanted diamond armour and weapons. If anything it will just get claimed by the faction they;re trying to take the end from. The end gives those that control it such an obscene amount of power that it's completely unfair.Next off, enchantments ruin skill. There's no two ways about it. No matter how good you are, if they have better equipment then you're going to lose. Look at bows, for example. They become useless against diamond armour and even more useless as that person gains enchantments. A maximum power bow vs maximum protection diamond will actually do less than if it were a normal bow vs normal diamond.A problem with minecraft, in my opinion, is how weak bows become. Bows require quite a bit of skill to use, but are nowhere near as effective as running up and jumping while mindlessly hacking away at enemies. But I digress.Enchanting will be as easy as ever. Sure, it'll take a tiny bit longer to get cows. But that'll just further increase the gap between older and newer factions. And, in fact, with the lowered enchanting maximum level it will be even easier to get those high level enchantments once you have the book. So this new server will become a race to see who makes a table first, because of how much more easily you come by levels.As entertaining as dungeons are, they are exremely bad for balance. The moment you find a skeleton dungeon all your efforts will immediately be focused on claiming it for an XP/arrow/bow farm. Once structures like this start getting set up, newer factions fall very far behind.And by playing faction wars you're not playing minecraft. Faction wars has an entirely different feel to minecraft. If I wanted to minecraft vanilla, I'd play minecraft vanilla. What I want is a warring world where landscapes are torn to pieces by war. Empires rising and falling. Large scale battles behind fought in no-mans land to see who can assimilate who.But from what I see, there's still a few changes that need to be made for that to happen.thats the problem tho if there is no gap between factions that are much older then pvp becomes more boring ... the idea is that a faction is able to rise to power and then have a bonus, and if theyve devoted large amounts of time to the game then they deserve that reward... and if its all about ust skill and everyone is equal the game gets boring quickly, different levels give you a goal to aim for and some variation in battle. Quote
Chaimanner Posted July 29, 2012 Author Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) my opinion would be this..keep the enchants and potions.. but if your changing anything, limit them like awesomeo said.theres no fun killing people with plain dia armor. there would be no fun loot. i love to get a good enchanted sword or armor when killing also still dont like the thing were you cant place enchantment tables, furnaces or brew stand. sure it was fun for a week, but in the end i realised its much more fun the orginal way. Before you do anything try how the enchant system work in 1.3 it seems pretty fair.if your removing enchants, damage potions must be removed asvell since they only require 2 to kill some1 with plain dia armor.the last map were the best faction wars i have ever played. and i wish it would be kept that way. Damage potions are best if kept, because that's everyone's weakness, and I would nerf up enchantments to up to the second level only or replace the useful ones with useless-in-PvP enchantments. Besides that, I agree with all else. Not to mention, rarely do I see a faction with out any diamonds at all, and I think it's time to make diamonds slightly more rare or more tedious to obtain (Ex. Diamond ore drops the ore itself and must be smelted, and smelting takes 5 minutes PER ORE.). This does, however, make people more deperate for them and more likely to dupe, good for catching them.I was also thinking, maybe in faction territory next update you can use the following in enemy territory:ChestsFurnacesEnchantment tablesFlint and Steel Edited July 29, 2012 by Chaimanner Quote
101spud Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 i dont like the map at the moment and hope it dose not return Quote
syncr0 Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 I didn't read the entire post.I just want to say I heard (in a youtube video): max enchant for sword is now sharp IV, max for pick is eff IV,This balances enchantment a bit more. If everyone can get enchantments by mining, dungeon spawner xp grinders become less interesting. If you want to make the spawners completely useless : I've seen plugins that make mobs from spawners not drop xp. This is particullary interesting for the servers performance as, letting 200 mobs spawn before killing them causes laggspikes for other players. A possible fix for the end is: - leave all the portals as they are- add an extra portal (as soon as all 3 portals are claimed, or at the start of map) on warzone build by admin, similar to how the furnace towers are, but with a bit of a harder parcour (making it that you have a chance of dying while hardcore parcouring).This way, big factions can still fight for end-portals, which is a easy entrance to the end,and normal/small factions have also a way to get to the end, but it's a bit of a hassle so the end wont become an tourist attaction where you can just go in and out easily. And it gets rid of the end monopoly (in the past, if a faction claimed all end portals it could easily make an enderman grinder).Maybe we should have an seperate topic to discuss all balance issues (enchantments, potions, the end monopoly, claiming around warzone/safezone/furnace towers, enderpearl glitch, villagers possibly being all killed next map messing up trading, spawner grinders, herobrine still being in the game, 3rd world hunger problems, ...) Quote
marcus6x6 Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 aaaw i have a feeling i wont be playing this server in 1.3 Quote
Mathijs1996 Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 aaaw i have a feeling i wont be playing this server in 1.3 As far as I know the player count is decresing really fast. It used to be 40/40 all the time, then it went to 100 and it was even full. Since that moment the server began loosing players. The same for the tf2 server, they're almost always empty. I don't know the solution, mayby we need to promote the server (Youtube ?) or increase the amount of tournament and/or special events (bonus xp / bonus gc). I know the Janitors will try their best next map and we'll see if it helps out. I think we need to find a way to promote both servers no matter how good the janitors do their thing. Quote
andromachius Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 aaaw i have a feeling i wont be playing this server in 1.3 As far as I know the player count is decresing really fast. It used to be 40/40 all the time, then it went to 100 and it was even full. Since that moment the server began loosing players. The same for the tf2 server, they're almost always empty. I don't know the solution, mayby we need to promote the server (Youtube ?) or increase the amount of tournament and/or special events (bonus xp / bonus gc). I know the Janitors will try their best next map and we'll see if it helps out. I think we need to find a way to promote both servers no matter how good the janitors do their thing.Player rate decreased during the creative mode/geurrilla wars phase, because a lot of people come here for "normal" faction wars, and this server wasnt providing. When the map resets, and everything returns to normal, player numbers should spike. Should the admins change any of the fundamentals of the game (potions, enchanting etc.) this will only hurt player activity more. The changes suggested here will only drive players away, as restrictions on gameplay tend to do. Quote
Mathijs1996 Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 aaaw i have a feeling i wont be playing this server in 1.3 As far as I know the player count is decresing really fast. It used to be 40/40 all the time, then it went to 100 and it was even full. Since that moment the server began loosing players. The same for the tf2 server, they're almost always empty. I don't know the solution, mayby we need to promote the server (Youtube ?) or increase the amount of tournament and/or special events (bonus xp / bonus gc). I know the Janitors will try their best next map and we'll see if it helps out. I think we need to find a way to promote both servers no matter how good the janitors do their thing.Player rate decreased during the creative mode/geurrilla wars phase, because a lot of people come here for "normal" faction wars, and this server wasnt providing. When the map resets, and everything returns to normal, player numbers should spike. Should the admins change any of the fundamentals of the game (potions, enchanting etc.) this will only hurt player activity more. The changes suggested here will only drive players away, as restrictions on gameplay tend to do.It started decreasing before the creative/guerrilla. That was just the final drop which made the server empty. Quote
101spud Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 Will the amount of power the faction has (16) stay the same? Quote
Dr.Minky Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 As far as I know the player count is decresing really fast. It used to be 40/40 all the time, then it went to 100 and it was even full. Since that moment the server began loosing players. The same for the tf2 server, they're almost always empty. I don't know the solution, mayby we need to promote the server (Youtube ?)TF2 servers are much more popular since the revamp anywayMy suggestion - Tweak a few things on the server, perfect it, make it more hacker proof, promote it a bit on YouTube and just across old game players then release it as MrGreen: Faction Wars 2.0. Job done, wouldnt even have to tweak it that much, just make some minor changes and act like its different Quote
moonenboy Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 The server really needs more people. Because when i come on im like hey who shall i raid? There where enough choices before but now... Just a few factionless guys or noobs on. If u take look on this forum for a whike in a few topics. I get the idea not much people like the guerilla faction wars neither i do. So hope the map reset is comin' soon. I heard it was a few days before it's coming. Im really looking forward to that. Maybe the reular faction wars brings some new players. Quote
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