Clavus Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 I've dusted off our subscription system to once again move the community to help out financially with a gameserver.What's this about?I want to move the Minecraft server to an external host. Specifically, to (which seems to receive a lot of positive feedback). The server would be located in the Netherlands, so no change there. The reason to move to an external host is quite simple: the Minecraft server performance on our current dedicated box is lacking. The tickrate starts dropping after we have just a few dozen people. Moving to an external host should resolve this problem, but of course, there's a price. The external hosting costs would add to what I already pay for our dedi, so I'm going to need some help.What do I need people to do? If you log in on your Green-Coins page you'll see the Minecraft external hosting subscription listed. The subscription system works as follows: we start with a preliminary stage, which is basically a head count of people that want to subscribe. You can choose from several different subscription options, ranging from 5 to 25 euros a month, depending on what you're willing to give.What happens then?If enough people show that they're willing to subscribe (by collectively reaching the target total), I can activate the actual subscription. I notify everyone who pledged to subscribe via email to come back and make it official. Every subscriber will receive a permanent reserved slot on the Minecraft server. Also you'll receive Green-Coins for every euro you send our way, just like normal donations.Note that you need a verified Paypal account with sufficient balance. If you don't have your stuff in order, but still participate, it means I have to deal with the holes in the budget.That's about it. Let's see how much people care UPDATE:Even though nobody really seemed to warm up to the idea, I've started renting a 40 slot server anyway. The server has already moved to this new location. The subscription will remain running; if we can get enough subscribers, we can upgrade to a larger slot server. Arild_ and CodeExtreme 2 Quote
marcus6x6 Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 (edited) I would donate. If you atleast enabled enderpearls and added teleporters next map.And removed the public end. (make a vote atleast)Then i rather play on this server than hosting my own.If possible can you make a list of what you plan to change next map? Edited October 22, 2012 by Marcuserkenfjord Quote
Arild_ Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 I'll probably continue to donate some euros monthly if it manages to greatly reduce the lag Quote
Clavus Posted October 22, 2012 Author Posted October 22, 2012 If you are willing to donate (and if you can), go to the subscription page and select what option you wish to subscribe to. Otherwise I don't know how much people are willing to send. Quote
Balmung Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 Still thinking you should give extra rewards for the more consecutive months people subscribe for. Quote
hulpje Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 (edited) Im currently hooked on some other games then minecraft but I'd like to give some feedback.I think the server isn't interesting enough to donate money for at the moment.Some people like PVP, some like to build in peace.I tried both, pvp in factions wars works fine as long there's anything to actually care a damn about.When my faction build the mob spawner in the end I actually kept playing because it was fun to keep the enemies out of there.If everyone has access to everything there's very little "reward" in conquering a piece of enemy land. When I started profanity as peacefull faction in this map I just invited everyone and gave them a piece of ownerland to build on. As long I remained active this worked very well and I think we had about 35 players in the faction. JBmorion implemented a title system if the members simply brought some resourcers to him. This worked very well in keeping the players busy. On a sidenode to peacefull factions, I personally think 5000 GC is to much for it, I can afford it because I play MTA but earning that with minecraft is to much work and there are a lot of other servers where you can "just build" on without paying for it.I suggest you to implement some things to keep people busy (and give them possible in-game rewards for that), in previous maps awesomeo build mazes, hidden chests etc. and that kept people busy as well. In this map there's hardly anything special happening, admins only cared for there precious janitors base to be pasted into the world and thats it. Nothing special, no fun events, did the admins even play?. (yes, raiding an admin is actually a motivation to play, they shouldn't roll peacefull). Seems admins don't do much more then teling x-rayers they won't be unbanned.If you want donations from your community then be closer with that community.Take an example of the MTA community . Edited October 22, 2012 by hulpje Quote
moonenboy Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 If it was possible to donate by SMS. I could donate some money. Quote
Bidzman123 Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 Yes i agree on Marcus's point if Clavus makes a list of what will be implemented and what won't be next map then this would encourage people to subscribe. I'm sure people wouldn't want to subscribe if enderpearls weren't enabled this make's raiding boring and bring's down the server. And the public end should be removed I agree with what Hulpje said there is no reward in claiming other faction's land because most of the good loot is stored in a enderchest. And claiming an end portal of a faction would be a reward indeed. Quote
Ywa Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 If it was possible to donate by SMS. I could donate some money.I've looked into this before, and the main problem is that over 50% of the payment goes to the network operators and it takes over 6 months until we receive the actual donation. Especially when you're working with international phone services. Quote
awesomeo_5000 Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 I'm a little confused. Is the server going to be pay to play, as in only those that subscribe are whitelisted, or are we trying to reach a donation goal before sinking the cash?My university decided to give us an entire years coursework in the first term for fairly logical reasons. So I'm currently finding it hard to find time to sleep. But when my workload decreases I should hopefully be able to be a little more attentive to the server. Hoping this pans out Quote
Clavus Posted October 23, 2012 Author Posted October 23, 2012 I'm a little confused. Is the server going to be pay to play, as in only those that subscribe are whitelisted, or are we trying to reach a donation goal before sinking the cash?We're just trying to reach a donation goal. This system is to make sure there's a stable budget for paying the server costs. Quote
Balmung Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 I would donate. If you atleast enabled enderpearls and added teleporters next map.And removed the public end. (make a vote atleast)Then i rather play on this server than hosting my own.If possible can you make a list of what you plan to change next map?Aren't enderpearls already enabled, Someone was using them to get in our base the other day. Quote
Clavus Posted October 23, 2012 Author Posted October 23, 2012 I would donate. If you atleast enabled enderpearls and added teleporters next map.And removed the public end. (make a vote atleast)Then i rather play on this server than hosting my own.If possible can you make a list of what you plan to change next map?Aren't enderpearls already enabled, Someone was using them to get in our base the other day.You can use enderpearls everywhere except when standing on enemy territory. This is because of enderpearl exploits, and the fact people keep being forced to build watercubes as base because of those annoying things. Quote
Sacrevy Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 @ClavusI think he's trying to say that he doesn't like the fact of not being allowed to actually use the items which are added in the game, if you can't raid any base, what's the fun of this game ? Also something horrible, when there's 100 people in one faction, it's impossible to do anything against them, it'll make them undestroyable, what would be the fun of that , not being able to raid anything and anyone? Quote
Clavus Posted October 23, 2012 Author Posted October 23, 2012 @ClavusI think he's trying to say that he doesn't like the fact of not being allowed to actually use the items which are added in the game, if you can't raid any base, what's the fun of this game ? Also something horrible, when there's 100 people in one faction, it's impossible to do anything against them, it'll make them undestroyable, what would be the fun of that , not being able to raid anything and anyone?If you build smart people can't do shit anyway, whether you're alone or with a 100 people. Minecraft with Factions has its limits in what is possible right now. PvP will remain shitty until someone mods in something better. Quote
Reap3r Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 Maybe a good idea would be a claymore(which only destroys 1 block and has a timer) that way you can RAID ANYTHING! Though this isn't the minecraft suggestion thread but the donation thread, as for me, I went on a couple of times on the server but the PvP can't compare to vanilla minecraft. Quote
marcus6x6 Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) I would donate. If you atleast enabled enderpearls and added teleporters next map.And removed the public end. (make a vote atleast)Then i rather play on this server than hosting my own.If possible can you make a list of what you plan to change next map?Aren't enderpearls already enabled, Someone was using them to get in our base the other day.You can use enderpearls everywhere except when standing on enemy territory. This is because of enderpearl exploits, and the fact people keep being forced to build watercubes as base because of those annoying things.Then what about this? you have to work harder for a tnt safe base (mining obsidian)Edit: Second thought. this isnt a bright idea. since it fucks up (most) tnt cannon designs.And may i add many (most) of the pearl glitches are patched in 1.3 anyway. Edited October 23, 2012 by Marcuserkenfjord Quote
marcus6x6 Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 I dont really like that all the good stuff of a faction is stored in the enderchest.take this plugin into consideration. It makes player unable to craft an enderchest. its probably the wrong topic. but since you need donations for the external host its good if it keeps in the latest threads. Arild_ 1 Quote
Clavus Posted October 23, 2012 Author Posted October 23, 2012 Limiting crafting options has never gone down well with the players. Minecraft is by design, not very PvP Factions friendly. We need to mod a complete overhaul if we want to move it somewhere meaningful. Quote
RedGander Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 Maybe there could be some polls/surveys/votes on matters?I feel like the uncraftable things in the past were done without asking the players how they felt. I mean, there have been a lot of changes to this server that most players have absolutely hated like the lack of enderpearl glitching, or the brewing/enchanting/smelting fiascos.To be blunt, it doesn't matter what is more ideal or part of the "image" of faction wars. There needs to be more of a focus on what the players want and what will bring in more players, because otherwise this server is going to bleed to death. Quote
Clavus Posted October 23, 2012 Author Posted October 23, 2012 Different players want different things, that's the problem. Not cutting any standard Minecraft features seems to attract the least drama so far, which I gathered from nearly 30 map resets of experience. Quote
marcus6x6 Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 (edited) Different players want different things, that's the problem. Not cutting any standard Minecraft features seems to attract the least drama so far, which I gathered from nearly 30 map resets of experience.well still you disabled pearls and added a public end. even though the server was most populated (and awesome) when there were no such restrictions.Im not tryin' to be a smart mouth. just talkin. Edited October 24, 2012 by Marcuserkenfjord Quote
Dr. Pannenkoek Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 Is Factions still hot shit? Or is there a new, more popular userbase in another plugin that could be used? Quote
marcus6x6 Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 (edited) Is Factions still hot shit? Or is there a new, more popular userbase in another plugin that could be used?There is other plugins. but there not near as good as factions. Edited October 24, 2012 by Marcuserkenfjord Quote
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