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New law in norway just passed, Seems like we cant raise our children in the way we want.

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I just read an article about norways newest law, it seems like we cant "hit" our children even though its a part of the upbringing.

Here's the article translated with google so forgive me: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fnyheter%2Finnenriks%2Fartikkel.php%3Fartid%3D596163&sl=no&tl=en

I just think this is total bullshit, so in like 30 years well have a bunch of brats running around causing trouble in any wich way they find. fuck this country, its a motherfucking commie bullshit country if you ask me.

So any thoughts?


These days people are extremely oversensitive when it comes to children, ofcourse its not right to hit or intimidate them for every misdeed they make, but seriously if a kid keeps acting like shit and wont listen to you when you attempt to discipline them over and over again you should be allowed to give them a small slap or intimidate them in a way that affects their ego negatively, atleast then they would have a reason not to act like shit towards the community, because as it is now most youth know that they could do almost whatever they want without getting just plain ludicrous punishment if any at all, An example from my old school, ''Student1 kicks the teacher in the back making him almost fall down the stairs the teacher gets angry and takes a light grip on the 15 year old student and tells him to never do that again if he knows what's best for him.''

Guess what he was fired for disciplining the brat because of violent behaviour or something, i mean seriously aren't you even allowed to stand up against these little shitheads anymore? This subject has bugged me a long time aswell since we all can see how many youths/children who lacks any form of discipline are running around doing whatever they want without getting any proper punishment. for example in sweden a 16 - 17 old boy murdered a 16 year old girl along with his girlfriend what did they get? 1,5 years on youthtreatment, a fine example on how much a life is worth these days.

I hate today's overprotection to the children and espically the youth which should be able to grasp reality, because i know most of them know whats right and wrong but sometimes ignores it since they can get away with it since they are ''young and stupid''

Intimidation is not the main way to go but if every other attempt to discipline them fails it could be just that what they need, a good reason to not @%&! up for other people even if it hurts their poor ego.

Maybe in some years all kind of discipline will be forbidden i would honestly not be surprised.

This is my personal opinion and view of todays society in sweden.


Man I'm glad I'm not in Norway. I have to threaten and spank my kids all the time. :blink:

I grew up getting spankings and I turned out pretty well I think. In terms of knowing right from wrong.


Same here.I grew with slaps and yells from my parents (especially my father who is violent..).If I were a 6 yearsold boy I'd think that's a good idea to forbid slaps but if I were a parent I wouldn't like this since slzps are the main way to punish disobedient children.


This is a GOOD law.

The reson we made it is because many bad parents said they not hit there kids, only "slapped" them. Now thats illegal to. :lol:

Who get bruise of slapping?


I think this is a good thing.

I don't know about norwegian culture tho, heard people are kinda violent there.

Anyhow, I wasn't really given any sort of spanking or punches, dad just used to scare the fuck out of me, or lock me in the cellar for 3-5 hours (would have been longer but my mom always let me out when she came home from work).

But then again, I'm not that manly armyready professional healthy kid you'd wish your kid to become.

You can't control your kid's life, nor his feelings. Spanking might teach one kid, another might get butthurt and start doing stuff you don't want him to.

Violence doesn't solve everything, but it sure does leave mark on them.


dad just used to scare the fuck out of me, or lock me in the cellar for 3-5 hours (would have been longer but my mom always let me out when she came home from work).

This is also illegal now


I think that you should be able to 'hit' them. My dad used to do it and I think it was for the better. My little brother didn't get the same treatment when he was bad, as it was frowned upon and he has a totally different attitude to myself and my brother, which is worse.

Posted (edited)

Sounds like a scenario that happened in this country, go back 40 years when you could hit your children, things were great, crime was lower than it is now people actually knew what was right and wrong.

Take a time trip to nowadays after we are no longer able to hit children, you just see a bunch of hooligans stabbing eachother, shooting passer-bys, heck some even torture other children. Yes there are other factors, but I guarantee that those factors are still linked to this in one way or another.

Edit: I grew up without this, but being the social outcast I was didn't get involved with any of these people who thought they were "hard" I stuck to pokeymons on the colour gameboy.

Edited by Balmung
Posted (edited)

Guess what he was fired for disciplining the brat because of violent behaviour or something, i mean seriously aren't you even allowed to stand up against these little shitheads anymore? This subject has bugged me a long time aswell since we all can see how many youths/children who lacks any form of discipline are running around doing whatever they want without getting any proper punishment. for example in sweden a 16 - 17 old boy murdered a 16 year old girl along with his girlfriend what did they get? 1,5 years on youthtreatment, a fine example on how much a life is worth these days.

This is my personal opinion and view of todays society in sweden.

Dont forget the punishment can go to 1 year because of "Good behaviour"

And that he has a chance the murder can be removed from his "Crime list" (I dunno what the word Strafblad in english is) if he reaches 18.

Some kids really deserve a punch if you see how the act at school / home / public transport.

It's like they know and abuse the fact that Teachers/Parents can only punish them by saying : BAD BOY. DONT DO THIS AGAIN PLZ.

I have a feeling everyone born past 2000 wil be known as the "Most spoiled generation ever".

And the worst part, The spoiled generation WILL control the countries one day, Sad days it will be sad.gif .

Every country will act like China, YOU TALK WITH TAIWAN. WE NOT TALK WITH YOU.


Like some spoiled 6 year old kid wich gets angry the moment something negative is said something about him.

Side note

I do understand a little why the law was added, sometimes daddy gave a little bit to much punches and the good son is now in hospital with a brain injury.

And that using violence is not the only solution, its better to reward and stuff.

Edited by Hundred2

Also, younger children are using more and more swear words. I didn't dream of swearing until I was 13, when I was feeling naughty and wanted to sound cool.

Now children's first words are swear words.

Posted (edited)

Norway have VERY low crime. And child protiction laws came before WW2. So it's easy to teach whats rigth and wrong. If you must hit you kids to teach them whats rigth and wrong, you a VERY bad parent.

Some jail Stats:

40% of jailed people in norway is 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants. (stats also say these people is the most violence to there children.)

15% is people whit one immigrant parent

30% is 100% norwegians

And the last 15 % is other ( like non-citizenship peopel and stuff i dont remember)

And its bether to kids to swear then go to jail

And rember:

Its not illegal to punish children. Its only illegal to physical or mental damage your kids. Like hit them or lock them in a room

Edited by Notte

Agreed with Notte.

Just take away their weekly allowance if they do bad stuff, and reward them for good stuff.

Giving the kids a spanking prodably just gives your kid the impression that violence is the solution to everything.

Teach your kid to talk, then teach him to use it.


In England, this is very much useless.

Taking away an allowance will trigger a bad nerve in children and they are more likely to rebel against parents.

We don't reward for good bahaviour because you're moer inclined to do it until you don't get rewards, then you stop doing it. Unfortunatly, people are badly behaved, then do something semi-nice so that they get recognized as beign a nasty person doing something nice, this in turn gets them a reward. Then there are badly behaved people getting rewards.


Been illegal in Denmark to hit your children since 1998..

I like the law, you shouldn't hit your childeren, but ofcause, something like grabbing them in the arm etc. is alright.


Guess what he was fired for disciplining the brat because of violent behaviour or something, i mean seriously aren't you even allowed to stand up against these little shitheads anymore? This subject has bugged me a long time aswell since we all can see how many youths/children who lacks any form of discipline are running around doing whatever they want without getting any proper punishment. for example in sweden a 16 - 17 old boy murdered a 16 year old girl along with his girlfriend what did they get? 1,5 years on youthtreatment, a fine example on how much a life is worth these days.

This is my personal opinion and view of todays society in sweden.

Dont forget the punishment can go to 1 year because of "Good behaviour"

And that he has a chance the murder can be removed from his "Crime list" (I dunno what the word Strafblad in english is) if he reaches 18.

Some kids really deserve a punch if you see how the act at school / home / public transport.

It's like they know and abuse the fact that Teachers/Parents can only punish them by saying : BAD BOY. DONT DO THIS AGAIN PLZ.

I have a feeling everyone born past 2000 wil be known as the "Most spoiled generation ever".

And the worst part, The spoiled generation WILL control the countries one day, Sad days it will be sad.gif .

Every country will act like China, YOU TALK WITH TAIWAN. WE NOT TALK WITH YOU.


Like some spoiled 6 year old kid wich gets angry the moment something negative is said something about him.

Side note

I do understand a little why the law was added, sometimes daddy gave a little bit to much punches and the good son is now in hospital with a brain injury.

And that using violence is not the only solution, its better to reward and stuff.

That :]

Crime rates are pretty high in Norway, and if you're sent to prison, you get free school and you get to live safe for a few years. Norwegian hotels are one of the best, and that's why many people move here aswell. just to commit crimes and get sent to jail, which is better than any hotel they will ever live in in their country, get a lot of kids, they do the same thing, and so on.

There's groups of 2nd gen. immigrants all around Oslo, and they're a big pain in the ass.

I actually support the 'nazi' groups forming around the city, they keep the other gangs down.

* they're not Nazi, they're just skinheads on steroids, who walks around alone or in gangs just to beat up other gangs of immigrants.


Hitting children is the barbaric side of the human. There are other ways of punishment.

Like dropping them from a great height onto a hill with corpses :D?

And that belongs to the maniacal side of the human. I mean if you punish kids physically, they can get scared of you in the worst case, but it's violence too.


There are other methods, granted, to raise your children. But whether it's illegal or not, people will do it and still get put in prison for abusing their children.


Nothing is wrong with giving them a slap on the leg to punish them.

Beating them to within an inch of their life however, is.

I think slaping is also bad. You dont need to use violence against kids. Its possible to talk to children, if they understand why the ting they do its bad, they wont do it anymore.

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