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Redgord and I thought you should make cartographer maps more often, Clavus. The map changes fast, and personally, I'm using the image to walk through the map...

I doubt we need any cartograph'd picture of the current world, if we are going to completely restart everything on a new map. But yeah, it's easier to navigate around the world if there's a proper map, and/or compass (which I doubt Notch will add, but it would be a great addition)

Let's just assume that north is the direction the clouds move.

Move to, or more from?


how can north be in two opposing directions?

That's normal in my world.

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There are also some ego builds around again. From the next map on I'll edit them out of the map without pardon. So if you're going to build something big, make a plan and ask me if you're allowed to proceed.

Otherwise just stick to smaller buildings, lot nicer and less dickwaving with blocks.

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There are also some ego builds around again. From the next map on I'll edit them out of the map without pardon. So if you're going to build something big, make a plan and ask me if you're allowed to proceed.

Otherwise just stick to smaller buildings, lot nicer and less dickwaving with blocks.

I can help you with removing huge buildings (with map editor) :D

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Can someone please spawn some working furnances?

In server console (admin only duh)

give <player> 62 1

To get the furnace to work, you have to spawn a lit furnace; item ID 62. This can be done with the console command "give <player> 62".

* You have to keep the furnace going, and pay close attention to it, as the furnace reverts to nonworking when it runs out of fuel, and it sometimes eats your items while you are not looking at the furnace, usually while far away.

Or make a command like /iron for /furnace like some servers have

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Hmm, seems there's something wrong with one of the lakes .. John_Caveman discovered it.. It's stoned :o (top-left-corner)

Some guy came in, removed all the water in a lake, and then replaced it with cobblestone and then started writing things in it like "HI". Then to top that off, he outlined it with torches.

Things like this ruin the game. :<

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Tell me, Clavus ... Which one of the rules did I break when making that floating house:

* No fucking with other people's stuff in any way. The map's like a big chest of legos. Everybody can use the materials from the same box but don't fuck with whatever other people are building with the lego blocks they use.

* Stick to the settlements and don't venture off in a random direction. The map only gets bigger and that'll hurt server performance. Stick near other people. Try to work in teams.

* Don't make those 1 block pillars to get somewhere high up. At least clean them up afterwards. No pits leading to the bottom of the map either.

* Don't leave tree blocks hanging half finished. Don't leave blocks randomly handing around in the sky.

* If you see random shit laying or floating about clean it up (whether you made it or not), makes for a better game world for all.

* Don't make stupidly huge ego buildings. If you're going to make larger structures, do it as a team effort.

* Don't write text in the sky with blocks, nobody cares.

* If you go make some magically floating castle, put some effort in making it look good (use dirt tiles to make it look like a floating island or stop being lazy and build a support).


* No cheatengine or other cheats (excluded are /iron and /wood server commands).

...and why *did* deathbycrowbar *destroy* it?

Conclusion: Should I just go around destroying people's houses because I just don't like them? (by the way, you owe me 450 blocks of dirt, 45 blocks of step, 85 blocks of wood, 25 stairs, 3 logs and 1 workbench)

Edited by Deluvas
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