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Well, noone has stolen from me or qtesla, probably because we are the only ones left in our village. It seems to happen to the new village because all the minges and people go to new villages and the good people stay behind. A mod where you can lock your chests wouldbe very usefull

* Edit

Some fucker robbed everything i had and trashed weo's house!!!

Edited by Pufulet
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'Trespassers will be kileld on sight'

ywa: 'lol lets walk in'

Kill Ywa

Get banned.

Cool adminship bro

First of all it's not a good idea to kill an admin. Second of all, I got in because you guys left a hole open. I just walked in. And that was after the door.

Anyways. I'll strip the stuff you looted from me. And then you'll get unbanned.

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I wanted to make a home outside of one of the towns. I made a minecart track to the place i wanted my home. Then Clavus came. And said i needed to remove it because its far away and its an cooparatvive server.

But its hard to do that if you cant trust each other. People steal, people destroy other ones buildings *kuch*QTesla*Kuch* and more. How can we trust each other. By adding simple things like chest protection and building protection you are done. But clavus is a bit cocky to add those things. And with building protection the player can say who can buid here (so you can add multiple players) and so the cooparative still remains. But only with people you really trust.

But i might be thinking to logic.

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I wanted to make a home outside of one of the towns. I made a minecart track to the place i wanted my home. Then Clavus came. And said i needed to remove it because its far away and its an cooparatvive server.

But its hard to do that if you cant trust each other. People steal, people destroy other ones buildings *kuch*QTesla*Kuch* and more. How can we trust each other. By adding simple things like chest protection and building protection you are done. But clavus is a bit cocky to add those things. And with building protection the player can say who can buid here (so you can add multiple players) and so the cooparative still remains. But only with people you really trust.

But i might be thinking to logic.

Building a house outside of the town removes the whole 'community' idea, it also stops ego-buildings and stops the map getting bigger, reducing the risk of getting lag. I see what you mean by everything, and I'd like to see things such as chest protection, mods like that end up breaking shit though.

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Because SOME PEOPLE think it is a good idea to keep badly moderated server in a sandbox game public.

The moderation isn't bad, it's just really hard to moderate. You can't track who access what chest, or who has what block, and so on.

We can't do anything when you "assume" someone did it, we need proof.

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Because SOME PEOPLE think it is a good idea to keep badly moderated server in a sandbox game public.

The moderation isn't bad, it's just really hard to moderate. You can't track who access what chest, or who has what block, and so on.

We can't do anything when you "assume" someone did it, we need proof.

I pretty much meant that & lack of admins. Here goes me with my badly thought sentences, sorry.

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no, the problem is that too many people are whitelisted and im pretty sure we dont know most of them. I got robbed 4 times in 2 days. So i refuse to put anything in my chests, who knows, i might of got robbed again this morning.

Clavus should unwhitelist everyone again and whitelist strictly the people we can trust.

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