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Mr. Green Gaming

Minecraft discussion


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Right now there's some issues with server hosting (chunks won't load for me) so it might take a while before we're back up again.


Minecraft is running again, and the Nether seems to work (if you look past all the bugs Notch needs to fix). You might time out when you try to return from the Nether to the real world.

Also is it just me or is the SMP nether vs surface world 1:1 in travel (EDIT: it's apparently a bug)? I had to walk about the same distance from Mungol's portal to Paragon's portal in the nether as I would on the surface. This would actually be good considering the world border I set.


So a little update on Minecraft:

* Due to the server hack the Minecraft folder was lost. Ywa did manage to save the world data so shake his hand when you see him or something. I'll cartograph it and upload it here on the forum.

* However, the plugin data and thus faction data is screwed

* Webserver is still short on memory, but we can possibly upgrade it soon

Based on this I decided the following: Minecraft will stay down until we can upgrade the RAM. After that we will start a new world.


Survival mode? That'd be a reason for me to start playing a bit minecraft again. Faction was getting boring after a while.

thats if you want stealing again.


The possibilities.

They are endless.


Little RAM upgrade update: Delia is already maxed out in terms of RAM (only 2 slots and max 4GB supported...) so we're looking into a motherboard upgrade.


The possibilities.

They are endless.


Little RAM upgrade update: Delia is already maxed out in terms of RAM (only 2 slots and max 4GB supported...) so we're looking into a motherboard upgrade.

That is quite amazing


The possibilities.

They are endless.


Little RAM upgrade update: Delia is already maxed out in terms of RAM (only 2 slots and max 4GB supported...) so we're looking into a motherboard upgrade.

That is quite amazing

Airlocks, elevators, hidden doors, crushers, shove people of walls.

So many uses.

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