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I finished the Main Quest! I'm at around 80 hours of gameplay.

I've been walking everything, and especially the quest in which I had to ask General Tulius and Ulfric Stormcloak to become homies took a very long time, but then again it was so great to find all these people along the road and then eventually finding out they were heading to High Hrothgar as well. I think that fact is what makes the game so awesam to me - these people actually walk all the way from their hometown to High Hrothgar too.

And these random happenings when you are in a deep conversation with someone and it suddenly gets interrupted by someone attacking? As well.

Now, for all the other quests.......

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Well, you would think that a guy who refuses to fast-travel or use horses or even run would do so because he thinks the game would be too easy that way. But then.. he plays in godmode.. so he climbs the 7000 steps multiple times, walking, but there's no risk of getting slaughtered in a sudden fight with a frost troll. Where's the logic in that? There isn't any. It's pure madness.

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Well, you would think that a guy who refuses to fast-travel or use horses or even run would do so because he thinks the game would be too easy that way. But then.. he plays in godmode.. so he climbs the 7000 steps multiple times, walking, but there's no risk of getting slaughtered in a sudden fight with a frost troll. Where's the logic in that? There isn't any. It's pure madness.

I play games like an experience, not like a videogame. I enjoy walking through the surroundings and through cities, and exploring every inch in every dungeon so I don't miss anything. I enjoy finding new things and being able to take them with me right away, I also collect clothes, and I rather wear casual clothes than hi-technical armor.

Playing it without God mode would ruin this principle. I hate dying in videogames, especially in games like this, because battling sucks. I don't wanna die and have to walk the same thing again just because a random spider found me.

By the way I still have Lydia to care for. If a random spider appears, I still have someone to fight for - not for myself but for Lydia. I've discovered I become really paranoid in games if I have to walk alone suddenly. I've done some parts without Lydia, they were terrible, I was so scared. Lydia helps me control myself.

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Guys, tell me, is it normal that I killed 6 dragons, got different shout powers, I am lvl 19 BUT I DID NOT FIND GRAYBEARDS?

I have no idea where to search for them :'D

Also, is it okay that I joined Compainons and now I am a warewolf?


I really like exploring the shit over skyrim, but ususally when I find all the stuff on the way to the point and dont want to waste my time on travelling to long parts I use fast travel.

P.s: Since now, I am increasing stamina only, since I still dont have place for my backpack :')

Edited by Mr. Darkness
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Guys, tell me, is it normal that I killed 6 dragons, got different shout powers, I am lvl 19 BUT I DID NOT FIND GRAYBEARDS?

I have no idea where to search for them :'D

Also, is it okay that I joined Compainons and now I am a warewolf?


I really like exploring the shit over skyrim, but ususally when I find all the stuff on the way to the point and dont want to waste my time on travelling to long parts I use fast travel.

P.s: Since now, I am increasing stamina only, since I still dont have place for my backpack :')

I went full Magic an did not skill a single point on health or stamina xD still cant die because my armor rating is about 1500 but the cap is something like 670 or smth <.< well i am op anyways and stopped playing :pipe::catbread: DAMN MY CHAR IS THE MAN!

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Guys, tell me, is it normal that I killed 6 dragons, got different shout powers, I am lvl 19 BUT I DID NOT FIND GRAYBEARDS?

You can find the Gaybeards at

High Hrothgar, on top of a big-ass mountain near Ivarstead, or Ivargread whatever.

Lol, that's actually where I wanted to go next. Dat castle on my map.

Investigated many interesting stuff but did never understand how to reach Greybeards.

Edited by Mr. Darkness
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To be honest, yesterday I tried to take a Horse Carrier Thing. You know, located outside every main city? The reason was because for my quests I had to go from Whiterun to Windhelm to Whiterun to Windhelm to Whiterun to Windhelm to Whiterun to Windhelm to Whiterun, and even I get bored from walking the same route ten times on the same day.

Well, turned out I actually walked the same route ten times yesterday, cuz the Horse Taxi Thing Guy's wouldn't let me in. They were like "Where you wanna go?" and I was like "Windhelm/Whiterun 20 gold between brackets" and they were like "Aight, climb in back". Then I climb in back, sit there for a minute while the guy keeps saying impatient stuff every 5 seconds, try it again a couple of times and come to the conclusion they refuse to take me.

But I got a question for you:

Me and the Stormcloaks just wiped out Whiterun. What consequences does this have? I mean, I saw some house were barred completely, there gotta SOME consequences?

Edited by BlueYoshi97
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