Kefeus Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 On 12/17/2011 at 11:14 PM, samiaji said: SMD kid Corby, Darkstar and BouweV 3
Dr.Minky Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 FACT: Darkstars nipples are the size of his entire hand, theyre only just covered in that photo Darkstar 1
Luke Nukem Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 Look at that Hourglass figure. I WOULD DIE FOR THAT!!! Darkstar 1
awesomeo_5000 Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 TL:DR. What I did read though, and the only point I took from it (which by the way confirms you just went full retard) is: TNT doesn't blow up chests. Thinking TNT doesn't blow up chests.Only you Samiaji. Keep being mad bro.
Ywa Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 That better be original content. awesomeo_5000 1
Luke Nukem Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 Fuck Minecraft we are talking about Darkstar's figure bro.
Baron Baconeer Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 On 12/17/2011 at 11:28 PM, awesomeo_5000 said: TL:DR. What I did read though, and the only point I took from it (which by the way confirms you just went full retard) is: TNT doesn't blow up chests. Thinking TNT doesn't blow up chests.Only you Samiaji. Keep being mad bro.And I thought there could be no possible way to have even less respect to that guy.
Darkstar Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 It really does deserve being posted in the tits thread in the greens section for all to discuss.
samiaji Posted December 18, 2011 Author Posted December 18, 2011 So why was it when I tried raiding somebody and hit TNT on the chest the chest didn't blow?
Drainal Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 On 12/18/2011 at 3:42 AM, samiaji said: So why was it when I tried raiding somebody and hit TNT on the chest the chest didn't blow?Maybe 'cause they weren't online you tard.
Hundred2 Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 On 12/17/2011 at 11:27 PM, Dr.Minky said: FACT: Darkstars nipples are the size of his entire hand, theyre only just covered in that photoBUT IF DARKSTAR IS COVERING HIS NIPPLES.THEN WHO WAS PHOTO.
Darkstar Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 On 12/19/2011 at 8:52 PM, Hundred2 said: On 12/17/2011 at 11:27 PM, Dr.Minky said: FACT: Darkstars nipples are the size of his entire hand, theyre only just covered in that photoBUT IF DARKSTAR IS COVERING HIS NIPPLES.THEN WHO WAS PHOTO.Laptop.
Damien Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 and i wish that kiddies like you grow up now.
Dr.Minky Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 On 12/19/2011 at 9:04 PM, mwebs12 said: I wish corby would just be demoted.Be careful what you wish for, might come true one day, don't expect the other 2 admins who barely play to come running to you when you need helpStart your own server with 40+ players 24/7, oozing with hackers, and try and do half the job the guys here do. Then ill respect your opinion....Oh, and Damien and Baron Baconeer 2
ruCsan Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 (edited) On 12/17/2011 at 11:13 AM, awesomeo_5000 said: That was sadly the first time I combat logged. And it was due to the fact I went from full diamond armour with protection enchantments and fire resistance to no armour in about 4 seconds. I'm all for equality on the battlefield - ask Spartans. I sat there and drowned, giving them a hell of a lot better stuff on than I had that day without logging. Because I do not believe in it. I didn't relog and run and log out a lot. I simply logged off and asked Corby to investigate the logs to see if you were giving speed hack warnings or anything of the like.Another thing I don't believe in is the rewarding of hackers. I don't believe you should get the things I worked for to raid from Angels when you speed hack up to me and start attacking with your all powerful sword. Combat has never taken less than a minute on this server when both in full dia. Even when I have had my epic sword on me, and all the buff potions you can desire. I don't particularly understand your issues with my vault. Is it against the rules to have one? Matched with the fact that, as it's only just been built it has some spare construction mats used to build it and nothing else. I dont see how it's relevant. As for the stuff about Corby. I implore you all to go and research some more. You cannot spawn enchanted items. You cannot spawn potions. Yes you can spawn items, but it removes the need to raid on the game - which is this server's USP. Why would we bother? Rangers came to power long before Corby was admin. And before that time instead of admin abuse, people always just tried to call us hackers. Now you kids have another avenue to rationalise your inability to create a secure base, and you over use it like a two dollar whore. For you all to say you wouldn't allow an admin to be in a faction, how would you expect the server to be administrated? There would be no admin online to handle abuse. Because look at the facts - The server is faction wars. Creative mode building gets real boring real quick. All the other administrators that are/were in the non attacking faction never play. This server's community is honestly tiring. Yesterday Corby and I spent a good portion of time we'd normally spend playing on L4G, looking for a new server. If we could find one similar to this one - we'd be out of your hair for a while. Hopefully in our absence you'll enjoy the server you wanted. No raiding factions. No administration. Just happy go lucky build time with the architectural skill of an inebriated otter. Go suck a dick.Finding a new server, like the left4green. is 1. almost impossible, 2. the same would happen anyways. On 12/19/2011 at 8:49 PM, Drainal said: On 12/18/2011 at 3:42 AM, samiaji said: So why was it when I tried raiding somebody and hit TNT on the chest the chest didn't blow?Maybe 'cause they weren't online you tard.lolyou can't bomb anything if the faction is offline. Edited December 19, 2011 by ruCsan
Dr.Minky Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 On 12/19/2011 at 9:11 PM, ruCsan said: Finding a new server, like the left4green. is 1. almost impossible, 2. the same would happen anyways.L4G is special cause it doesn't go overkill on plugins like most servers, Its pretty much enhanced MineCraft, I think that's why people like it so much. Its unique because it's so normal,
Mr. Darkness Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 On 12/19/2011 at 9:04 PM, mwebs12 said: I wish corby would just be demoted.Guess what.I dont.
Baron Baconeer Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 On 12/19/2011 at 10:20 PM, Mr. Darkness said: On 12/19/2011 at 9:04 PM, mwebs12 said: I wish corby would just be demoted.Guess what.I dont.Does anyone except those three guys that come to the forums just to whine about Corby?
Jinrai Posted December 20, 2011 Posted December 20, 2011 (edited) Okay, I'm going to get this off my chest without any bad intentions or trolling/flaming in mind.First of all: I think corby is doing a great job when it comes down to busting hackers, loggers and other obvious cheaters.But it's like this: If you're an admin, you have powers. You should use those powers objectively. Playing in a faction like Rangers affects this objectivity, no matter how you look at it.There has been more than one occasion where it was obvious that corby was making decisions in favor of himself, his friends,or his faction. Now I don't lie awake at night knowing this, after all minecraft is just a game.If i were in corby's shoes though, and I would be an admin of an awesome but at the same time insanely competitive server,I wouldn't even want to tempt myself by participating in the playerbase drama.Now the most frequently heard argument from the L4G side is; if you don't have proof of it, don't accuse.What is seemingly overlooked is that even IF you would suspect or know about power abuse, in most of the cases,it's just impossible to prove. For example, me and my friends were playing, just minding our own business,not even talking in chat, and all of a sudden my friend Ishibi gets d/c with the message: Kicked by server admin.So we ask corby [the only admin online that we knew of, at the time], do you know something of this?He simply replied: 'It's possible that he's been kicked, but not by me.' Well then who? Corby didn't want to elaborate on this.Now I know this is a really minor thing, but I chose this example just for the principle.In the case of TS, he could never ever prove it even if it were true.So the remark; you need proof is totally irrelevant in 99% of the situations.Clavus says: "Accusing him of exploiting his powers needs some serious proof before you even dare discussing it again. I can look things up in the logs if needed, and so far I've noticed nothing at all."And admins do not need to be separated from normal players. That'd be bullshit. Well clavus, admin powers are also the power of threats, not only the power of creating things or kicking[which might not show up in your log]I don't think corby abuses his /give command, my opinion is that he uses his position as admin as leveragein getting things done, like this example TS gave. Awesomeo is in trouble, accuses the attacker of hacking[while he relogged himself], corby kicks the guy for whatever reason, threatens him with bans, and awesomeo is home free.But for the sake of argument; even if corby would put his whole invent full of stacks of blaze rods and starts dropping them randomly,he could say, well, I farmed them. IM NOT SAYING HE IS ACTUALLY DOING THAT but what I'm saying is, that if he would do such a thing, noone would ever be able to get any proof, except for another admin. So please, please, just stop with the proof argument.Clavus, I'd rather that you say, stop complaining but we believe corby and we don't believe you. That would be a lot more honest.On one hand i can relate to Clavus and Darkstar, because finding a guy who handles admin responsibility [relatively] good is hard to find.They probably also know corby for a long while, from other games in L4G, which makes it even harder to suspect their friend of doing anything bad. Admins who fully abuse their power are easy to detect; admins who only do it once so often and in a manner that can't be logged, is pretty much impossible to detect. So it will always be our word against corby's, and the only ones who can change anythingabout it is either corby or the rest of the admins. The only thing we can do is try to bring it under their attention without giving themthe idea that we're angry little fags that vent their frustration by accusing an innocent admin.There are always unreasonable players who will do anything to get rid of their anger,but there are also ALWAYS people in positions that abuse their power, even if this admin didn't intent to do it when he was assigned to theposition. A game like PVP minecraft can bring about a lot of emotion, and under the stress of emotion most people would crack andabuse powers. That's why in almost every server of almost every game, especially freeroam, mmo pvp games, admins cannot ever become players, and if they do want to play, they switch account.So it narrows down to 2 options. Or all admins are admins like darkstar, or Clavus.Impartial, 'on the seat of the gods', so an admin faction who doesnt raid [which is the best option]Or option 2, which means leave things as it is, and get reports like these every other day.I guess it comes down to corby, a choice motivated by self-interest, or a mature choice that acknowledges that with a function like admin, which comes with powers and responsiblity, and most of all impartiality, you cannot be in a player's faction,and certainly not participate so passionately and aggressivly as corby does in Rangers.That'll be all. Edited December 20, 2011 by Jinrai
Corby Posted December 20, 2011 Posted December 20, 2011 (edited) Good one on stirring this fun topic again, 'It's possible that he's been kicked, but not by me." I didn't say that, I said "Wasn't me", then Darkstar said it was the spammer. So stop twisting everyones words, its boring and retarded. Alot of people chant "HACKER" or "ABUSER" at me just because I kill them quickly, almost all the time I kill people with potions, when you do realise it takes 2 fucking Damage II potions to kill someone instantly REGARDLESS of armor. As far as I know it's impossible to spawn potions? So just man up and learn to play the game. Minecraft really isn't that complex, unless you read into it deeply. Like my theories on the nether lol.Oh yeh, your argument, you kill the fun of the game whats there left for me to do except occasionally pass by. Wanna know the reason I ban the most hackers on MC, because I play it. Edited December 20, 2011 by Corby
Jinrai Posted December 20, 2011 Posted December 20, 2011 (edited) Dear corby.I'm truly sorry that you take this post offensively. I tried so hard write this post as it was intended, not to flame you,but to express my concern for the mixed interests that emerge when someone with admin powers enters the playerbase of an extremelyaggressive and [sometimes] frustrating game as faction wars minecraft.I never 'chanted' HACKER or ABUSER to you after dieing to you in-game, because as far as i recall, we never fought in-game. On 12/20/2011 at 2:04 PM, Corby said: 'It's possible that he's been kicked, but not by me." I didn't say that, I said "Wasn't me", then Darkstar said it was the spammer. So stop twisting everyones words, its boring and retarded. Sorry, I don't quite get what you mean here? My friend was kicked by an admin, darkstar wasn't even online at that time.You denied that it was you, and we all thought it was peculiar, nothing more, it's that simple.I don't twist anyones words. Even if I wanted, it has no use when it's your word against mine, at least thats my experience.Again, the fact that you see me as as 'bored and retarded' says more about your attitude than it says about mine.I know that in-game I can be an asshole, but thats what you get when you're in a world where people destroy hours of work if you don't pay attention.Now I'm actually serious and even saying I respect you for the things you do good in your position, and I get this kind of remark? Lol. Edited December 20, 2011 by Jinrai
Baron Baconeer Posted December 20, 2011 Posted December 20, 2011 On 12/17/2011 at 12:07 AM, Clavus said: And admins do not need to be separated from normal players. That'd be bullshit. Rules said: The TopCrew has the last word in every discussion, their decisions are not to be discussed in this forum.I think this thread is getting even more unnecessary than it was at the beginning. Corby 1
Jinrai Posted December 20, 2011 Posted December 20, 2011 On 12/20/2011 at 2:19 PM, Baron Baconeer said: On 12/17/2011 at 12:07 AM, Clavus said: And admins do not need to be separated from normal players. That'd be bullshit. Rules said: The TopCrew has the last word in every discussion, their decisions are not to be discussed in this forum.I think this thread is getting even more unnecessary than it was at the beginning.I do understand that admin's have made their point clear in the past,but to just repeat other's posts and say that this topic is unnecessary, is a pointless and unnecessary post in itself.Contribute something? Or don't post? Ty :]
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