Don't be lame to flame me. I want criticism, no "He's a fagg". Please reply here and not at your own forums. Since I don't got the time to check multiple forums all the time. Read this before reading everything else: I'm not pissed at not "getting" KillaZSS. If I was I would post it here. I just think we were a better solution for them to survive. And it won't survive for long at WIN SERVARS. And this is an opinion. I could be wrong. Also, I'm not pissed at WIN SERVERS or Stoned Potatoes. I wish both the best with their ZS servers. Hi everyone, I'll use this topic to make a one-time blog about my look at the recent developments in the European Zombie Survival scene. Replies are very welcome . You might think, recent developments? Did I miss something? Well, you kinda did. As you might know the European Zombie Survival scene existed of 3 different communities/servers. KillaZSS, Stoned Potatoes and Mr. Green. Yes, I repeat existed. A week ago announced through their Steam group and forums that their ZS server will be put off-line due to not having enough time and donations. Ok, that can happen. I mean, communities start and die. It's almost an everyday happening. However, KillaZSS was the second most popular European ZS server. A server like that shouldn't stop because of those reasons. Their community also tried to get the server ran by someone else (with the same edited game mode). Even I started talking with about taking KillaZSS over. You'll probably think that's it's better for us when their server will go off-line. That's partially right. Of course would probably get more players. But players that just play at our community because there's no better place (except Stoned Potatoes server, which I will talk about later). What if we could give them their own "known" server (from KillaZSS). Separate from Mr. Green (own forums and such). We'll update the game mode with the ideas from the community (and not our own ideas). Wouldn't that be great? I thought it was. But of course we weren't the only community that was interested. There was another community named WIN SERVARS. Acronym developed their own game mode named Zombified World. I never played on it, so I won't say anything about that. However, WIN SERVARS is a new community, which had kinda the same people from KillaZSS. While I was talking to he told me that he thinks we weren't reliable. He thinks we would steal pieces of code from KillaZSS's game mode and put it into the Mr. Green's server. That's just strange... as far as I know our server got the most and best features. Ok, some people don't like our balance and such, that's why we wanted a separate server of course). We from Mr. Green got the most experience from all other European Zombie Survival-like game modes, and we run the no. 1 European ZS server. So I suppose everyone could say that's the best place KillaZSS could have been. However, thought something else and the game mode went to WIN SERVARS. Ok, not a big problem or so. He could try it, right? And now people seem to realise it, they lost 75% of their players thanks to the moved host, whilst not redirecting right and stuff. Also, the current KillaZSS game mode is broken (their ranks system isn't moved yet). Ok, we still have the no. 3 European Zombie Survival server. Stoned Potatoes is founded & owned by Flyberius. Their current average players on the server is around 4. Really... they should be (and I suppose they are) happy when they got 10 players in their server. They did got more players in the past. But they all probably left due to they update their game mode slowly and with no unique features. Where is the top 3 European ZS servers? Why do we got players and they don't? What if we would've taken over KillaZSS and made it even better, without waiting on Fizzadar for fixing the ranks. Too bad these other communities die slowly. And I (yes... IT'S AN OPINION!) expect that WIN SERVARS, because in my eyes their organisation isn't good, will also die slowly in the future, just like Stoned Potatoes. Thanks for reading and as I already stated, feel free to comment. Edit Removed some acronyms. They weren't meant to be direct insults. I'm sorry .