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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ywa

  1. Ywa

    Guess the game!

  2. Gentlemen.
  3. Ywa

    Guess the game!

    Mayco is breaking our balls.
  4. Looks nice .
  5. Ywa

    Guess the game!

    Yep . Your turn Mayco.
  6. Ywa

    Guess the game!

  7. Ywa

    Guess the game!

    Hint: It's a very popular game in it's kind.
  8. Ywa

    Guess the game!

    Hi everyone, Time for a new game called "Guess the Game". What am I supposed to do? I start with posting a song of a game (can be both from a PC game and/or console game). You can try to guess it. When I say it's right, the "winner" can chose a new song. And then the other guess. It would be nice if you use the theme song, instead of a random song (which is hard to guess then). Guess the game: [mp3]http://www.neemdetijd.nl/results/guessthegame.mp3[/mp3] Good luck .
  9. I laughed at the HQ. Nobody of the admin team lives in Utrecht :') .
  10. Played it 2 times. It sucks. I still don't know what to do (except for shooting zombies which are over-powered).
  11. Ywa

    Impossible. I got godmode.

  12. Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone?
  13. How'd you mean?
  14. We can set that up, but it only works in The Netherlands as far as I know. I'll take look at it. Edit When you're AFK, you shouldn't play.
  15. Ywa

    Hi. Welcome :) . I've changed your name.

  16. It just feels cheap because it's not dark. That's why I voted for ClavusElite his entry. Very nice from him.
  17. The prices won't go down soon. So if I was you I should buy it as soon as possible.
  18. Accepted .
  19. Go live in Europe.
  20. Ywa

    admin application

    Could you please link to your HLStatsX profile. It seems there are like 4 Venom's from Belgium .
  21. Ywa

    Admin Aplication

    Declined You don't play often on the server.
  22. Ywa

    admin application

    Declined It seems you're not very active. Just 6 hours on the server.
  23. Declined Too young.
  24. Ywa

    Admin application

    Declined You're young indeed and like you said your English isn't very well.
  25. Ywa

    Admin Applications

    Declined Your Dutch is sometimes horrible and we jus think you're not fit. Maybe later .
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