Found a good map for our CSS Surf server? Post it here (provide a download link)! We'll check if it's worth playing, and if so, you'll see it up and running in no-time. Map criteria - they must be suited for Surfing. So it's best if they're 'surf_*.bsp' maps. You can't suggest other maps. - should support atleast 32 players - custom content (materials, textures, music etc.) must be included in the BSP Current map list surf_10x_reloaded surf_abhorrence surf_akai_f1n4l surf_banocanyon surf_bathroom_final surf_buck-fever surf_buck-wild surf_f0rbidden_ways_2nd surf_greatriver_v4 surf_japan_reloaded surf_legends_lite surf_lexia surf_mai_remix surf_matrix_v8 surf_ny_exploder_prime surf_ny_momentum_v3_1 surf_rebel_resistance_final3 surf_rocketman_v2 surf_superk surf_thrill3r_final surf_ywa_helloworld_b4 surf_year3000 surf_hyper-tension_v2 surf_mr_green_2 surf_dust2005_final surf_ember surf_fastspiral_retro surf_machine_remix_v2 surf_omnibus surf_vegetables surf_adverse surf_buck-ed_up surf_buck-fever2 surf_XIV_v2a surf_phenomenon surf_measuresurf_v2