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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ywa

  1. There were indeed some GC glitches yesterday. I've removed the auto-login for your forum account from both MTA serials. Could you login normally again and check if everything is normal? If not, please let me know what you're missing. (either via a forum PM or via here)
  2. Garry's Mod is not a game suitable for race/car gamemodes.
  3. Server has been closed. Let's hope we meet again sometime in the future.
  4. I would say @Cena decides about this.
  5. This is probably because we do not allow members to download maps uploaded in the "Contributions" forum. Unfortunately we cannot explicitly allow authors.
  6. Hi folks, I'm building towards the new Mr. Green website with a new GreenCoins system. The Mr. Green Zombie Survival server, that has been around for a very long time, requires more work to adapt to the new GreenCoins system than I would like to do. Seeing the player counts have been very low for a very long time. Before I make a decision, I would like to hear some opinions. Thanks.
  7. Purchase is refunded.
  8. I'll revert you purchase tomorrow.
  9. Due to a DoS attack the Race server will stay down till further notice. I'm hoping it'll be only a couple hours or so. Edit: It might be up and down from time to time.
  10. So what's the default limit for our server anyways?
  11. Well technically anything above 30 fps is a problem as the game has not been designed for anything above that. Minor problems start to appear with 40 to 50+ FPS. Personally I'm not sure what the best solution is.
  12. Ywa

    IRC Spam

    Thanks for the report. Unfortunately the Discord bot sorta relies on IRC. We need to fix that in order to drop IRC completely. It's on the to-do list. Please let me know if you'll see it happen more often.
  13. Most actually look better without the Mr. Green logo
  14. Those green teeth..
  15. I'm unsure if it's viable to actually work on that source considering it's very, very old.
  16. If someone actually wants to work on it. I can create a branch with the old version as base, and everyone can do pull requests.
  17. Also, Infected Wars is also open-source in it's full glory. I've made changes to make it work with the current Garry's Mod but it still needs some work. https://github.com/MrGreenGaming/InfectedWars
  18. The open-source github repository from our server goes back to 2013. All commits: https://github.com/MrGreenGaming/ZombieSurvival/commits/master This is a tree (you can clone or download!) based off a commit from 2014. I did a couple changes after Deluvas quit, if I remember correctly. https://github.com/MrGreenGaming/ZombieSurvival/tree/d289371d19057362f03f26a6cea81eabab54d230 Have fun!
  19. Ywa

    Cant Login

    Double checked everything and I'm absolutely sure you made a typing mistake or that you're trying to fool us.
  20. Ywa

    Cant Login

    Will check this out in a few days.
  21. The lottery has been won by @Goemiix. Congratulations! You will be contacted by a forum PM.
  22. Ywa


    We can only add PSC once I update the website. This is required by PSC. My apologies for the inconvenience.
  23. What kind of nonsense is this? I never personally recall being in "war" with Noxiousnet or any other Zombie Survival community. Yes, we were competitors, but were also active in different regions (Nox in US, we're in Europe). On top of that I have checked the original source-code many times and don't remember any sabotaging code. Only the first couple versions gave special rights to certain SteamIDs. But nothing serious that I would call "sabotaging". Now of course I may have missed some source-code, so don't pin me down on it. Jetboom was always kind enough to release his updated gamemode and eventually even open-sourcing it. Yes I understand your point of view on that we've supposedly given up. We've had quite some scripters working on Zombie Survival and putting their own stamp on the gamemode. There was (and is?) no clear goal. A lot of the old regulars now play other games or stopped gaming at all. The nostalgia is great, I understand, but a lot has changed and a lot of work has to be done to bring our Zombie Survival gamemode back on level with 2018's standards in gaming. tl;dr: We've not given up. There are just no scripters in the community willingly to work on it.
  24. Due to updates of several modules we were, unfortunately, forced to switch to the default forum layout. In the coming days I'll make sure the default theme will look more like it did before. So for now: Ignore the blue-ish colors.
  25. Hi folks! As you all know it's possible to react to all posts on these forums. But having just a heart and upvote is kind-of lame. So that's why I am looking for new reactions. I would like to have them based on our emoticons/smileys. Please post suggestions here: emoticon + what kind of react it is. Thanks!
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