I don't believe in God, though I have to admit I have prayed a couple of times in my life, when I had an exam or something, and then I passed. But that was probably cause I studied. I don't believe there is a 'higher force', though I'd love to believe it, but I simpley can't. I went to catholic schools and stuff, but due to my parents, who also don't believe in God and never go to church except for funerals and when I did my communion or was baptised. Religions only have caused war so far. They all do it 'in the name of God' so they won't have to take the blame. But it was all for their own power (look at the power popes and church had in the medieval centuries). I don't believe in a God that created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day, with 2 people that lived in that paradise, running around naked, but then got kicked out because they ate an apple cause the snake told them to eat it. Then they had sex and all humans come from them? Lol, what a massive incest story that would be. I also rather want to believe that Jesus existed, and that he was a man with royal blood, and that Mary Magdalene was his wife/girlfriend, than having to believe Jesus is the son of God, and was given birth by the virgin Mary. You can't get pregnant on your own, without male seed. You should look up the history of the Templar Knights. The only thing I find good at religions is that they all (wel, except for Scientology and other cults) hope for a better world with peace and where every human is treated equally. It's not 'God's task to do that, but it's our task. But there will always be greedy people that only think for themselves and abuse other peoples to get rich.