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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VforV

  1. Why do you (girls in general) always have to say that, to get extra attention? It's not like I/we say 'Yes, I'm a guy! LOOK AT ME!!' on every forum I/we post and in every game I/we play. Reason I'm saying this is because not everyone who claims to be a girl is a girl, but say they are a girl to get extra benefits (it has happened here, a so-called girl became server admin but turned out to be a guy). That been said, welcome. That doesn't mean we made Linki admin because she was a girl. So your statement is wrong. Didn't said that either. I wasn't there when he got promoted, but if he made a topic, some L4G may have posted positive comments because they thought he was a girl and want to get good points with 'her'. I mean in-game and stuff. People will help a female player faster than a male player, in the hope that that girl will like the guy that's helping her. People in-game are always acting friendly to girls, and not (that much) to guys. It's sad, but true. In my opinion everyone should be equally treated. And it's not just that, also that P0dly has 'girl' in her nickname (and statements that she's a girl, in her signature etc), which is a bit attention-whory to me. We don't care that you're a girl or not, just remove the attention-gettery out of your sig and stuff. On the internet, men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents!
  2. Why do you (girls in general) always have to say that, to get extra attention? It's not like I/we say 'Yes, I'm a guy! LOOK AT ME!!' on every forum I/we post and in every game I/we play. Reason I'm saying this is because not everyone who claims to be a girl is a girl, but say they are a girl to get extra benefits (it has happened here, a so-called girl became server admin but turned out to be a guy). That been said, welcome.
  3. Yeah, I know there's a WW1 mod for HL1 (The Trenches) but I'm afraid no one plays that anymore (haven't checked it out yet).
  4. Why isn't there anyone that makes a WW1 game for a change. D:
  5. I like playing both classes. But if I have to choose it's the Demoman, because that class requires more skill.
  6. Only 2 vids per post? D:<
  7. Hihi Edit: Lulz
  8. VforV

    Congrats Axon

    Hmm, must have missed it then. Also, for the Dutchies, here's the topic on Mr. Green:
  9. Naiz
  10. VforV

    Congrats Axon

    This must be the first b-day topic on L4G? Congrats
  11. Bumpz0rs Nice shootin', Tex.
  12. Has your dad a life?
  13. An Engi limit isn't needed imo, but I would surely welcome a sniper limit, and a pyro limit. ^^ You can take a couple of sentries down with a good medic and demo. It requires teamwork indeed.
  14. I remember when I first played MoH Allied Assault, hadn't heard of CoD yet. ^^ Though I never finished it, I got stuck in 'sniper town'. Last year I played MoH: Airborne, it was pretty fun too, but more like a game you play inbetween and never play again after you finished it.
  15. I was having that in mind yes, though that's not the only one. When mr-green.nl forum was founded, I was still active on GTAF, but not for long.
  16. I disagree (and agree with Ywa). It's obvious that most people are not used to this. Most forums have a zero-tolerance attitude with 'spam' (or imo just fun posts and threads). I really like Mr. Green because we are allowed to post useless (but fun, because they're useless) posts and threads (e.g. you quote someone with '' or something). And Chikennugget, I made those threads because it's pretty inactive here. It was purely coinfidential that they kinda looked the same, if there would have been a few weeks between the time the threads were created, you probably wouldn't have noticed it at all. And if you think I do this to get a highter post count or something, think again. I'm just missing a little bit of 'cosyness' here, it's too cold. Make some fun, there's enough serious things in the world.
  17. I don't know what that has to do with enabling or disabling crits.
  18. He's banned, + fail @ prismaa :')

  19. Doesn't anyone notice the airplane on the background and the date in the lower right corner? Also, post a statement too! @Nobana: What's your statement?
  20. The Fix - Clutch (ignore the picture)
  21. Offtopic: The OP said 'no text + statement' in the images and all I see is text and no statements.
  22. High Contrast - Tread Softly
  23. Obama isn't as good as I thought he'd be (he wants more troops in Irak etc)
  24. Zoey is cooler than Rochelle!
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