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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VforV

  1. Haven't played it in ages. :\ Mostly cause I don't want to play with random peoples, and don't know any peoples at the moment to play with.
  2. I won't stop you. But put me on reserves then. In case I don't make it.
  3. You still haven't bought it? (Watching it on Blu-Ray is orgasmic) Hell no, I don't buy things. But maybe I should cause I'm interested in WW2 and Band of Brothers is just great. Watched part 3 today btw. Epic how the Carentan map from CoD looks so much like Carentan in BoB, even the piano on the streets. XD
  4. Planet of the Apes
  5. Why are the class limits gone?
  6. Omg, even I saw it. All 3. But it's a very long movie so I don't think it's good to stream.
  7. Old but awesome movie!
  8. Hedgewars is a clone of 2D Worms games, ik must admit that I prefer the original Worms over this, but it's a worthy alternative. You can also play it on Linux and Mac OSX. Unlike the older Worms games, this game runs pretty fine on Windows 7. On the screenshot below you can see it's very similiar with Worms 2/Armageddon etc. Download: http://www.hedgewars.org/download.html (about 74MB)
  9. http://www.pvkii.com/main.php?page=pvkiiabout
  10. VforV

    PVK 1

    Anyone wants to host a server?
  11. VforV

    PVK 1

    For those who want to see the roots of it's great successor: http://www.filefront.com/3659054/Pirates-Vikings-and-Knights-v2.31-Mod/ About 56MB to download. Too bad there aren't any servers only though.
  12. Nice, mostly thanks to the music and drawing skills.
  13. No problem.
  14. VforV

    Favorite class

    Yeah, maybe with this weapon If you have that (in combo with a shield), and a smaller weapon, like the archer's knife, they could make him run faster like the skirmisher. This weapon is in Age of Chivalry. Edit: Welcome back; your last visit was: Jun 30 2008, 04:36 PM - @ PVKII forums
  15. VforV

    Favorite class

    The poll doesn't really has an option for my view on 'favorite class' so I'll just leave it here: Pirates: Skirmisher Knights: Archer But there isn't really a class that I can't play with.
  16. Try restarting Steam.
  17. Rofl @ the silhouets of the L4D1 chars. :') It's like they got cut out and pasted on there. Anyway, I'm curious.
  18. Year of birth would be better in stead of age @ poll. I'm from 1989, thus 20 at the moment.
  19. Anyone interested in a copy of Half-Life on Steam? In exchange for Counter-Strike Condition Zero, the only Valve game still missing in my collection.
  20. I never even played Metal Gear Solid. The fact that the (recent) MGS games are console-only is a reason. I used to be addicted on AoE2 too, but HL still rules for me. HL2 is great too, though it was more because of the graphics and various locations, it was less scary than HL1, though I didn't really mind that. Haven't played Mass Effect yet either. If it had had MP, I'd bought it on Steam with the Holiday Sales.
  21. Half-Life. Without Half-Life, there wouldn't be CS, TF2, DoD etc. It still has the best gameplay for me compared to other games. What's also so great about Half-Life is that there are no boring 'sit & stare' cutscenes, everything happens in 'real-time' in front of you.
  22. My new background.
  23. I want that too! They've showed it in Finland too, and I think their starting to show it all over again, I hope. Just watched it, very good series. Couple of years ago since I saw it the first time, so it doesn't mind to watch it again.
  24. Starting from tonight, they are showing Band of Brothers again on TV every friday, on 20h40.
  25. Can't you do it on an other day? I think most people go out on fridays?
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