lol what!? I act like i own the place??? Why? Because I give my opinion!? As for your so called insult... "but no one would care to step on you" lol - that makes no sense whatsoever! Go on, have another go... XD Back off topic* XD Maybe if you'd some brains you'd see it as an insult. Admins are Admins for a reason, They are chosen after an application. This requires them to be mature and to be able to make the right decision. You act like you own the place because you keep saying everything in the form of being the community but in fact no-one else in here actually really, The admin offered you an alternate way of being able to solve your problem and has been taken seriously untill you started to flame with two other admins. therefore I call you and..... piece of dogshit (not the whole thing it'd be to good for you) :P ((i like pies and flaming))