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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. Nice tutorial, but just a fyi since alot (most) of people don't have credit cards. Credit cards are not required. You can also add your bank account. Plus in some countries you can just add money to it like a debet card (for dutch people via iDeal).
  2. Yes, he used wrong cmd he was doing /lock instead of /locknick. He did on Mix. Is it lock at Race also? Its global so you only have to do it once.
  3. So, Lock your nick and no problem anymore?
  4. Achievement for your bugged display? Or what, i dont understand For finishing with his messed up display.
  5. Nobody locked the name "-]alw[-Skyblue" from what i can see. You also did not lock any nick on your gc account.
  6. Damn, to pimp a butterfly is too real. It has been a long time since i really enjoyed a hiphop album.

  7. AfuSensi


    It's an MTA bug, restart MTA and its gone (always the first thing you should try with these bugs).
  8. Come on man, don't make unnecessary ban request topics.
  9. Yeah, it might've been epic a few years ago in maps like Hipnoze and a few of my originals, but it's annoying now. Then every noob will /dislike. Will have to see what the map managers think. No, not this time . First map from me in over 3 years. Starting small. I think a version of that script that fades colors instead of directly switching to another one would be much easier to the eye while still keeping the atmosphere it adds.
  10. Except for the epilepsy episode triggering sky script, the map looks great =).
  11. (regarding s-w-e map) If you have music in your maps, make a mute function bound to the key M. Read this. There are also misplaced spawns in this map so i deleted it for now. Please fix it and reupload.
  12. Since some people had troubles uploading their paint job, i have made an option to upload via imgur.com . Go to imgur.com Click on "upload images" Once you are done uploading, copy this link Ctrl+v that link into the gcshop and click on "Upload Paintjob" Then you should be done. Also works on imgur images that other people uploaded.
  13. Liking this new age reggae movement. Chronixx - Dread & Terrible
  14. It's not really a misunderstanding. It's just the way it is rounded. That's probably why the top times have 1 more decimal at the milliseconds.
  15. Already had it on my lap, installed it on my pc and joined =)
  16. I agree, the servers lack a proper stats resource.
  17. Ignore command works with serial, not with nickname. So the player would still be ignored when changing nicks. Since IRC does not work with serials, it can't know what to ignore. Interchat ignore won't be a problem when the servers merge. To be honest, /ignore helps you ignore players, sure they can still hop in IRC to talk, but you got to have some self-control aswell. No problem then. I dont see the /ignore being mrgreen wide happening.
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