Really MoshClit? Who are you to decide? I rarely see you on the server, in fact you only play like every 3rd day for less than an hour.. Cant believe this, people who play seldom make these important decisions.. Tuco the Lone Star Rider You are (fill in the blank) I play every day and have more time on the server that anyone. This^ Mosh is on all the time. He just isn't your timezone If I join IRC at night, he's there. And the whole morning and sometimes evenings (my time) he's on AND PLAYING {not afk like some pussy}! About maps, 350GC was perfect. I wouldn't mind less but certainly not more than 350... If the 3 maps an hour thing or 1 map per day thing kicks in, you won't have a problem with maps. And make hourly COINS! from 90 to 150 bitte <3 Did you just call me a pussy I read some ideas and i think a mix of the old and new system is the best. If you win, maps are discounted to old price, else it's new price.