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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. I added it to shooter yesterday, it has a 50/50 chance to play shooter or the new gm. It still needs polishing and some bugfixing though.
  2. I've put the interval on race to 7 minutes, since people seem to be talking less on race.
  3. You can't do anything with that res.
  4. AfuSensi

    funny videos

  5. Can I get more info about what you did? You'll see soon enough.
  6. I already made something similair to this. I will add it to SH soon to test it out and see how it's received (after sdk approves it).
  7. Once again, keep all your maps in one topic. Merged
  8. Using the new command makes it IMPOSSIBLE to block. Better safe than sorry. A kick only makes people not blocking while an admin is online.
  9. Only for you.
  10. Keep your maps in one topic please. ( merged )
  11. They're far from useless, people do not read GUI's.
  12. I was stupid enough to give you the benefit of the doubt and make it a 2 week ban. This is the second time you're faking screenshots ( http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14207-sergioriv-abusing-banned-without-a-reason/?hl=tuco) , and like i warned you about in my last pm, consider your ban permanent.
  13. You arent being rewarded for being AFK, youre rewarded for being connected to the server.
  14. Really MoshClit? Who are you to decide? I rarely see you on the server, in fact you only play like every 3rd day for less than an hour.. Cant believe this, people who play seldom make these important decisions.. Tuco the Lone Star Rider You are (fill in the blank) I play every day and have more time on the server that anyone. This^ Mosh is on all the time. He just isn't your timezone If I join IRC at night, he's there. And the whole morning and sometimes evenings (my time) he's on AND PLAYING {not afk like some pussy}! About maps, 350GC was perfect. I wouldn't mind less but certainly not more than 350... If the 3 maps an hour thing or 1 map per day thing kicks in, you won't have a problem with maps. And make hourly COINS! from 90 to 150 bitte <3 Did you just call me a pussy I read some ideas and i think a mix of the old and new system is the best. If you win, maps are discounted to old price, else it's new price.
  15. http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/16456-unban-appeal-tuco-lone-star-rider/#entry135672 Your behaviour has been shit since 2013, you have been perm banned before, you even faked screenshots to call out an admin on "abuse". As you have shown you have not changed one bit since after your unban. Your current ban is 2 weeks, and i suggest you to really change your ways this time.
  16. By the way, wrong subforum, moved.
  17. I think its the right price, especially since the player earns way more gc then before.
  18. Out of all the clips, there's only 1 where he's clearly blocking (clip 1), and 1 where im not sure of (clip 2). The rest is all completely within the rules (ramming). I banned him for 2 weeks, he's a known troll and has been banned before so i call that generous.
  19. I dont see any blocking, i havent watched the whole video but you should cut it and show the parts that are relevant.
  20. Omg 1.2 gb
  21. He Looks Like PewDiePie Thats what i wanted to say LOL I actually thought it was him lol.
  22. Can you do this please. Im tired of replacing it manualy with all the "reuploads".
  23. Ywa closed the minecraft servers. Not everything has to do with MTA.
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