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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. Making it a ratio is something ice been thinking about for a while too. 2 fields of info is irrelevant when you can have an average.
  2. First part, OK. but I don't get the last one. Why let everyone drive when they will be placed back to start when others have loaded BTW Can you please just REMOVE the annoying messeges that pop up in the middle of the race?? Not the first time I don't see the road because of those DONATE, DO U ENJOY etc messeges :/ Maybe make them appear only when a race has ended? You can move that to chatbox in the settings menu.
  3. You may not have enough vram for the radar to work.
  4. They are already going in collisionless mode (or get killed on mix in cerntain modes), no need to kick anyone. Although the detection scripts could use some improvements indeed. I think we should, indeed, stop caring about slow-loading people. Does it really matter if they start later? It's not like they ever finish in one of the first positions. I agree, but to what point slow loading becomes slow loading. I think wooozie started complaining about it since the names were added so you could see who is still loading into race, before that people did not really care that much. Correct me if i'm wrong.
  5. guiSetInputMode is bugged, very annoying.
  6. reuploaded
  7. doesn't save.
  8. via settings = pm disabled (except admins) via /ignore = pm disabled for that person (except admins)
  9. /settings > social and bind <key> gchorn <hornID>
  10. Not worth a ban, nor blocker status.
  11. Few months ago he was banned by BinSlayer, unless he finally hacked mta to get an unban.
  12. I reuploaded it after yesterday's backup upload.
  13. I added all tops that accidently got removed, no tops should be gone (from the new top system)
  14. Some events in race changed since I made the settings I guess. I'll look into this.
  15. 1 and 3 i like, but i am not sure i understand idea 2.
  16. That's how you're supposed to go right? that would be the way to go , go to the middle and use the brake Yes but i mean, you cant go any other way
  17. That's how you're supposed to go right?
  18. To the path of the song file
  19. I did not understand anything you said, calm down man.
  20. Just change the path of the music in your script, it's childs play
  21. project-t > not uploaded, too big/ too hard to deliver voodoo > not uploaded, same reason, there is too much going on. If you remove some of those things it would be good. albatraoz > uploaded
  22. ERROR: Couldn't find file music.mp3 for resource SH-NeonValley Loading of resource 'SH-NeonValley' failed ERROR: Couldn't find file music.mp3 for resource RTF-To-Narnia Loading of resource 'RTF-To-Narnia' failed Test your maps before uploading.
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