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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. Ok, this is the last time i'm changing all the map names if you do not even read the mapping rules. There is also no reason to have such big song files. Aide > Not uploaded, map is too big Coolm4n > song removed Uploaded Zaga > song removed Uploaded Scooter > Song removed uploaded ONDERKOFFER > not uploaded Dogs > uploaded Oriental > Uploaded
  2. Uploaded
  3. CTF-Summit > Not reuploaded, already got deleted by warp. NTS-Addrenalin > not uploaded: Map is too long, we have enough long nts maps already. If you change the length i will upload it. NTS-Neverthesame > Make this RTF gamemode, not uploaded NTS-Tristana > uploaded SH-fuckypower > uploaded, auto repair time increased SH-KirbySmash > Uploaded , increased auto repair time SH-NoKebabmap > uploaded
  4. Uploaded
  5. Same thing I told you about kali Yes, i have played all day yesterday waiting on that bug, but they are hiding from me.
  6. Some people are making something similair to this, although they recently got banned by rockstar (FiveM).
  7. I'm aware that the kill detection event (onClientVehicleDamage) does not work like it should all the time, looking into this again.
  8. uise /deletedmaps please
  9. Some changes: Changed suicide detection, its not looking at "no killer = suicide" anymoreAdded shoot and jump bars to both sh and cgChanged kill detection (event still acts funny sometimes)If player kmz/suicide, they dont lose levels anymore but the respawn time is increased.No doubt im forgetting something to put in this list again.
  10. Not at all, race feels like a different gamemode to me. Also i am pretty sure more people dislike it on race then on mix.
  11. AfuSensi


    I asked about it SDK and he said in this situation do suicide.. i think its fair if u will 2nd or 3 rd cuz its system fault The random vote system isnt supposed to be fair.
  12. I rest my case.
  13. Have you actually read what i previously said in this topic? Oh right, bashing admins for being lazy, abusive and ignorant is the cool thing to do. It's not about the ass licking, you can have your opinion. But when you accuse people of things you should make sure you actually know what youre talking about. But then get butthurt when people actually give their opinions.
  14. There you go again with your thin foil hat theories. Shut up forever please.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AfuSensi


      Very lame that i have to explain that to you.

    3. HeArTBeaT



    4. Knul


      Kali u know i love you <3

      mister DE WAN FUT DATRA!

  15. I dont agree, there is mix for that reason. NTS is still being played, and alot of times replayed.
  16. Just calm down, or dont post at all if you cant take other opinions.
  17. Maybe they were with you and they just left? IRC
  18. Cleaned some mix maps up, race is for bob_taylor.
  19. Most bug have to do with the kill detection(same bug is in shooter too, but since the gamemode does not rely on kills it is much more unnoticeable). Somehow the event does not catch all rocket damage. I'll be doing some changes to level decreasing wich would hopefully fix losing levels, while trying to detect kmz better. I'll merge this with the existing topic, in the right subforum.
  20. You are wrong.NTS always gets skipped for CTF,it barely gets replayed.. You are wrong also. Not always, sometimes xD Only if NTS sucks. Depends more on who's online rather than the map itself. How? If the map is nice then normally ppl vote 2 "Play again". If it sucks then ppl vote 1, So I see it depends on the map itself People that like NTS willl vote 2, people that dislike NTS will vote 1. Even if its a shitty map. There used to be alot more nts lovers on the server, and was always played again. Now not so much.
  21. You are wrong.NTS always gets skipped for CTF,it barely gets replayed.. You are wrong also. Not always, sometimes xD Only if NTS sucks. Depends more on who's online rather than the map itself.
  22. that happens when you play maps 100 times an hour
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