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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mr.reese

  1. When you about to start a race and say "let's top this" actually if you say it loud it's like: "Let stop this". So thats really strange

    1. Gonzalezo
    2. Maher


      And another weird stuff:

      Some say 'sex' instead of 'six'

  2. (sry yoshi) Montage of the shittest map ever.
  3. I totally prefer and suggest Nagel's idea. That smartchat is awesome. I played on SKC too and they have it for years now so it's totally well-tried. Please add smartchat.
  4. Hello, In these days the number of Turkish players grew on mix server. (sometimes more than 50% Turkish) That means, chat is totally messy nowadays and I would be really happy if someone could take action with this. The main problem is they flood and spam all the time in Turkish language. This thing is really annoying for me (i hope not only me), because there are cases when you can't talk with your friend in main chat because the Turkish text coming all the time in the chat like a "big flood-waterfall". Overall, this is a multi-cultural and international server so i think chat needs stricter rules because this is getting totally messy. I would suggest language-chat rooms, but as far as I know server don't have scripters who could do this. So, if you say only English in main chat, that means other languages in main chat are spam which means it is against the rules and punishable with mute. I would like to ask admins and mods to pay attention for this and to make chat less messy. Last but not least I would like to ask Turkish players to use main chat in English and use private chat for Turkish language. Thank you.
  5. NTS - Maelstorm NTS - New random shit
  6. Yes, and set your NOS type to hybrid or nfs, that's how you can switch on and off your NOS.
  7. glitch in the matrix
  8. mr.reese

    Report !

    I'm sorry if i offended anyone. I'm trying to rule myself. Sometimes i can't. All apologize.
  9. mr.reese

    Report !

    You probably didnt make screenshots when you and your friends insulted me in YOUR language. They attacked me as a group. What i said that was only an answer what you said about me. Everyone know your personality here. Everyone know you are always trying to manipulate things. This is what happened now. Things have 2 sides but you always show one side. One side what demonstrate your side. This isn't fair. Please, handle this report considering these things.
  10. Too late... work next day
  11. ingame nickname: mr.reese mapname: [CTF] dock
  12. more fps = faster turning less fps = slower turning
  13. Ye it's because the dm server. No need to change here.
  14. This guy blocked. He do it as a hobby.
  15. Nitro, You don't really understand what i tried to explain. You have high ping but it's fix. I don't have problem with that. Problem is if someone play while he's downloading or something like this and his ping jump up and down.
  16. I'm 100% agree that players can play on the server who have got 250 ping because they are far from the server. I totally accept it. No problem. But if someone play with unstable network and he's got 'jumping' ping that's totally unacceptable for me. Let's imagine a situation. You and your brother have the same network and he start to watch HD videos on youtube, or start to download on torrent, your ping can be very high, and it can be jump up and down. This can be really annoying for others, because u can teleport, or act like a tank on DD mode. Furthermore, it's annoying for you too because you can't play with that accuracy as you play with normal ping. This situation is happening with me frequently. In this case the best solution is to quit the game and wait while the lag (or your brother) goes away and you can play more in peace. So, I'd like to ask every player if they have this "jumping" ping, please leave the server and come back when lag gone. Thank you.
  17. Sorry, I won't say and report anything bad in the future. Let me make some comments about this. I think if u get stuck under a tunnel is not nts friendly so you could make a map where only 120cm high vehicles can go trough and you could say it's about luck. On Santi's map there's a bigger part of the bridge... You can go on the left where's the bridge is small, and you can go on the right side of the road where's the bridge is higher, so you can go through with hot dog.
  18. Hot-dog get stuck.
  19. Really thanks man!
  20. Hello, A lot of time has passed and i think it's time to ask for unban. I'd like to play on there server again because i love it. I promise i will be good. Thank you, mr.reese
  21. You can find me on ffs ptp. 

    1. CochonAlcolique


      did you know the old ptp on SAMP? was fucking dope

    2. Maher


      i only see u fapping thats all

  22. maybe if i pay i can come back
  23. Hi, Since i returned to the server i continuously get insults. They call me racist all the time even i didn't say anything. I think if someone call you a racist falsely is the same as being racist. Also, racist detected.
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