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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kodauer

  1. From these comments, I see why everyone has low views of the MC community. Good luck anyways, BBgun.
  2. Kodauer

    Discuss Anime

    Amon had something going for him, but over time the whole character was pretty much destroyed.Yeah they killed him off way to quick. However, you can't deny peeing you pants when he took away someone's bending or said "you will now be Equalized." @Griffon, come on, you have to admit Darth Vader's the best if no one else. Oh- I just discovered Death Note after a friend recommended it. Looks promising.
  3. This is kinda stupid. You wouldn't have asked for the faction to be disbanded if you and xpr0 weren't fighting.
  4. I have a feeling this'll turn into a witch hunt type of thing :/
  5. Kodauer

    Discuss Anime

    Nobody flamed me after talking about a French series. But that might just be because I rule this joint.LOK is pretty neat, although the story is full of cop-outs near the ending. Still waiting for the 2nd season, because it's coming. Tru dat. People generally don't like it, because it's made by Nickelodeon. I think Amon and the Equalists are perhaps some of the best developed villians of all time. I've never been "scared" of a villian (other than Darth Vader) until I watched LOK. Second season's coming this year... can't wait!
  6. Kodauer

    Discuss Anime

    1. Full Metal Alchemist (meh) 2. Legend of Korra (epic- named my faction after the bad guys ) Cue flaming about how LOK isn't anime:
  7. Handled? As in banning all of my accounts with no proof? No, not handled. You ruined this server, glad we found another. http://i.imgur.com/SyVUWOs.png Yes, that is totally xray. Enough proof to ban me for looking at a wall right? You also banned Nathan from Equalists for using "radar" when he came to fight you before you got to the base. Thats not proof at all. MrsMonkeyman was banned for turning around and hitting someone so you said he was ffing and without even recording hes gone. Harm_Inbound was banned for god knows what and the video is at an angle so you can't tell how fast he is going up. Just because you don't like us you find crap reasons to ban us for. This server used to be 50/50 now afternoons its at 1-4/50. I wonder why? I only banned one, since i was spectating you, so don't try toggling x ray then take a screen for proof. I temp banned MrsMonkeyman to avoid the pvp battle to go nutcrack before I was sure it was hacks or playermislocation, nathan was indeed using radar since he claimed 'dynmap' while it was down. Harm_Inbound is even clearer, in both cases you raise way to quickly to the surface, I tested both incidents out myself, according to the distance and the angle you raised 3 blocks higher in the same time as I did (which is a lot on 5 blocks total.) I don't ban because I don't like you, you don't even need to start that reason, I've recently removed all allies due you guys being a pain in the arse about it, I've been banning all hacking players including people I like / I don't like. Kodauer and Redgander used to share your opinion but after a night of parkour I have to be honoust we all calmed down and it's settled now. Both your 'friends' as the banned / tempbanned players agree that there's way to much drama for slight punishments. Server has been going well for a while now, a lot of new stuff is being added I see 30/50 instead of 5/50 (You should log in during day time in Europe). I'm getting good responses from people that are indifferent with me and that's all I care for. Sorry this isn't on topic, but i feel I should put a word in for Nathan as he isn't active on the forums and I'm his leader. Dynmap was never down, I think you may use the website, Mathijs, but I'm not sure. There's a map on the Dutch website (http://www.minecraft.nl/page/server/live-map) and one that's independent of the website's host (http://server.minecraft.nl:8123). THe Dutch Website went down when the forums went down, so the first URL wouldn't have worked. The second URL takes you to the server host itself, which was not down. I was actually watching live-map when you guys were tnting/raiding us (helpless to login until I got home). I saw Nathan dissappear, so I'm assuming that was a ban. I'm pretty certain he was legit, as livemap was never down for me. I think the Americans (Nathan and I) generally use the ladder URL simply because it's not in Dutch. I'll leave this up to you, however, Mathijs. I'll accept warnings or whatever if this was off topic, but I feel it's legitimate evidence to unban Nathan. Thanks, -Kod ps. I had to mine out my entire base to remove your EP spots... which are still probably there. ...
  8. Good luck! Server could use an American admin.
  9. IGN: Kodauer Faction: Equalists Most likely won't be able to make, better safe than sorry.
  10. What I'm really nervous about are V-clippers. A player that's banned now used to always v-clip into my xp farmer and use it; he could simply set a block there, and ambush us; completely unfairly.
  11. It would kind of beat the point of this system. Right now you can create your own teleport network using all sorts of blocks. For example, use grass blocks like a sort of escape teleport, since those blocks are everywhere. You can mark the stone at spawn to have a teleport back to spawn. You could use different colours of wool to get around your base. Note that you can now also throw ender pearls within enemy faction territory again. Is the plugin generally stable? Will there be issues with EP glitching again? I suggest that you perhaps don't allow setting a block in enemy territory, to avoid "cheap enemy invasions." One more question: How many teleports are we able to make? Is there a limit?
  12. You start spinning if and only if the marked block is still intact. If the block you selected is removed, you cannot teleport. So if an enemy faction knows which block you marked, they can break that block, or try to set a trap. You should make blocks that are able to be marked "special blocks" such as colored wool and such. It would add meaning to the wool option in the greencoins shop
  13. This is actually really cool! Thanks Clavus! If the block we selected is broken, that's when we start spinning right? This is almost like /tpa though. Let someone in your base they can select a single block and have free access to it...
  14. Shift+f5Should work if you have a hp computer (like me)
  15. The map reset mid-December; it hasn't even been a month yet. I really don't want to see my base I built go to waste and start all over.
  16. Not at all. There's minecraft factions servers out there with hundreds of people on right now. Like someone said in a previous post; minecraft is not the issue; people are still playing minecr
  17. This isn't related sorry, but I'd like to bring this up: If hacking is a "Zero tolerance policy," why are infamous hackers such as Nielsbmx or Atrueminer unbanned? I apologize again for going off topic.
  18. There's an easy way to tnt through any water defense in vanilla mine craft. Only a few know about it on the server, including myself. Don't enable tnting through water (without the method).... or creeper explosions
  19. Lol'd Nice job Mathijs, It was pretty impressive.
  20. True dat. Why are you guys complaining so much then ? If you haven't noticed yet, the best way to get something done is to ask mods directly or post something wait for a reply from Clavus and don't call the server a rotting if you don't get what you want. If you actually pay attention to my other posts, you'll see Clavus replies to them. The problem is that nothing really changes from forum posts. Mathijs, are you blind? The server's losing players everyday, and almost nothing is being done about it. I couldn't think of a better word than "rotting."
  21. Part of Mathijs' claim to power is the ability for him to run a dual monitor with Steam, mine craft, fraps, irc, and the forums at the same time. Normal computers can't handle such; I get around 20 fPS with minecraft and fraps running at the same time. That isn't that good. With steam and irc running, it'd be a lot lower. So yes, "technology" does play a role in being an admin.
  22. For everyone's information, he's previously used the account Thecoolcat. Yes; he's been pretty active- I've seen posts from him from like before enchants were in the game- so its been awhile. Personally, I see him as a better admin than Mathijs sure he doesn't have the same technological gear as him, or the same reputation, but he's actually PLAYED on the server when it's been dying. There's only a handful of loyal players left who actually do this- not including Mathijs. Sorry, monkey had exams too- and he still had time to play. Eve last map before your exams, you erent on much.
  23. That doesn't really matter; if land is abandoned it will soon be unclaimed by autokick if someone is inactive. That takes weeks. I just don't want terrain being claimed by very small groups of people. Factions should be about having large groups of people managing a vast area. And in the end, it's the job of the players to welcome others. You can make your faction open and set up some player-owned chunks inside your own faction to protect the most valuable stuff. If you want, I could manage a set of advertisement signs near the spawn for factions that are open to new players. That would involve you going online buddy. I am sorry but what? You guys clearly don't know your place and are making my view on minecrafters even more bad. He has multiple servers to manage. He administrates the administrators. If you guys really want to change the server it is better for you guys to change your attitude and become more mature. Change our attitude? What do you expect us to do? Sit around and let the server rot? We never said Clavus Wasn't busy. I know he has multiple servers to run and several projects of his own to work on. That's why we suggested for him to get another admin. These forum posts don't really do anything anyways. They never change stuff.
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