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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ryuu

  1. would be good for the acid trip 9\10
  2. Ryuu

    Sky for president?

  3. Ryuu

    I have an idi.
    I have a nahui.

    Oooh! idi nahui!

    1. Sky


      I have a cyka.

      I have a blyat.

      Uuuuh, cyka blyat!

  4. Ryuu


    ppl like you not leaving mta, chill yours pene amigo
  5. I found his another brother
  6. pepe
  7. customs
  8. sure thing haha, fu - Race - super-speed-racer - stolen and made like shit race (original dm) map
  9. - Race - super-speed-racer - stolen and edited like shit race (original dm) map
  10. gimme gift
  11. don't see any posthardcore things there ._.
  12. алеша gc for nothing soset u know
  13. 3:50 - what the ..? 3/10
  14. true 2much afk abuse for gc's by nothing. im sure it was created for not paying jack123 eurozzzz

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryuu


      maaan) it was meme for me and my friend in summer 2015

  16. Thank you mr.doodets

    1. Ryuu


      мистер дудец сука

  17. I miss ya homie @_l_e_n_i_n_

  18. Agree. Always think mrgreen started to be good and communicative, but it's just bot, always disappoint
  19. как быть в топе репутейшн оф week

    >быть адменом


  20. 9/10
  21. I told you he is still playing sometimes, what the fuck is wrong with you?
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