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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by neox.

  1. yeah, why not
  2. Did EdoCadovski stop mapping because people didn't like his maps? Did jededo quit because also many people dislike his maps? I'll give you a clear example, football of course: Two players are the most known and loved by a lot of people, but at the same time, they are the most hated ones (Messi and Cristiano). While they're playing a match on opponent's stadium, tons of fans start chanting insults to that player, doesn't matter who, but he's being insulted. Has he ever retired from the match or requested to be substituted because many people are against him saying mean things? One thing I'll have to admit, people love either a simple map, or a complex map well done. Making a simple map takes its time, I've made two maps the last week, and I've just added four or five roads besides checkpoints, removing lamps, place nitro.. and if that already takes a lot of time, a complex map full of objects would take even days (or not if you spend more than 24 hours mapping non-stop). Everytime I join the server, I can hear you say, "test my map", everyday. How come that? how come that everyday you have one or two new maps? that's pretty much, but I also have to admit that some maps have lack of work there, although you have spent a lot already, still lack of work, that's why I never made DM maps in the past, when I still used to play DM, because those require days, time, patience, even if it takes one month, a good job has a good result, because an unpatient person is that one who starts mapping and already imagines that map on the server and wants to play it as fast as possible, then map it as fast as possible, instead of taking 1 week, mapping 2-3 hours per day, do it all in 4-5 hours, and the result is an unfinished map that is between regular and decent. Take your time mapping, even if it takes one week, it will be worth it, because you dude are showing up a new map everyday.
  3. shhh Edge is gut
  4. here I am with my Icelandic flag. all hail scandinavia!
  5. Hello? IE users spotted?
  6. neox.

    racism player

    I can't actually see if he's telling it to you or to somebody else, as there are many turks. Anyway, what he said it's not appropriate, but you guys try to be more respectful as well. Plus this image is more or less 1 month old.. try to be faster
  7. You can't always like some things or gamemodes on a server, and I would also agree to remove the gamemode, but at least during the gamemode I can take a short break, or it's just how the game works. I remember old times a gamemode was really hated, whose name was Manhunt, I didn't like it, but I feel like I miss it because it was fun somehow
  8. Exactly. You couldn't forget to write that.
  9. Dem KoM table..
  10. 9.5/10
  11. I guess I'm still waiting for an answer
  12. I did. What's your purpose by using such powerful PC?
  13. I haven't seen any insult of that kind, moreover I've tried to translate what he said afterwards, that seems to be in another language that translator couldn't recognize, so for the moment I see nothing wrong. If everyone was offended by the word noob then the whole world would be complaining
  14. i5s and i7s work the same for gaming, with that I mean that both give the same performance, you can have a decent i5-6500 and play as many games as you want without any problem, and have an i7-7700K or even i7-6950X and those will perform as much as the i5 does with games. The point of getting such powerful processors is to use it for Adobe programs (photo editing, animation, illustration, after effects/premiere..) and mainly for tasks that require a powerful processor. The same happens with RAM, 16GB is fine for gaming, I guess it should be either 8 or 16, but games aren't all about RAM. Having 32, 64, 128 GB RAM would be pointless for gaming, these amount of GB are meant for heavy multi tasking (and chrome pls)
  15. Please, tell me that you're not using this only for gaming
  16. First of all go here http://mrgreengaming.com/greencoins.php Login, and then enter the game, In-game, press F6 and login.
  17. I'd give it a try
  18. I remember I made a topic about this, of which results given: You could actually make a POLL either to keep the gamemode or to remove it if people agree, but in my opinion I think it's fine how it's now.
  19. 9/10 8.5/10 9.5/10
  20. I'll take a look on those, they all sound familiar and they are pretty bad, yeah EDIT: Deleted [RTF]aggot (bad rated, crappy map) [RTF]Who Will Win (very bad rated) [CTF]Never the same (players use dune to camp on the flag zone) Not deleted [CTF]Revolution (map isn't bad rated, in fact it has more likes than dislikes)
  21. Did you really enter the main Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas folder? or did you enter MTA directory? if you have entered MTA directory then there's the mistake, enter the GTA:SA one. You can also remove GTA effects since the graphics don't matter at all. Download .txd files and then drop them in C:\<your GTA:SA directory\models and replace all of them Particle & Effects File.zip (direct download)
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