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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Not to be picky or anything but: a ) It seems a tad short, there are shorter applications, id look at some of the others and see what they've written so that you can get a good idea b ) The requirements do say to have decent english or dutch skills, which you might need to improve on, but i think that being around other people who are from the UK, you might get better, like Mr. Darkness, he's getting better, slowly, but hes still getting better but i also agree with the super sexy butter dish, it does make you seem a tad megalomaniac
  2. peepz, this contest is over, the winners have been announced not much point in voting now
  3. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    Mayco, New song please
  4. on the zombie class select screen, theres a tick box saying 'Apply For Behemoth', click on it, spawn as something, and then kill yourself again, re-spawn, and you should be behemoth sorry if its a bit confusing
  5. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

  6. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    Rayman 2 i know that because i was going to do it for my 1st one mah turn again [mp3] [/mp3]
  7. you get used to it really @robb - george is called the behemoth
  8. In a word: Epic. but most stuff by audioslave is epic
  9. Gore (But youve re-written that ) i think the main things youve addressed are with the upcoming update
  10. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    Your right, that was too easy but it was rather awesome though well ive thought up a good one when i get to choose again
  11. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

  12. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    One of the best games ever in my opinion [mp3] [/mp3]it might be easy, so there will be no clues
  13. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    Warhammer 40k: Dawn Of War
  14. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    dosent it appear in crystal as well? or is that different music for that?
  15. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    im waiting...
  16. haha, some of those other panels made me laugh also, with the meet the spy video, look at the bit when it says Meet The Spy, then pause it, and look at the copyright bit 'LOLOLOL'
  17. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    dammit! did that make anyone laugh hearing it though?? i was pissing myself when i saw it the 1st time double dammit! i was watching a zero punctuation video with that on recently as well :< http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...Hero-World-Tour its right at the end if im right
  18. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    ive gone for a purely comedy value with this song: if you know the song that well, the game will be obvious and for the american users on the forums, i will accept what you call this game [mp3]http://www.upload-mp3.com/pfiles/3659/Ratchet%20and%20Clank%203%20-%20Courtney%20Gears%20Vid.mp3[/mp3]
  19. lol at that last photo
  20. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    ?? Yes. The old school shooter woop! now to think up a game...
  21. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    Is the answer: ??
  22. Darkstar

    Guess the game!

    Clossseeee but wasnt rage wars released in '99, not '96?
  23. the deathrun server needs more advertising, there hasnt been anyone on it when ive looked at it :<
  24. theres only one map of which i know of as of yet which involves mr green, and thats kniights css surf map
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