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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. cheese (because i obviously have a fetish for cheese )
  2. today, cow killed meh with arrows, i was not amoosed (sorry XD)
  3. i still havent gotten the first one, haha
  4. DUN DUN DUUUUUHHHNN and the penny drops! hah, just saw my amazing arrow on that pyro
  5. im afraid that the website you posted has somehow dissapeared, not at all to do with hacks >:D

    also, that video is between me, sneed and robb anyway :P

  6. chiken's one made me laugh robbies one is very funny, because i do admin abuse on iw (but only when theres 3 people on > its only 3 people when i do it.... ...dont judge meh!!)
  7. Clavus (Or Ywa for that matter, but oh well)
  8. sniper, because i always stay back, if im in a group of people expect me to be at the back, because i cant work under pressure i just get killed
  9. herpes (it actually did come to mind XD)
  10. **Off-Topic** that was me, i was a spy at the time who was disguised as a evil propkiller, it worked very well you see
  11. brown?
  12. i think that they are hiding something from us, i just dont know what
  13. om nom nom?
  14. Fucking great writing. Excellent, I agree with you, I know exactly the same. calm down, i know its a english forum, but english isnt his 1st language like other people's is, such as me (for instance)
  15. W... T... F?!?!?!
  16. Darkstar

    E3 2009.

    thats debateable, but possibly possible
  17. chicken
  18. conspiracy theories, gotta love 'em
  19. Darkstar

    E3 2009.

    I do hope that valve make an appearance at this E3 but i havent read much into this years E3, its sort of crept up on me silently, but i hope there will be some decent titles announced this year, last year it was pretty much sequels being announced
  20. physics!
  21. I nabbed this from another forum i go on but anyway, i start off with a word, and then someone else replies what comes to their mind first after reading that word, but maybe quote the person, as to avoid confusion, and actually mean it, dont make it retarded like most things turn out to be that aside: Boat
  22. his dinosaur goes rawr
  23. is naive in the fact that you cant ban aiur, he bans yooooouuuu!!!! and that he dosent realise that he learnt from the best
  24. can we all just stop bickering about this, mr. green didnt get the server, its fine, it would have been too much pressure on clavus anyway as hes in the middle of sorting out the infected wars update, and many other things on his to do list end fucking of.
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