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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. im sticking with Ratchet and Clank, brilliant attention to detail, storyline, and graphics at the time a great almost-launch game on the ps2
  2. have you guys heard that 3D Realms has gone bust, which possibly means no more duke nukem forever D: Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8037688.stm
  3. herro! but anyway, nice app, would be cool if you got it
  4. i give you evils through the intertubes for not including me on your pic *evils*
  5. but there is difference between vista and 7 according to me
  6. Darkstar

    Admin App

    ouch, looks like someone !rtd'ed too much and kept getting raped by the dice
  7. Darkstar

    Admin App

    it is fun, but its only fun if you have teachers who like teaching the subject, which is why film studies is my favourite, because john, one of my tutors for it, supposedly on a weekend sits down with either a cup of tea or a beer, and watches a film and writes a 1500 word essay about it, and will every lesson, say about york college being the centre of excellence in the north of england its just little things like that which make my lessons pure AWESOME coursework wise, its great, ive written about "The Birds"(1963), made my own storyboards, and made a front cover, contents page and double page spread wow, i went incredibly off topic there, oh well
  8. i was going to do a scene where it was 3 or so survivors crouched and huddled together, with a zombie armada surrounding them, and have some sort of witty comment, but noooooo, my brother decided to do the existing one the noob...
  9. Darkstar

    Admin App

    i did my work experience in may in year 10, the 2 weeks before the may half term is when i did mine at a estate agents, oh yes! also, college is x10 harder than yr 10 & 11 combined, alot more work to be done
  10. not to be picky or anything but isnt it 1.21 Gigawatts, or did you intend it to be 1.4?
  11. Which is what I'm going to do. But the delivery time is around 3 weeks :/ When we bought our internet + broadband we got it in about 10 minutes O_O im guessing its 3 weeks for a router but is still kinda sucky
  12. arent microsoft rumoured to bring out a new console soon? if so, that might force sony to do a price drop
  13. noes! i wanted that update!
  14. i buy them for robb when we have our sexy time
  15. it came out today, anyone going to get it or have got it? if you havent then: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/download.aspx i tried build 7700 (i think) but it didnt agree with my computer, explorer.exe kept crashing and wouldnt work properly
  16. omgwtflmaohaxkthxbaibbq
  17. which is why i think that it should be donators only, it would make more money for the server that way also, mic support is enabled on the iw server, but everyone is much more mature about it, no spam, its great
  18. i believe that in france that is called le fail
  19. hai guys, hows do i gets new guns, kthxbai XD noobs amuse me
  20. thought we did http://forums.left4green.com/index.php?showtopic=257
  21. we almost went there, but in the end we decided to go look around ile de re, it was very posh
  22. holy mother of chuck norris, this thread is crazy
  23. i could have sworn that i did a topic like this, with a poll in the past... oh well, normal zombies ftw!!
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