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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. omg, i love portugal, its actually amazing *edit* ive also seen that youre from madeira!! :D:D:D:D:D i loved it there, we stayed near cabo girao (3rd highest cliff in europe, the other 2 in scandinavia) it was an amazing holiday
  2. remind me where nantes is again? i forget ive been to ; finistere, dordogne, ile de paris, charente-maritime anywhere near them?
  3. my dad was there as well!


  4. used photoshop 6.0, bleh i know, but i got it for free off the college computers, from their program files and the RIOT! style font i got off the interwebs
  5. yo, [E.U.] ERROR 401 in game Real name: Tom Age: 16 (at college) From: York(area), UK Hobbies: Listening to music, video games, dishing out abuse and media studies Studying at College: Media Studies, Film Studies, Geography and Computing
  6. in theory its a good idea, but in practise it'll prolly fail much like communism, which was the same really
  7. well, a front cover, contents page and a double page spread, which contains a article for a made up magazine to show key aspects of production
  8. yeah, because of this its pretty clear that someone like him has no life and has yet to get laid
  9. Hai guys, i have sort of finished my media studies magazine for coursework, i say sort of because there arent any images on any of the pages....yet but please have a look and tell me what you think of them as it would help further with the feedback part of the evaluation! which i neeeed! have uploaded them in jpg quality, sorry also just as a note, Default Alchemy is a band i made up, as well as the article
  10. i have a hunch, because this kept happening with my old computer, could the problem lie in the DEP (Data Execution Prevention (Control Panel - System - Advanced Settings - Advanced Tab - Performance - Settings - Data Execution Prevention (and change the settings to manual override, so that you can add exceptions, so windows wont close it) options in the control panel? just a thought, because ive done it otherwise my games freeze every 15 min or so
  11. in the one on the right, your damage is over 9000
  12. Pale Shelter - Tears For Fears 80's pop
  13. why thank you
  14. me thinks that they are polish really
  15. usp ftw and obviously the crowbar as well
  16. i have cheesecake hax'ed your profile :P

  17. also arsenal ftw

    my dad has a season ticket to the emirates :)

  18. !ravebreak please!!

  19. heres the one from the main pc: yes i have taken it from karl's pack, because they are awesome
  20. cmon people, we need more backgrounds!! dont let this thread die i weep whenever one dies...
  21. But what's the point of having microphones while no one uses it in a proper way? I mean, for tactics etc. that would only work if you had 2 seperate channels, one for humans, and one for zombies it may as well be there for general chat, which is where the spamming comes in
  22. lol at the assignment on brokeback mountain What's wrong with that? nothing....
  23. lol at the assignment on brokeback mountain sweet wallpapers there
  24. well if youre putting up your last.fm, i will http://www.last.fm/user/darkstar56 Lol, "since 22 Feb 2009". XD newly created, lol i do have another one, but ive forgotten the login for it...
  25. which is why the glorious mute button was invented! Yeah, but the morons who created it didn't include a 'mute ALL' option! :@ touche
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