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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. best thing ive seen all day *high fives EmRA*
  2. it sort of is, but its meandering off course then coming back, then meandering off again
  3. darkness this is just about your sig, you might need to include kniight and botervloot as well, since theyre admins as well
  4. i can see you possibly going mad with admin power, or is that just me? but no offence darkness
  5. also on a article that i as reading about that, didnt they say that if they werre to be found guilty they would appeal anyway?
  6. which xps version is it? mines the 420, which they dont make anymore O.o
  7. That's what I thought Anyway, we want specs i haz xps, they are awesome Dell XPS are overpriced :< self-build ftw. im considering it to replace the current one in my room, so far its working out to be cheaper than the xps downstairs
  8. was the victim of me & rildur having a affair and quite possibly chucks cows
  9. i have a different suggestion, its not entirely to do with the shop, but i couldnt be bothered to create a new topic, but how about a !rtd for zombies, with similar effects to the humans one e.g. being set on fire and being raped by the dice, and get 2 free kills, but also to mabye to have a insta-redeem chance as well? sort of like the opposite to being turned inside out by the dice let me know what you think!
  10. That's what I thought Anyway, we want specs i haz xps, they are awesome
  11. i do believe it is
  12. What do you mean? sentencing structure and grammar, it needs work
  13. Prismaa was originally trying to become an admin, to do this he downloaded hacks and kicked every noob in ZS, changed rcon and made Johnathan a crowbar of chocolate which was deliciously overpowered until a cow arised from your hovering ass and put there milk in a bottle, so that he was able to explode the cow that Danni had sex with and have a chocolate crowbar back that was broken. Sadly, Only After Error 401 complained about us having an orgy and wanting to join in himself,
  14. is completely right about me wanting cake
  15. <3 why thank you Well, i was trying to be myself really, so if its not that serious sounding then thats what i am i guess, but i was trying to sound serious in parts though
  16. [E.U.] ERROR 401 - 226 (Current) [E.U] ERROR 401 - 227 ERROR 401 - 383 [E.U] ERROR 401 [T.U.G] - 2041 [E.U.] MR. ERROR 401 - 3766 woot!
  17. **updated** fyi im the one wearing bright orange
  18. PRISMAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

  19. this is what i was afraid of, everybody making no sense and just spouting random crap *sigh*
  20. darkness, explain yourself NOW
  21. like yourself
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