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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Never heard it in my life.
  2. That's it ladies.
  3. I moved it to the right place. Also stop making unban requests, wait for Clavus or Corby to decide, since im leaving it to them. Oh wait, It was me who banned you. Meh, ill give you an unban. Corby will be all over you with a banhammer if anything happens again. Edit: Your nick in Minecraft is Snockpiffel correct? If so, unbanned, if not need your name.
  4. Please shut up, it's not helping your case.
  5. Flight Control Uno apzOrb Free Fieldrunners HD Cut the rope Fruit Ninja Spirit
  6. Player is banned, case closed. And STICK TO THE GODDAMN RULES OF THIS SECTION. Topic closed.
  7. http://forums.left4green.com/topic/2741-read-this-before-posting/
  8. I've been watching the demo's. In my opinion the guy isn't all that great at sniper or demo, just probably got tips off his sister (Nikki/Mrs.Snufflebumps) before she gave him her account. I also see no use of wallhack as well. I don't see any need for a ban.
  9. How the hell can someone's computer lag with minecraft.
  10. It's that time again when we wish you a very happy birthday, and miss you very much since you seem to not post here so much these days, just shout things out in the shoutbox. Which I guess is sort of the point of the name. However, All the best, and happy birthday Love, Darkstar xoxoxoxoxoxo
  11. Surely you should be able to kill it in the manage applications menu if its being a pain? Well you're the one with the Android phone. Yeah but I dont have a HTC Android phone anymore, and HTC Watch is only available on the newer HTC phones anyway.
  12. Surely you should be able to kill it in the manage applications menu if its being a pain?
  13. A decent list updated every fortnight of apps & games for Android, theres another page for Tablet stuff as well. http://www.androidpolice.com/2011/08/18/44-best-and-1-wtf-new-android-apps-and-live-wallpapers-from-the-last-2-weeks-8311-81811/ http://www.androidpolice.com/2011/09/04/34-best-new-android-games-from-the-last-2-weeks-81711-9411/
  14. Darkstar


    And here's my conversation with him: He then went onto the IRC and explained himself and his excuses, and eventually got banned from IRC as well.
  15. Darkstar


    Just a quick google translate for us normal people. Another reason why Chrome wins. It has built-in google translate
  16. Louder than sirens, Louder than bells, Sweeter than heaven and Hotter than hell.

    1. Hundred2


      Love is like a brontosaurus, passion like a bleeding walrus.

    2. Botervloot


      best msn quote

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Struggling with modernity, a whore for all eternity.

  17. Darkstar


    Forever loling, also now with Virgin Media and its better than my previous reuslts Bitch please. That was with my old ISP. With BT its actually quite low, even though im 2 miles from the telephone exchange
  18. Status update moderation in process.

  19. I would also like to add this as well: http://mrgreen.gameme.com/player_histories/chat/11213
  20. Oh dem trolls.

    1. Damien


      We all love a good troll once in a while

    2. Damien
  21. I declare the internet tradition of, First.
  22. Mkay, I have a list of the parts I'm going to be getting for Pannenkoek's PC, and I thought it'd be best to run it through here first to get opinions, bear in mind with the CPU he will not be OC'ing it so thats why I didnt go for the 2500K. And also would a 3rd party cooler be needed, or just stick with the stock one? https://docs.google....uthkey=CJ-KqtkN
  23. If anyone hasnt pre-ordered it yet, theres a way to get 25% off the origin version. http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield3/comments/jw6mz/how_to_get_a_25_discount_on_bf3_register_for_ea/
  24. I suspect all your questions will be answered in good time dear Yoshi.
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