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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Ive got a Samsung Galaxy SII BIG IMAGE BITCHES.
  2. Didn't see you had posted that comment on my profile, but thanks man :P

  3. Dat quote pyramid.
  4. >.> <.< *flees*
  5. It is finally upon us. The glorious steam summer sale, may you all bask in its discounted awesomeness. I would list all the games that are on offer each day, but I feel that Reddit has already beaten me to it, and has a lovely presentable format. Also as a side note, look at your steam profiles, it now shows badges on the right hand side from various sales & things you've been involved with, and how long you've had your steam account (4 years bitches).
  6. Happy birthday babe.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dr.Minky


      Bitch please

    3. Darkstar


      It looks like its by the same people Minky?

    4. MiF


      Yeap it's from the same team (and the video is the one I saw earlier).

  7. You can also import models from Dota 2, as a friend of mine did a video of Windrunner on Granary.
  8. Pssst. Minky. Read the next line.
  9. I think not.
  10. Also.
  11. Thanks for the reams of support & self-confidence there guys.
  12. I still think the new header font is terribad. CLAVUS Y U NO DESIGNER.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ywa


      Lol Disney font

    3. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      Talking about that font was sooo yesterday afternoon.

    4. Ywa


      I still saw the old one. Shitty cache.

  13. MC players will always be crying about that I'm afraid.
  14. tl;dr No /spawn command. Closed.
  15. Let me just interrupt this circlejerk.
  16. Stay on topic in admin applications, either say good luck, or constructive criticism (Read here for more info on that). Or (and I'm saying this in the nicest way possible), get the fuck out.
  17. Where the hell did it say that. I was gonna say, I dont remember that being brought up at all.
  18. Darkstar

    no unban?

    We have a habit of not unbanning cheaters. So, buy a new minecraft account, or go find another server to play on. Its as simple as that.
  19. Darkstar


    NO UNBAN. If you want to play on the server again, buy a new minecraft account.
  20. Darkstar

    pls unban

    NO UNBAN. If you want to play on the server again, buy a new minecraft account.
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