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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Darkstar

    XRay Unban

    No unban. If you want to play on the server again buy a new minecraft account.
  2. What Dr.Minky said. We have a zero tolerance policy on hackers, and it will stay that way.
  3. Xray hacker! Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban.
  4. I think it can wait until Sunday. Then he can do it
  5. Just re-purchase the item to be able to use it again.
  6. What Corby said.
  7. No unban. Buy a new account if you want to play on the server again.
  8. No unban, if you want to play on the server again, buy a new minecraft account.
  9. GMod beta key :>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      Will we have to buy/upgrade when its released?

    3. Tennisballesser


      It´s an automatic update.

    4. EmRA


      Got one as well, click here homie

  10. There's a Dutch Mr.Green(http://forum.mr-green.nl/), and an English Mr.Green forum (i.e. this one) and that's how it will stay.
  11. Happy birthday Dear Leader.
  12. iirc theyre faked, I remember seeing a post somewhere else on the internet with a load of fake gtav maps
  13. I believe the stench of B.O. might require a Has Mat team to deal with it.
  14. Maybe Oh you better, you promised me them D: Also plane tickets are currently around 75 euros.
  15. I totally didnt just say who the actual OP is since no-one told me about this thread.
  16. Fixed that for you
  17. Ahem.
  18. Ive contributed so much to left4green this map /sarcasm Ive contributed so much to the Minecraft server in general /sarcasm
  19. Well that and I can edit the poll and made Gods the highest vote. OH EM GEE, ADMINABUSEWTF Jelly's gonna wobble.
  20. Well that and I can edit the poll and made Gods the highest vote.
  21. Darkstar

    omg darkstar

    har har har har
  22. Darkstar

    omg darkstar

    Donate 10 euros. Disclaimer: this does not get you unbanned. It does however feed Clavus for a week.
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