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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Next Weekend probably, films are undecided yet. Theres about a week to come up with them.
  2. Redgord. I believe a "In b4 Finnish patriotism" is more appropriate.
  3. Attention Whore
  4. Attention Whore
  5. Probably Goblin. In other news, I now own an island. Who's Goblin. RL friend of me & Mr.Layer, I did tell him to not go far though :/
  6. O.o Not me.
  7. The Hound Dog seems to be well sought after as well. Good thing I have one already.
  8. Chiken, when was the least time you were on TF2 anyway?
  9. Yeah, but if people are giving out the server ip to their friends and dont tell them of the rules, they may well think that they have free reign. AND THATS BAD. With a perfect community you could do this however.
  10. Since there are too many unknown players joining the server now i feel that we ought to know who is who in-game, since there is a thief going about right now. MY FUCKING DIAMONDS GOT STOLEN. RAEG. My name is darkstar516 Please post who you are as to not make me make Clavus kick/ban you w/e.
  11. This. You cheapskate people need to realise that valve needs to keep itself going somehow, while steam brings in a bit, with all the work on TF2 and the updates costs manpower, for which they need to be PAID. Also, the micro transactions are only there if youre impatient for the item drops, and actually play specifically for them, for everyone else, im sure that we just see that we've gotten an item and continue backstabbing/sniping/W+M1'ing/{insert other class actions here} and not really care that much.
  12. I can confirm that QTesla has had massive problems with rendering the map. It even made SDK on my laptop crash twice.
  13. The result of todays labour: (Just the glass on the tower & bridges)
  14. Probably me, because I remember doing it with you two
  15. Only when Clavus is online, and theres only 8 spots.
  16. I have to admit, my island does look pretty bitching with the path leading to it and my tower. :3
  17. Pro tip: If you keep crashing, set your render distance to Normal
  18. Server's currently delayed by 30 minutes. Blame Norbo & Squirrel Dude.
  19. Look, this has been resolved now. THREAD CLOSED.
  20. Deluvas knows about it
  21. Guys. Add me on steam please and tell me when he's in game. darkstar516 nvm. NPhect added the ban. But please get hold of me when theres any problems. Also Dasken, your chat log doesnt make you the perfect player as well.
  22. Been watching Alien vs. Predator? Id have thought more Stargate tbh.
  23. I have to admit, the easiest thing to fire was the M249. With the tripod, its stupidly accurate. & No, with the first 20 you fire in bursts with the tripod, when the guy pats you just hold down the trigger, like rambo mode
  24. Have some photos of me in Las Vegas. Mainly to make Nobana jizz a bit and because I did say I would show him them. Albeit late. M249 SAW (Cant remember what this actually is, im sure someone here knows.) (me in the process of firing a) Beretta M9
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