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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. FUCK THE EUROPEAN UNION! Danni, quit your trollin' Youre almost as bad as Redgord
  2. Right. Im not here to boast about the UK, im not here to spew hate about ANY other country. But what you can all do before this gets racist is: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
  3. Owning Toaster is easy He's only killed me like once in the entire time of IW, and ive killed him a bazillion times, he probably counted for most of my 5000+ undead kills
  4. Yeah, the amount of friends you have on your forum page are the people who are stalking you.

  5. Well.


    But meh

  6. Pfft.

    You wish :V

    Also, it seems you dont get many comments, as there are comments saying happy birthday from last year :P

  7. Dear Demoman, Please read better. kthx, Spy.
  8. I see you stalkin' on my profile. It's alright baby come on in, the semen's warm ;D

  9. 1.85(ish) Me too! 186cm to be precise. Bitches be stealin' mah height D:!!!
  10. Unless youre being stereotypically Russian
  11. 1.85(ish)
  12. We dont normally, I just converted it for you euro-types
  13. To me I am. 88kg is fat D:
  14. California So not near you, sorry xx
  15. Can this get locked now if the guy is unbanned? Otherwise this could turn into a not-pretty-in-the-slightest argument
  16. Go to santa monica, and you tell me. *Evils* <3
  17. Hmm, I think I need some of those when us go to the US to stop getting those people who ask you for money for a charity which seems really dodgy.
  18. This is my attempt at making this forum slightly more sociable and a more inviting atmosphere to newer or new members and to make topics that arent about any of the games or gameservers being dodgy, so! Just finish off the sentence "This summer I am..." It's as simple as that, if you want to be a queef and put barely anything then thats your fault for not making conversation with everyone else who took part. (Oh, I'm so lovely at times aren't I? ) So, here goes, This summer I am... Hopefully going to pass my driving test, heres hoping that because I've done it once already I wont be a bag of nerves.Probably going to be at quite a few BBQ's, here's hoping one of my friends decides while drunk to go all lesbian Will probably spend a great deal of the summer getting the IT company im a partner in and my division of it (High Performance Computing e.g. Custom PC's really) working and hopefully getting at least one sale over the summer. ;DGoing on an AWESOME(<-- The bold & caps were essential) holiday to the US in the first 16 days of August, seriously cannot wait, going to end up spending soooo much on shit there though D: (VIVAAAAAAAAAAA, LAS VEGAS!!!)And hopefully even before summer, to ask this girl out, although she's a bit poop at texting back :/Hopefully lose some weight. Im fat >: So. What are you doing!
  19. Might do something in GMod for you. Or! Just photoshop my face onto a stripper for you, either way, you'll love it.
  20. Darkstar


    http://bans.left4green.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:1:25667371&Submit You've been banned twice before by me -,-
  21. > I totally didnt edit what he said to make it slightly more funny
  22. Firehawk, just because you want CSS admin -.-
  23. Son, youre getting laid tonight
  24. I agree. This is a one off of many and he is usually a good admin. Usually, when you're there, do you honestly think he is going to abuse while an other admin is there? Besides he also tried to show off to his friend (Hundred). Oh and he abused it today with the beacon and by the way, it is not that "Once" is the problem, it is the problem that he DID abuse and ruins the game for everyone in the server. Look I've abused before, I think that every single admin has, you cannot expect us admins to be robots EVERY MINUTE WE ARE IN THE SERVER, even we have to have fun at times. Can't you understand this you great big troll. Peace, ERROR xx
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