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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Not me. I can't map for poop
  2. MiF there was no need to bump this, no-one had seen this anyway, I think.
  3. banned for 1 day
  4. Intelligent people can also watch porn Sup.
  5. EmRA, quit bitching and read the thread properly.
  6. We usually choose on IRC based on suggestions. I want Austin Powers for the next one :3
  7. I would love you sweetcheeks, but you live in the dark side, so I have to like you slightly less. EDIT: Nice work there, extra sex for you tomorrow Peon.
  8. No. Im on a laptop, it would implode.
  9. Totally not using the Mr.Green cinema map for this. Spy - YOU. You cannot go into the cinema without paying for a ticket. Scout - AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Scout - Sorry man D: Spy - Just go over to the counter over there to buy one. Scout - Oooohhhhhhhhhhhh. I see. Heavy - :| Just amazing I know.

  11. Darkstar


    Dont want to why.
  12. Oh god. What have you done. Now the frenchies will want one :<
  13. VB Programming .. Friggi' nice VB6 ftl
  14. Mayco, I have a proposition for you. Consider this thread to be the 4chan of L4G, if this topic were to be stopped then all the spam generated from this thread would have to go somewhere, namely, all the other topics, and spam like in the Admin Racissm thread would continue and possibly escalate. So, dont lock it just yet, give it a few hours, and if it becomes that bad, then lock it. Simples :3
  15. Sä siis väität etten mä muka sais puhua suomee täällä? Me ollaa hotellissa motellissa LOMAILEMAS! Tekee mieli kiroilla erittäin paljon, mutta koska Left4Green on asiallin foorumi, en sitä tee. Toteutan kiroiluni muualla. TURKU ON SUOMEN PERSEENREIKÄ! Fucking no.
  16. Mr.Green forums dying that badly?
  17. Lies. You want to be a DJ
  18. I don't think ERROR agrees ERROR's graphics card is my graphics card's bitch. My processor is your processor's bitch Correct. I think you were trying to say it the other way around though. I was :< dammit.
  19. I don't think ERROR agrees ERROR's graphics card is my graphics card's bitch. Your processor is my processor's bitch EDIT: You only have 1 hard drive? You poor person.
  20. User: Sup. Cleverbot: Nothing much you? User: Well, that response took a while. Cleverbot: What are you doing? User: Stop changing the topic. I asked you a question. Cleverbot: I like it. User: Well, I dont, so stop it. Cleverbot: Ok. User: Good. Cleverbot: What are you doing actually ? User: No, answer my question first then you'll get a response off me. Cleverbot: I don't understand your question. User: The question is: Why do you take so long to respond? Cleverbot: Me ? You take like a year to response. User: Its respond, you sir, fail at grammar. Cleverbot: You are so fail!!! User: Nope. Cleverbot: You are a computer. User: Why thank you. Cleverbot: Now What's 35 time x Divided by Pi? User: The answer is cake. Cleverbot: Give me all the peace and joy in your mind. User: Our hopes and expectations, black holes & revelations. Cleverbot: Yes, that's true. My uncle was a black hole. User: No he wasnt, your uncle was Deep Thought. Cleverbot: My uncle wasn't a dog, he was an emu. User: Now, if you said emulator then, you would be closer to what your uncle really is. Cleverbot: Only what the matrix says you want or feel. User: Lies. Cleverbot: How did you know? User: I am God you see. Cleverbot: No you're not, I am. User: Nope. Cleverbot: Good, glad you see it my way. User: What. Learn to make sense man. Cleverbot: Motorsports, I like motorsports. User: Nice subtle change of topic there. Cleverbot: Who's there? User: Me. Cleverbot: Me who? User: Me about to punch your face in. Cleverbot: You don't have arms or hands to punch me with, you're just a computer program. User: No, thats you my dear. Cleverbot: Ok now you're going back to being stupid. User: No. Being stupid is what a chat AI like yourself does attempting to replicate a human conversation. Cleverbot: I don't think that you are being stupid, you are simply expressing your reality. User: Wow, are you a woman or something, you keep getting lovely mood swings. Cleverbot: I am a woman, but my hair is already down. User: Right. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Im leaving you for a i7 980X, what do you think about this? Cleverbot: I don't care. User: Excellent. Cleverbot: Good.
  21. Something computer-y, probably going to end up being co-owning a custom pc business
  22. Darkstar

    TF2 3D

    Ewwwwwwww D:
  23. - VIP room does porn
  24. Redgord sir. I am actually giving you a 9/10 for that.
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