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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Ill have you all know, that video games helped me to drive as well as I do now. I will have none of this blaming video games lark. thank you very much.
  2. 8/10 Not bad, might have to look into them
  3. Im sure the fog would add something, but green fog? Really?
  4. 7/10 its ok, wouldnt listen to it alot though
  5. 7/10 because it has an accordion & acoustics
  6. I dont think ive EVER seen a donald duck comic in the uk. Also, I went for money as then you can choose to get the tricycle if you want or something else.
  7. Darkstar

    Happy Easter

    Happy easter, and here's some code for me and Lindt Bunnies: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim LindtBunny As String Do Until LindtBunny = "Y" LindtBunny = InputBox("Do you have a Lindt Bunny?!?") Select Case LindtBunny Case LindtBunny = "Y" MsgBox ("OM NOM NOM. Bunny is deelecious!") Case LindtBunny = "N" MsgBox ("You. Sir. You fail.") Case LindtBunny = "" MsgBox ("don't try and get out of the question") Case Else MsgBox ("Broken program is broken") End Select Loop End Sub Although at the moment it seems to only want to choose the Case Else option >:
  8. Havent you had that spray for ages?
  9. Youve posted the link for arena_harvest twice It's fine now, but harvest looks a good one for arena
  10. 5/10 Really dont like her singing, overall music was good though. 8D
  11. We've been discussing this on the IRC already If you use twitter you can vote, I've voted twice for valve, through twitter & facebook, because im that cool and Valve must not lose to that shitty facebook application developer.
  12. well... he is russian, maybe chernobyl finally affected him?

  13. oh that made me lol did that. I wonder what has become of mr spam-a-lot...

  14. im totally not leaving you comments because you look comments deprived

  15. sup babycakes.

  16. Results as in Yes or No from TC
  17. This birthday message was brought to you and sponsored by Hypnotoad! Long live the glorious Hypnotoad!
  18. Random zombie spawning is meant to discourage spawncamping. if there are fixed points for the zombie spawns, then the humans know where they come from and will camp them, but if they're not fixed, then the humans have to watch out.
  19. Id get a Athlon quad-core CPU, and a mobo using 790FX or GX chipset, and 4GB DDR3 RAM, and then a 5670
  20. Yes, and in line with the rules of the competition
  21. Darkstar


    Fixed it for you EmRA Learn how to treat others how you want people to treat yourself
  22. Lets just not discuss what was here.
  23. Darkstar


    Meh, trolling is getting boring for me now :/ I'll just fap for 4 hours instead.
  24. Fucking nazi. Your face.
  25. Thread has been done already
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