This is my attempt at making this forum slightly more sociable and a more inviting atmosphere to newer or new members and to make topics that arent about any of the games or gameservers being dodgy, so! Just finish off the sentence "This summer I am..." It's as simple as that, if you want to be a queef and put barely anything then thats your fault for not making conversation with everyone else who took part. (Oh, I'm so lovely at times aren't I? ) So, here goes, This summer I am... Hopefully going to pass my driving test, heres hoping that because I've done it once already I wont be a bag of nerves.Probably going to be at quite a few BBQ's, here's hoping one of my friends decides while drunk to go all lesbian Will probably spend a great deal of the summer getting the IT company im a partner in and my division of it (High Performance Computing e.g. Custom PC's really) working and hopefully getting at least one sale over the summer. ;DGoing on an AWESOME(<-- The bold & caps were essential) holiday to the US in the first 16 days of August, seriously cannot wait, going to end up spending soooo much on shit there though D: (VIVAAAAAAAAAAA, LAS VEGAS!!!)And hopefully even before summer, to ask this girl out, although she's a bit poop at texting back :/Hopefully lose some weight. Im fat >: So. What are you doing!