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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. That would be correct. But the "random" as you quote it is actually redgord overdosing on happy peelz
  2. This is basically what can happen in the IRC, when Redgord gets hold of his happy peelz:
  3. Dont make a new one, just edit the current one, theres a button, and then just put a reply to say that youve edited it And posting on the forums is wise as it lets us get to know you more
  4. Same. It's because of 7, it comes with the latest release of DirectX But Source games don't support DX11 yet :3
  5. Oh god. that means Mads would be admin D: !!! It would be a cold dark day in hell when mads gets admin, which would be when Clavus has set up a DarkRP server Which fyi, will never happen.
  6. I've done that before Those were just the ones that I could remember the most
  7. Prepare to be amazed: Red Hot Chili Peppers Nine Inch Nails Queen Prince Green Day Crowded House The Killers The Sex Pistols Scissor Sisters Alice In Chains Blur The B-52's Matchbook 20 T.A.T.u The Pixies (I think) White Snake The Rolling Stones The White Stripes Deep Purple (I think) Black Flag The Eagles So there.
  8. £40 3 T-Shirts Jacket A ton of chocolate, literally Aftershave And something else which ive forgotten, but I'm also getting a few more expensive things in the new year :3
  9. Ewww GTX, you want the Radeon 5800 series The fuck. £1,725.04?! You spoilt child. Give me your monies. NAO.
  10. Heres one of my backgrounds, god I love 7's rotating backgrounds
  11. Nuffink yet Because its only christmas eve Not christmas day
  12. ONLY the Insta-Respawn & ammo have a 30 day limit, EVERYTHING else you get to keep forever
  13. Happy Christmas Eve guise But I have work today D:!!!
  14. Santa was originally green, but it was only because of the Coca-Cola adverts which made him out to be red
  15. My unfinished sentence sense is tingling Don't you just hate it when people don't end My unfinished sentence sense is tingling
  16. My unfinished sentence sense is tingling
  17. Dusty gets my vote, but only because I only knew Enter Shikari out of all the tracks :3
  18. Time's up, I win (ERROR - 2 Dusty - 1), but I'll let Dusty stay on
  19. its not those videos anymore deluvas
  20. Sorry sneed, its me & dusty
  21. <font size="3">My next songs:</font> Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget About Me)
  22. Changed the voting period to 45 mins, might make it longer, we'll see, so...<br><br><br>Bugger it.<br>Voting has ended, its a clear winner, sorry Chiken<br>
  23. Current Challengers: Dusty & Sneed. Now VOTE. VOTING ENDS WHENEVER I WAKE UP Heres the idea: 2 people at a time put forward 3 songs, from YouTube or whatever, and everyone else votes for who's songs they like the best within a time period, say 45 mins, and the person who gets the most votes goes on to face the next person, whoever that may be, and then it happens again, etc. (And fyi, youre voting for the song itself, not the music video. Oh also, you vote for the person's songs you like the best) I have no idea how well this will work, so, we'll see Ill go first, but I need someone else, and its the 1st person to post all 3 videos after this post will be the other person against me :3 (You're just going to have to post the link, as Chairman Ywa has made it so that you can only post 2 youtube tags per post)
  24. This should answer why: Source: http://steamcommunit...235944783930578
  25. Right, I'm now going to type in purple to annoy you all
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