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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Rena, they just dont like people being different and individual, thats all
  2. Care Bear Stare.
  3. Yes. Racist.
  4. Why do you all care that Rena is writing in a different colour anyway? Just because its different from everyone else?
  5. Darkstar

    Pick one

  6. Darkstar

    Pick one

    My. Fricking. Eyes. They. Fricking. Burn. Fricking.
  7. Darkstar

    Pick one

    Do not say that name, otherwise many spleens will implode. For reasons I do not want to explain (Totally not because I dont have a reason )
  8. Darkstar

    Pick one

  9. Gravity cat is not amused.
  10. Yeah Heres the ones I took :3 http://tinyurl.com/yh2jo7c EDIT: Have taken some more, theyre at that page as well :33
  11. Pfft. Lazy arse :3
  12. I like the design, looks good. Maybe have that white thing bigger or zoomed in a bit more, because you're still drawn to the space around it, but keep the text the same size it is? But thats just my opinion on this matter :3
  13. I was on the IRC echo at the time of this, I saw everything he said, he needs to be banned to using too much abusive language
  14. Those were hundred's words not mine
  15. 1 round I did that, for laughs, 1 round, and i only did it for about 2 minutes
  16. No. I was demanding there to be 8 player campaign, because that would be sweeeeeeet
  17. I kicked him. Will get his steam id when i next see him in the servers
  18. You could have asked me, i would have hidden it on my ftp server :3
  19. PC - Free Xbox - Your Immortal Soul
  21. You just have to get past the intial bitch session from the rest of the active members ¬.¬ Rachel did, and look how she turned out, she has her own smilie!
  22. I don't think he is a fit to mrgreen then. Anyhow, whats with me being only one here who has not made serious admin app? Mine was half serious, but I got it because they needed an admin for IW when it was an individual server :V
  23. USER SHOULD BE CONGRATULATED - (Backseat Moderation)
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