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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Ooh, had to save yourself there
  2. Should calm down now, or will get botchslapped by Mayco, or TC (LOL - Botchslapped XD)
  3. Sir! You fail!
  4. Please, I don't get back on to my own computer till the 8th, and I don't want to waste time looking for a decent copy. But the event is THIS Saturday
  5. Darkstar


    Even more warn for you then!
  6. Darkstar


  7. Poor Clavus with his spammed comments section D':

  8. By the way, I'm guessing that this event will be attracting ALOT of the people on the Dutch forums?
  9. -Was Too Slow At Posting-
  10. Warez. Bah, the last time I downloaded a GTA Warez it had a trojan. Guess I'll have to look about further. Just get it from torrents, ive got one set up to start when I go to bed, because I get 600kb/s dl speed on BitTorrent then (Also I've probably just alerted some government agency, so if that agency does see this, Hi! How are you today? Actually convicted anybody of P2P File Sharing yet?)
  11. Isn't off to see Muse like me
  12. Darkstar


  13. Darkstar


  14. has done at least 30% of today's posts
  15. erm okay? i sure don't think it looks like portal maybe same graphics becuse of the source engine but not the same as portal I think he means because of all the puzzles and shizzle
  16. Should really stop trying to beat my spam levels
  17. I'm going to guess it'll be a: "Go find yourself a copy you lazy pirates "
  18. Good thing their all just spamming in one place, imagine the interwebs without 4chan, it would be a darker place entirely
  19. Has had 15 kids with me and won't see ANY of them >
  20. They're playing near where I live in december, but I think tickets are sold out :/
  21. **Off-Topic** no, they are manboobs, just ask robo, he loves slurping on them ;D Back on-topic: I'm gonna guess it's somehow Garry's fault, as this wasn't happening a few weeks ago
  22. Should really stop falling through portals so much
  23. I use System Information for Windows (SIW) (Free as well)
  24. Anyway, back on topic; R
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