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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. I hope he's been banned
  2. I hate you all.
  3. What's your achievement percentage in IW?
  4. I'm guessing so
  5. Made with a little help from iTunes
  6. I still prefer Firestarter and Breathe
  7. I'll be honest, I'm with Clavus, we've seen this sort of thing before with the Idiot Box, and Idiot's of GMod Maybe get people to help you with the filming/acting and such, might help But for a first time video like that, it was good.
  8. Looks snazzy. BUT FIX TEH PYRO!
  9. Chimera, why on earth would you use Internet Exploder? Use the epic-ness that is Firefox
  10. Wait. Why take the side casing off, isnt the main fan powerful enough? O.o I have the exact same pc as cow and now you But actual pc specs would be nice
  11. I can haz hax?

  12. You little bitch. I thought you were full on leaving then for a second, then I fully read the post, and then I was just like "Bitch." and then posted this Random gibberish ftw!
  13. Can I beta test it? But anyway looks good, reflects the abstract nature of the gamemode, but I have one question, is there any player/map interaction? I say that because people like interaction with the map, makes it less 'run around the map for your insignificant life' and more 'enjoyable onslaught' Anyway, I'm sort of working on one of my Mr.Green-esk sprays, except it's going to take me taking bloody ages for what I want to achieve :/ Here's a slight preview:
  14. Seriously? Yes and Crowbar, and Bean has quit ZS, but is now on TF2 Crowbar - http://forums.left4green.com/index.php?showtopic=1982 Bean - http://forums.left4green.com/index.php?showtopic=1992 RoboRobb - http://forums.left4green.com/index.php?showtopic=1986 (Which Ywa says that Sneed has quit in)
  15. Darkness, a message from my sneediepie for you: "Logging in real quick (sneed here) I just read the forum about cow And tell Mr.darkness to read the fucking post better and tell him to go fuck himself (in a kind way)"
  16. I know a solution! Just replace ZS with IW!
  17. What is with people either quitting or dying! :/ But serioulsy, say good luck to him from Error
  18. I meant the gibberish bit at the end of a youtube url
  19. Just the random gibberish bit at the end
  20. only because you have buttsecks ;3 how did you know, are you spying on me ;<? No because you wouldn't heal me ;<<<
  21. only because you have buttsecks ;3
  22. Is correct about that (Bump I know )
  23. You make it sound like we're in a soap opera D: And I don't like soap operas.
  24. I didnt mean that, I meant that there's more chance of people getting ZS admin now
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