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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MiF

  1. MiF

    Unban possible?

    1. name: [lol] MiF 2. date: 10-08-10 3. admin: Ywa 4. reason: sux (See yourself) 5. I dont even know what happened that time. I dont remember doing anything bad, since i have played max 1 hour on Gmod servers. Also reason is bit odd. I had chat with Ywa already, and he said no, since he didnt know why he banned me, and becuase of permaban it must be serious. I just want second opinion or something. Oh and. I was banned from gmod year ago, and didnt know that. Now i tried to join Gmod server with my friend, and i was banned. After that i am banned from other servers too. You guys should really fix this (when giving ban, it aplies to every server at that time, not when you try to join to the server)
  2. Well IMO BC2 isnt that shit... It's just not Battlefield like. It's more like Call of duty when comparing to vietnam, BF2 etc.
  3. Well i would say these graphics have been already seen in FPS game. Those pictures look just like Crysis 2 (Without nanosuit). Graphics, weapons and even HUD are like from crysis 2. Of course gameplay is different, and that's why i am looking forward to it. And about that G3 having GL. I have GL attached to my G3 airsoft gun
  4. It was bit suprise (for me atleast) that minecraft.nl URL was free. Not big suprise that this thread has so many views.
  5. Okey i dont think i am coming minecraft anymore D:
  6. God damn if I remembered where you lived. I would steal your PC. Unless you send me cool footage. Game has bad optimization atm, (30 FPS with low settings, LOL. Then again, I can see no difference between high settings and low settings) So unless you like watching getting owned at 12 FPS, I'm not recording anything. Well it's still alpha. Mostly technical testing. Darn i wish i would have got bf3 alpha key too... with veteran status of 3 (if it does matter)
  7. MiF


    Ontopic: I just read something odd from newspaper. That Oslo mass murder guy (cant remember name) did pratice with MW2 before he went to killing spree. He says that MW2 is "Best war simulation game there is". He also said that WoW is good way to relax and hide loneliness. There was something more about this too, but cant remember much.
  8. What did i just watch?
  9. Okey, got to test clavuses theory tommorow (or now). Kikkers idea would be good, but this pointer thing affects only arrays and that stuff. Clavuses idea did work. Thanks alot /Can be locked now
  10. Well i solved my last problem (some arrays stuff). Now i have new problem with arrays, my program would work after i fix this, but i cant find any solution. Problem is those pointers with arrays. As programmers may know that if you just place array to other array, the new one points to that old one. So if you change information of one these arrays, data does change same way in all arrays that are pointed to / that point to that array (Not going 100% right this, but something like this) Well my problem is copying an array. I have this method/function in Database class public static String[][] getAllData() { return dataArray; // original array } Then i call it like this String[][] database = (String[][]) Database.getAllData().clone(); String[][] newDatabase = (String[][]) Database.getAllData().clone(); After i have done my stuff, all 3 arrays store same data. I have tried to use system.arraycopy() method, but no luck with that either. I have tried to clone array in getAllData method with clone and arraycopy etc. NOTHING works. Looking around internet wont help me. clone and arraycopy should work, but they are not on me. What am i doing wrong?
  11. Pie, since cake is a lie. Elite hax0r or Elite anti-hax0r?
  12. All this hazzel about EMP affecting on car. Mostly cars will break down (or atleast shut down) if EMP is strong enough. But you can with simple instructions make almost every eletrical device immune to EMP (Made one already) EDIT: Car itself will be fine, but eletric ciruits will fry (Those green plates with some stuff on them)
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-yCKXOe29s Just a quick test. Sorry about REALLY bad quality (Didnt know it goes that bad, if you put lowest settings) Pretty sucky that it: 1. Only renders with one core (i7 = useless) 2. Uploads with limited rate (Normal is about 200kb/s, with that it was about 100kb/s)
  14. I thought it was your end of round score or score on disconnection divided by 2? No. It does give you coin after every other point score (Tested & Confirmed) No? What you just said confirmed it. Well what i really meant was that you get coins "real-time". Not just on disconnect.
  15. I thought it was your end of round score or score on disconnection divided by 2? No. It does give you coin after every other point score (Tested & Confirmed)
  16. Go check out his TF2 dance video. That's awesome too (Along with other videos).
  17. I have alghorithm (which works). Problem itself is this; i have this 2d array with this data (left to right is first dimension, up to down is second): I need to sort it to this: (Ninja'd) Okey got to check that out ->
  18. I have been stuck with problem about hour already, and without working solution, so i think it's time to ask for help. Problem is this. I have 2 dimension array ( [inf.] [3] ) where first data is name (first and last name), second is age and third is city. Now i need to sort this array of data in order of age (from older to younger). I am coding it in java, and i can use all libraries which come with java, but no outside ones. There might be easy solution for this, but i am just locked up (as we say here in finland) :/
  19. MiF

    New Car

    So mario had a car after all... I was always wondering.
  20. I am sure it was good reason enough. Also if he wanted to destroy your turret, he would have done it (Not just trying to destroy).
  21. So when are you going to start server?
  22. Wait a sec. If you mean with ending of unending loop that all redstones start to glow, the problem is in way you start it up. You need to place redstone torch, and 0.01 sec after that remove it. Yeash! Thanks from me, Chubbygon and Panzer_Haza
  23. Okey that's new o.0. Never happened to me tho. Unending loops (clocks) stay unending after i blow them or throw lava on
  24. Sticky pistons ONLY grab block they attach to. And Sticky pistons that arent powered up (or used) at that time, wont grab anything. I just hope this will be "fixed" (Bug or feature, dunno)
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