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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. You're little brother wants to play and you shut down his pc. xd

    Anyway: I had this problem too. It was pretty weird though. Some periods I had this problem over and over again, and sometimes I could play without any problems at all. If you find a solution sure tell me. :)

    Shutting down his computer was just for a test.

    It seems that free players dont have any problems, but some of my friends, who have bought the game, do have.

  2. I have been having this VAC connection issue today ("Cant connect to VAC server blabla"). TF2 worked for 4 hours at midday, but after that i cant play more than minute on server, after that i get that kick (Other players see "no steam logon")

    Also, i dont have connection to loadout.

    What i have tried:

    - Checking ports and firewalls

    - restarted tf2, steam, computer AND router.

    - Shutting down littlebrothers computer (He plays tf2 now, since it's free.)

    One funny thing: My littlebrother can play without any problems.

    I checked steam forums and google, and found out that it's pretty common problem to some. Is this just temporary problem (overloaded steam servers?) or is update just messed up something with my game?

    EDIT: I just changed my download location on steam, and after that TF2 works fine (atleast this 5mins, i got my loadout, and no kick). Can i still have answers if there is any?

    EDIT 2: Okey that download location change didnt change anything after all

  3. What's with this discussion about PSU's? Of course one with more power/lifetime/effecient are better ones.

    What i have learned during selecting parts for my computer, is that you should not overlook any part. Better PSU has longer lifetime. Bigger/better case makes easier to maintance your computer, and is cooler anyways. Everything else is self-explanatory.

  4. I rarely got any crashes, and mostly they are my own fault (trying something stupid).

    In Ywa's case i would have closed the process, and live with it. Task manager is one of most used program on my computer.

  5. Well, as title says, Disguise jutsu wont work because backburner has airblast.

    Is this fixed somehow (other button)? Or is it going to be fixed? If not, can i get my GC back, since it's useless now?

    What? I see people using it properly.

    Oh? I just tested TF2 a bit, and tried to use it. It just uses airblast.

    Solved. It was reload key, not right mouse button.

  6. Who needs a medical license when you have an medic gun?

    Well TF2 for free makes sense, since i bet valve gets enough money from item store. Now when they gave free tf2 for everyone, there will be more buyers.

  7. Well, as title says, Disguise jutsu wont work because backburner has airblast.

    Is this fixed somehow (other button)? Or is it going to be fixed? If not, can i get my GC back, since it's useless now?


  8. Make sure to walk that dog enough or it will destroy your house, Mif.

    Or it will get hyperactive, nervous, fat and many other things. But since its your second normal dog(not any lil' rat sized thing) I assume you already knew.

    Yeah, i got things under control :V

    No, as I don't own a Border Collie.

    Well this is just Collie (not border one)

    nobody cares about my gerbils D:

    Sorry, but IMO dogs are prettier (and more cute) :>

  9. We got boy collie called Tessu.

    Topi & Tessu. LoL, how original :D

    (old quote)

    Now we have an other collie, and suprisingly he's called Topi.


    (this is already month old picture)

  10. Good setup with same money i used on my computer a year ago (and you get much better gaming computer).

    But be sure to invest on chassis (i would use atleast 100€ and get really good one) because it's pain in the ass if it's small (no place for cables, hard to connect cables etc.).

    Also get atleast 1-2 chase fans, and better fan for CPU (if you'r planning overclocking it). I cant overclock s*** with i7 930 @ 2.8Ghz and with basic fan (goes in games over 60C).

  11. About c4's :V

    I loved the bug where you could spam them to get more of them. I mean...

    Use button was Enter, right? You could throw 1 and press enter on it. You get 2 back :V

    I always bugged it.

    Well i didnt know about that, and i wouldnt use it (i dont like to cheat in SP).

    Forgot to mention, that i never was able to play red faction 2, because it just wont start on my computer. :(

  12. Huh... I played red faction 1 first time when i pre-ordered guerilla, and played it thourght then. It was pretty fun, since i always saved C4 for shorcuts :D.

    Well Guerilla was good at start with it's engine, but i got booring after a while, since it wasnt that realistic.

    But basic idea behind red faction is good in my opinion, and i hope they made new after armageddon.

  13. I'm left-handed, but I use the mouse with my right. Also is my right hand much stronger, while I fap with my left hand, so it's complicated stuff I suppose.

    Okey what? You'r left-handed, but your right is stronger? Well that i can understand, but i could not imagine me playing with my left-hand. Rather with my mind w/ Emotiv EPOC

  14. In physics there are global rules. Example strings are in meters (dunno about america), weights/masses in kg, and time in seconds.

    (These are normal forms, but you can change them to cm/g/hours etc.)

    What form is that? I mean... what form are in you? (Also depending on how much forms you got there, like we have 11 forms, Im in 9th)

    Uhm... If you mean what grade are we in school or something, i am on high school on first year (1 of 3)

  15. That vid of Mif was quite damn easy to find, not linking it here tho. Else he'd have linked it himself.

    Video is nice tho. (Looking at the editing and not the lame content :P )

    Well thanks. Lame contend indeed

    (And now everyone's looking for it...)

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz0SeapHqM8&feature=channel_video_title

    with 25 936 views and 65 likes, 5 doesn't like. i made this easy mouse aimed tutorial in gmod.

    thought there is advanced moveable E2 mouse aimed turret. but it camed later so this is my most viewed video.

    Damn! It was your video o.0. That was one of those videos, which teached me some wire mod :D.

    Most succesfull video uploaded to youtube... Well it's not something i am proud of, and therefor i am not going to link it here (Some people do know it. And no, it's not my suicide video)

    Here's picture as an proof


  17. Never had "good" times with mass crafting? Or how about pain in finger because of mass mining?

    Well then this is for YOU.

    Miffy's Auto-Clicker

    What can it do:

    - Rapic auto-click for crafting (left click)

    - Hold left click for mining (or woodcutting, dunno)

    What it can't do:

    - Something we dont need

    How to use:

    You can launch this before launching terraria, or afterwards.

    Press & Hold "R" button to rapid left click

    Press "T" button to hold left mouse button (You dont have to hold!!), and again to stop it.

    Press "U" to exit script (It will exit automaticly if Terraria closes)

    This script was created in Autoit in one night, when i was tired of f***ing my mouse buttons up.

    Code is pretty crappy, and it may jam sometimes, but mostly it works fine if you use it right :)

    Please post if you have any suggestions or similar.

    Here's virus scan for skeptic people (Okey i know you never cant be too sure):


    And here's source code to those who are interested (It's pretty basic):


    And here's download from my webpage:


    (Oh and this is first, public script/code i have ever published)

    Just if someone wants to try...

    Original: http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/terraria-auto-clicker-the-mouse-finger-savior.6621/#post-115708

  18. Just FYI.

    Terraria will be released 16th may (which is today) somewhere during this day on steam (This is in USA time, so it may go to tuesday here)

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