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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. Here's more easier way to get numbers from 1 to 1000:

    public class oneToThousand {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    int i = 0;

    while (i <= 1000) {

  2. Looks good, although it relies on post-processing effects a lot. Runs fairly well on my PC, FPS stays around 60 FPS (it's limited) and rarely dips below 30 FPS. It runs fullscreen at 1920x1080 and the settings are set to "Hardcore".

    I only played it for a short while though, and the campaign was pretty bugged. Nothing wrong with the sound as far as I can remember.

    Also Sandbox 3 looks pretty neat:


    Sandbox 3 IS neat... It's way more "easier" to use and more options than in sandbox 2 (Yes, i have already tried it, dont ask how)

  3. Wow... So someone else than me has RealFlow 5 here :P.

    I have posted mine allready, so i dont brother to do it again (Just check my sig, thats my wallpaper.)

    BTW. Could anyone suggest good monitoring program for win7 (CPU, RAM, temperatures etc.)

    I have RealFlow too, I just barely use it.

    Anyway, HWMonitor is a good program to monitor your temperatures. And it's free.

    I would like realflow, but it crashes too easily if you have couple million particles :/

    Going to try HWMonitor ->

  4. Here is my current wallpaper.

    *CyriusG's desktop*

    Wow... So someone else than me has RealFlow 5 here :P.

    I have posted mine allready, so i dont brother to do it again (Just check my sig, thats my wallpaper.)

    BTW. Could anyone suggest good monitoring program for win7 (CPU, RAM, temperatures etc.)

  5. post-191-129815615896_thumb.png

    * *


    (it's Lil Cal from Homestuck)

    Also MiF did some neat redstone engineering on the eyes, thanks MiF!

    And of course you took SS when i say something, in finnish.

    Check my random music player near spawn btw. :V

  6. It's ofc cool to have these things. But isnt it just easier to use keyboard and mouse.

    I only know one "input" device (like mouse/keyboard) which can be in public use about in 10 years, is Emotic EPOC.


    Yea. you actually use your computer with thoughts. Not usefull for playing tho because of delay.

  7. I didnt even realize there was a valentis day.... oh well. It was normal to me (Talking with nerds at school, listening half-nerd teachers, more talking with nerds. Nerding at home)

  8. I actually liked the jungle setting more, but let's just wait for the mod community to bring that back.

    Yea i liked jungle more (untill facking aliens came, they ruined Far cry 1 and Crysis.) Hope someone takes crysis 1 campaings to crysis 2 :P

    Beta was epic, and would be epicer without bugs/crashes. Going to buy ASAP when it comes to steam. (22 march right?)

  9. The new map should be a country, different cities and shit.

    No ego towers.

    Like the Bucket bay/Sand Central world

    Like map before superconstruct thing (just that yes).

    It was best until that thief found dust bridge (or what was it?)

  10. Anything in your dream has been seen in real life at least once.

    About faces, its the same deal. All faces you see on the street can appear in your dreams.

    That sounds familiar... I have many, MANY times had deja-vu feeling, when i saw same situtation in my dreams. And then i can almost (not precisly, somewhere near what i saw in dreams) know, what will happen.

  11. Gathering evidence after you say you are going to do that? Even if someone from forums would be stealing, would he be so stupid to stole after this? :faceslap:

    Squirrel-Dude is one of most strustful guys i know here at l4g.

  12. Just waiting for that official mod support to come along so I can invoke permanent martial law (since you guys seem to like that so much).

    Why are you assuming anyone would like it?

    It's not my fault everyone entering the server gets/got whitelisted without any way of knowing how will they behave.

    I still think that over 100, or 50 posts is what people need to get whitelisted. Not so much players, but it would be more enjoyable.

    BTW. Just finished history course, and for some reason our minecraft history bring up my mind history from cavemans to new age. Here's what i have been thinking.

    1 - 2 worlds: Cavemans, no rules, just survive. Madness and chaos

    couple next worlds: Middle age (aka Dark age), world restarted many times, robbers, griefs, not much of rules.

    5. save(?) and so on: New age: Rules, peace. But still robbers, griefs, but no cheaters.

  13. What happened to the idea of this just being a community server??


    I dont play minecraft much, but i think this is the problem (and it is.) First it was like only for community, those who are in L4G, for not just because Minecraft. Now we take everyone to minecraft who says "Hey imma red rules, me can destroy place nauw?"


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