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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. From my experience posing in program such as 3dsmax is a lot easier than Gmod for example.

    But I guess it's just matter of practising. You should google an image with the pose you want to do and try copying it in the pose.

    Could I try one of the rigs (assuming theyre 3dsmax)?


    As i said before, it would be much easier, if bones would be rigged, or easy to rig. But MNC bones suck SO much, you cant rig them well into any rig.

  2. Meh it may be hard because of the software but isn't it actually called "posing" meaning that it doesn't really have to be natural ? True , the spy's hands look a bit forced but hey , he doesn't usually hold more than a butterfly-knife .

    Yea i know. If i would learn to make, or get better rigs, it would be MUCH easier, but it needs much work :/

  3. I found out how to unpack models and textures from Monday Night Combat, so i decided to do something with them.

    So i started this little project called "TF2 meets MNC" where i "pose" TF2 and MNC guys together (Spy and assasin, engineer and support etc.)

    Here's first, VERY crappy picture what i did. Future pictures will be MUCH better (i hope).


    Some notes.

    1. I can face pose MNC guys, but no TF2 guys. Thats why their faces are hided somehow.

    2. Posing may seem... strange (when thinking how human really would be) because posing MNC guys is slow because their bones.

  4. Oh this is about sleeping dreams. Not dreams.

    10 points!!!

    I rarely remember my dreams. Last dream i remember... Well i was in minecraft (the guy), i was on rollercoaster (rails with minecart) and it rails ended to chunk-missing-hole-thing and i dropped to there, falled like 2 minutes, hitted something, waked up, and dropped from bed.

  5. a sexy Girlfriend/Wife who always wanted sex.

    Even tho I had no penis, I would still be very happy when I see her beauty. I guess...

    Would you rather have one gigantic finger, or have millions of tentacle fingers

    Millions on tentacle fingers. You cant press keyboard buttons with one gigantic one.

    Would you rather be best hacker in world, or best anti-hacker in world?

  6. Scarest games i know...

    Minecraft, because of mobs D:

    and FPS creator (An "old" "game", where you "create" your FPS game) Which had so many scary bugs, that i havent been more scarried in my entire live.

  7. That looks awesome, mind sharing some stuff that you used?

    I installed everything in this topic except the handheld torch.


    To clarify, these:

    MCPatcher, and my texture pack (see above)

    MrMMods with my map color support files. (see below)

    Wild Grass. (install everything but terrain.png)

    And the texture pack ofcourse.

    Hmhmhm... Well i like that, but i like normal minecraft skin too. But that handled torch is just o.0

  8. Heres my design. Made it under 45 minutes :P

    I made all posing on gm_construct... alyx's face went slightly funny but meh.

    May i suggest a song to go with it?


    Its 1024x1024 and good quality but its shrinked because of the forum thing so its not that good quality unless u click it


    Well thats what i can call loading screen, but maybe some more "flashy" (more effects? lights? FoV? etc.)

  9. is your ISP busy fixing ISP stuff? if you have UPC, this happens often

    i don't know about other ISPs but i could be you whole neighborhood is down and has no internet connection.

    you should ask you neighbor if he has internet. if not, then you ISP is busy at your hub of your neighborhood.

    if he has internet that i must be inside of you home.

    Steam could also have difficulties on the moment, but they usually report something this big.

    edit: or just wait until tomorrow...

    Did you read my whole post? I said i can play games and stuff, but steam wont download anything.

  10. Okey. Today morning i tried play Gmod, and it didnt launch, checked is there any fixes to this, and found out that reinstalling Gmod is best idea, so i tried that.

    Okey. Unistalled Gmod, starting download again, "Servers are too busy to handle your request blabla..." Okey waited hour, again same, waited more time, still same. Then i tried continue any downloads, and i wasnt able to update/download any game...

    In Nuttshel: Cant download ANYTHING via steam, games work tho.

    Here's what i have tried.

    - Delete Clientregistery.blob and downloading that stuff again.

    - Tried opening some router ports

    - Full and clean reinstaltion of steam (expect i saved steamapps folder)

    * I have had some problems with avast WebShield, but i have disabled it.

    Does ANYONE know any other ways to fix this... :(

  11. meh, i dont want to even bother about new settlement or minecraft, cause i know i will get robbed and nothing will happen to the robber.

    Clavus, i dont think that will help at all to report the damage and see what you can do, because we know it will happen again and again until the theif has like over 1000 resources of everything. I see only 2 possible ways, Locked Chests or Unwhitelist everyone and whitelist only people that we can trust who are from l4g

    Agreed. IMO that idea that only guys with over 100 posts are whitelisted.

  12. yeah it does Nobana, ofcourse a bit updated but it's the same engine.

    Meh.... actually CoDs use Quake3 engine, little bit modified of course :D

    Silver Dot:

    1. Even if you would be able to run it well, it may start crashing and freezing.

    2. You can be able Campaing and zombies, but check 1. what you get from MP.

    3. Its not so good as you may think (maybe to first prestige)

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