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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. There are 2 ways, easy (not real way) and not so easy (real way)

    Not so easy way getting unusual scrap is hitting Houseman (Boss) with meele once, and then kill with others (you dont need to be killer) But dont die, otherwise you need to hit him again with meele.


    1. Make own server and take event map (One with boss)

    2. Wait until "Waiting for more players" thing passes

    3. Open console and paste this code in

    sv_cheats 1; noclip; hurtme -999999999; bot; tf_halloween_force_boss_spawn; sv_cheats 0

    4. Find boss and kill it with MEELE

    5. Suicide and you will get your metal

    Script made 95% by me (friend told me command for spawning boss)

  2. ..............................................................................................



    .................Best sig ever............................................................... .(NUTS)......................................................................................





























  3. well im going to have to make a new world because I accidently made my over 2000TNT underground deposit blow up literlly raping half the map.. might post a pic soon

    yes I cheated to get that much tnt :V

    Should've recorded the explosion for lulz.

    will do next time

    Well good luck with that... If you really did have 2k TNT and blowed it, and then you try to record it? huh... my computer dosent even stand 500 :D

  4. 943215590d1284124640-show-je-werk-gameplek-6186e28f_1243800847538.jpg









    But there is topic for rigs (computer desks) :D

    EDIT: Are you assasin or sumthing? (Right side of picture)

    EDIT 2: You life in armory?

    EDIT 3: You are preparing for zombie acosalypse?

  5. I see this little game is still popular here, does anyone have a cracked version for me? x)

    you say cracked? :V hmmm contact me on steam when Im online

    NO sharing of my "crack" :angry: Go and buy it

  6. Don't lie.

    This is me and Error just last week. He's the one taking it.


    I thought we agreed to keep that to ourselves.

    And Dusty.

    And Corby.

    And Ywa who keeps watching us from the wardrobe.


    lol dont forget im under ur bed/fridge :V

    and ofc dont forget me and your hacked webcam (if you dont have one. I use hacked mic)

  7. Simply post your constructions (homes, towers, redstone circuits etc.) They can be from Multiplayer or Singeplayer.

    I'll start (again)

    Sry no video, because my fraps were broken

    My first redstone working lock.

    Try to solve it!

    Here's save file:


    How to install (if you dont happen to know)

    1. Write %appdata% in search (windows button at left bottom -> write in search bar)

    2. Go to .minecraft folder -> saves

    3. Extract World4.rar there (be aware, if you have already world4 there!!!)

  8. Lol silly people without credit cards/spare cash.

    I think this shop thing is cool, they should just rethink the prizes a bit.

    Why they should lower prices? they get HELL lot of money from those items, because people keep buying keys and hats and so on.

    Trade with sane people, not 12 year olds.

    I traded my bills hat :P I dont like it so..

    You poor poor soul. You should've waited till you could paint it black. Epicness x1000.

    Nah. i didnt liked it and traded it to

    3x box

    5x reclaimed

    1x scrap

    6x weapons

    (not a joke) :huh:

  9. Saved it as a jpg since the png was 12mb in size.

    *pic of map*

    Hooly shit... it looks you guys are building an city there, and some guys building "farm" houses to islands... I try help ppl getting stone and stuff because i am not good builder, but keep up good work ;)

  10. I liked Saxton hale mod :D. balanced (scouts are usualy stupid) and needs a bit teamwork (or camping). I dont hate that you need to wait your turn, but there is one thing i hate. Camping.

    Lets take arena_watchtower, REDs got 3 engies, all go to end of pipes and build sentrys, its almost impossible to saxton kill those guys camping there, when there is lvl 3 sentry. I won one of round like this (by camping) and admin kicked me being pussy <_< (I am not sure is that IP same server where i am)

  11. I do get the feeling that TF2 is hitting the boundary of being overfeatured... the duelling they added doesn't work at all in any normal match. Wonder how that ever passed playtesting.

    I have played 10 duels, and only 1 failed (by bug.) Its sadly true that somebodys just kill you once (1-0) and then hides at spawn <_<. Also, you need to win 25*25 duels to get silver. :mellow:

  12. Huh. Store is pretty awesome in a way. yes i know some items are WAYY too overpriced (and most of hats) but get some boxes and buy some keys -> safe lots of money

    example. i have got 5 hats, 10 duelling items, 2 paints, 8 weapons. "Only" wasted 20€. some of them i did with crafting.

    Apparently there are some 'rare' weapons going around that create particle effects and stuff. Read: flamethrower with green flames etc.

    I keep using my money on keys until i get one of these :D

    EDIT: Found couple bugs.

    1. Sometimes you can disguise when you have Eternal Price (new spy knife) equiped.

    2. You can get Duel medal (similar like those bronze, silver, golden and primeval medals) when you win your first round. Normaly you get bronze (and you get bronze) but when you wear it, it shows as an Golden one.

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