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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. 1. they have to be red and blue

    2. i dont think those 3D glasses (which lincs are made of glas) dont work, its for different kind of illusion

    @Burn: i try. but i need to make new pictures (deleted old ones :()

  2. i used simple 3D glasses from Guiness world records 2009. it needs be just simple red and blue glass. thanks juggernaunt.

    PS: many people owns 3D glasses, they just dont know it

  3. Was boring (too much used as an reason) so i made old fashion way 3D picture from TF2 goldrush map, this makes it look it will come out of the monitor, also you can "touch" it. you need those 3D glasses to see it as an 3D (red and blue.) if its good and want more i will make


    best parts you can see 3D is rocks (closer) and walls and gates (far) are going "inside" monitor. you need to watch it right, like imagine yourself in there and how would be you watching.

    pls comment if some fixing or other stuff. ;)

    and i am willing to tell if somebody wants to know how to make these.

  4. me and some of my friends are having troubles while playing on pl when about full server (my finland friends. no lemon. 5 of us) i got 24mb cabel net. and it dosent lag on css or other tf2 servers, but this :(

    pls fix it. also many are having troubles with lag spikes <_<

  5. ehhh... i read those first posts. megaupload dosent need any programs. its just hard to find how to upload (first page when coming to site) and secondly, it dosent mess up WinRar (i think) and it uploads faster (on me). but of course waiting time to download is rubish

  6. PLS dont kill this topic... it was lots of fun reading old posts XD

    i think i am only one not-sexy and no girlfriend guy who posted hes picture. *pelkurit* <_<

    more pics... PLS

  7. 1. Real name and age?

    Anssi and i am 15 years old

    2. Where do you live?


    Pohjois-karjala (north-karjala?) near russia (about 10miles to border) in city called Kitee

    3. Previous experince with communities and boards?

    nope. my first community, where i play and use forums

    4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job)

    saving money from summer jobs. next summer i go to magazine. :D

    5. Go to school? If yes, studying what?

    at the momment 9. grade. but going to high school

    6. Describe yourself with 3 words? (looking forward to that one, lol ;))

    friendly. sometimes lazy and taking TOO much job (more than 3 words?)

    7. Anything else you wanna tell us?

    ehm... doing (trying) about anything on computer. modelling. mapping. coding and so on. and that way trying to help mr.green.



    note: i dont use glasses anymore. picture was when littlebrother used some program that takes images from webcam every minute. this was the best :P

  8. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... *facepalming and facebashing and other face stuff* srsly i didnt expect when making this app. that it will be came big war of admins and users. but thats okey... this has some point

  9. thank you grasshoper. i know ERROR is playing other servers too. i and i think rogue are happy that others too think that we need admins to other servers too

    its arena vs. pl now

  10. and i am not asking full admin powers to forums or IRC. just ingame moderator powers. like kicking or admin texts

    I think you have to be a 100% admin

    I know from gmod, you cant apply just for one server

    i know this... but i dont ask powers to ban people or anything like that. just something that keeps server clean. like kick for 30min as an maximum or admin texts (big text on screen), in all tf2 servers

  11. okey. i dont mind about negative post about my english. its ok.

    ok. heres some thoughts from pl_. cp_. ctf_ and Koth_ players. WE NEED ADMINS THAT PLAY ON OTHER SERVERS THAN IN ARENA. i have seen axon. nphect and some other admins playing just arena. sometimes ERROR or npchect seen in pl.

    being admin is more than being on forums and IRC. Left4green is all about community and playing, and we have lots of you people in forum or IRC moderators. Have you forget about gamin man... here's one big reason to acecpt this. or if you dont accept this then add some other admins. i dont say you have to take everyone that asks to be admin. just more players in it.

    PS: above text is mostly from insane.rogue. but i strongly agree

  12. well my names are giantic. and i like that. deal with it. my name todays are that [lol]^1[FF]^0{[MiF]}.

    Can you still write reasonable on forums too? Or are you too lazy for that ;) ?

    maybe its some tiredness and little bit lazy. i dont know every word right and my spelling dosent go right. i know one criteria was proper english. pls dont take it as an lazynees. look at the d**m clock. GTM + 2 here

  13. Never seen you on Arena. Can't join PL or CTF/CP though.

    TBH, you need to be more "serious". If you'd write an app, atleast take note for grammar/vocab and adding dots at the end of each sentence. Makes for a lot more comfortable read.

    /teacher off

    Good luck.

    thanks. that serius part... it went along when making app to teacher. sry about that. and you are right with dots, i got 7 in finland, but i hope thats not big problem, also this is my first... second... third long text i writed in english.

    ingame language is better cuz its just easier

    kiitoksia lemon. näin sinunkin hakemuksen ja toivotan parasta onnea ;) (in finland to the lemon)

    idk why i dont see you guys often ingame. i play with [lol] group (loads of lunatics) alot and with rogue and leigh king. maybe the time when we are playing. 95% time i have played tf2 is mr.green servers.

    my text is hard to read. i know ;(. medium finland language + medium english + mistakes = BAD

  14. Gameserver: TF2 mostly PL. but also CTF/CP (if there is players ^^) and arena

    ingame name: [lol]^1[FF]^0{[MiF]}

    Age: 15 (just?)

    Country of origin: Finland

    Link to SteamCommunity profile : Mah ultimate steam profile with amazing avatar

    Little (a exam test with 50 lines?) something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:

    okey... where i do start. boy from finland, who likes play LOTS of mr.green in TF2 (mostly PL) and is good at it. but some reason i dont know why, there is spammers (well mute?), tele buggers, hackers, maggots etc. in server and no admin around, today i had to ask ERROR 401 to come help. i have been admin (moderator) in one CSS server until someone killed it, i like use mic in reasanoable situations (like rogue or leigh king) and try to be nice (and i am). as you can see at my profile, i dont got any warnings or VAC bans, and lots of tf2 playtime :D. and last, but not at least, i dont ask FULL admin powers, if you (admins) want to give full admin powers, moderator is fine, like only kicks and admin texts, also my opion is that mr.green needs admins. they are not there when suppost to be (no offense). only minus (i think) is that i have to use forums more often, at this stage i didnt have any things to post, and other is that sometime i got problems with reality and i cant play in 2 days max. hope this is fine

    PS: "Finnish always wins" and finland ad (NO OFFENSE)

    PSS: believe or not... school help me in this ^^. we studied how to make apps in different situtations, and believe. making this app was way more easier than making it to teacher, who barely gives even nine as an number (4-10 numbers, 4 worst) and request at least 5 pagegs of text.

    I <3 every nice user of mr.green

    Ywa's edit: Prefers TF2. Likes CSS too.

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