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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. i tried both ctf/ct and koth server. couple friends joined... couple minutes and got timed out.

    also in pl_ server i got (dunno others) big lag spikes and almost time outs.

    hope this fixes soon

  2. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer.

    He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls. He turned off his very small computer and went to the sex shop where Sneed was with his mother buying mans stuff.

    After seeing Sneed he ran away looking at headcrab which was on the red bus. Then Pufulet took out his gun called the Jiggalo3000 and shot headcrab right in the balls. but then he died very fast because of poison in headcrabs




    Attack: Pitches his ideas at you until you agree.

    Upon Death: Sacrifices a thousand dead memes.

    CoolDown time(VS) 50 years

    Pros: Can outmatch 'slap chop'

    Cons: Vince looks like a scout, and billy mays looks like a slim-fast heavy.

    DONT KILL ME :yay: :yay:

    How about a zombie called gabe newell and when he says something everyone belives and when its time to for him to attack he delays it.

    HAHAHAH... :rofl:

  4. isnt this free world where you can show you thoughts?

    No, it isn't, it's what it should be. Now it's a world where these people wanna kill you because they disagree with you.

    The world's not like that at all. I'm gonna fucking kill you for saying that.

    i think internet is going that way, also disagreing with mafia is bad. Here finland teachers will blame you and give negative weedbacks if you dont show your OWN feelings/thoughts.

    but like i said before. I try stand this. :P

  5. Name: Birther (better name needed)

    HP: 100 (weak)

    in nuttshel: zombie which "births" normal zombies or some new invented zombies.

    longer description: So this zombie can make zombies, which are in "statis" -> doing nothing (in egg?) until

    1. Survivors shot near (like witch)

    2. Birther die and explode like boomer or

    3. Birther hit someone with claw.

    zombies will start attacking "boomed" or marked survivor. Birther can birth 20 - 30 zombies(?) in one live.


    -some more decoy/killer zombies


    -weak and hard to use

    maybe not best idea. but still i would love it

  6. Milking money till cash cow is dry.

    more than true. CoD modern warfare was last game which one was g00d. modern warfare 2 is just like first with some updates. still curius about this one...

    we will see... we will see..

  7. crits are part of the game. crits are for balance, thought your crit change rises when you do more dmg, but if there is example. Heavy with 2 medics, how you gonna kill heavy without crits? well sniper and backstab.

    i say tf2 NEEDS criz

  8. uhh. when i first saw this, someone was spamming dispensers a LOT. then just tookt demoman and BOOM AND MORE BOOMBOOMBOOM lotta points. too bad that green-coins werent working then :D

    L4G is just "another" server to someone.

    thats true. i think most of the players are randoms, but still why use glitches? of course its fun duh.

  9. lock this topic? i think this disgussion is over.

    my thoughts. SPEAK ENGLISH!! IF YOU ARE NOT GOOD SPEAKING IT, THEN WRITE! ok sory my big text, its just that many gots so little nuts in their head and dont get it.

    and if you got muted... whats so big problem? rejoin -> kicked or banned for sometime = now you go a problem

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